After refueling, the two cars drove one after the other. Li Yin sat in the back seat and admired the scenery of the countryside through the car window. As the car drove, she gradually felt the atmosphere of Luoan Town. It was a long-lost intimacy, as if she had returned to her childhood. After passing a sign, the buildings of Luoan Town could be seen in front. As soon as she entered the town, the car braked immediately. Li Yin stretched her head and frowned: "Is this... caused by an accident?" "I guess it is." The road ahead could no longer be driven. All she could see were the wreckage and fragments of cars. A rough count showed that there were at least a dozen cars, and the fragments were spread everywhere. The driver got out of the car, frowning and looking forward: "This is not right. I remember that the road here in Luoan Town is very wide, and there is usually no traffic jam. Why are there so many car accidents today?"

Li Yin did not speak. She walked to a car and looked at the deformed front of the car with a frown. These cars have one thing in common, that is, the front of the car is severely deformed, as if it hit a concrete wall, but there are obviously no obstacles around.

At this time, the voice of another driver came from not far away: "Brother, what's going on? Is it a serial rear-end collision?"

Li Yin looked in the direction of the voice and saw that there were actually quite a few people standing at the corner of the road. They were pointing in this direction, and some of them were taking pictures and recording videos with their mobile phones.

Seeing the three people coming over, one of them laughed and said, "Three more come. Do you think they will be the same as those people?"

Li Yin's enhanced hearing naturally heard this sentence clearly. She raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at the person who spoke. She saw that the person's eyes were teasing, as if he was waiting to see a good show.

This person must know something.

The driver had already approached, ready to ask the man about the matter, but when he got closer, he found that there were actually several acquaintances among the crowd of onlookers.

"Old Tan, you are back too?"

A middle-aged woman waved to the driver, with a bit of excitement and joy on her face, obviously they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

The driver also recognized the other party, and he exclaimed in surprise: "Sister Zhao, why are you here too? Didn't you go to the provincial capital?"

Sister Zhao smiled and nodded: "Yes, something happened at home suddenly, so I came back to see."

As she said, her eyes fell on Li Yin, and she asked curiously: "Old Tan, who is this?"

"Oh, this is a passenger I picked up, going to Lao Qin's house to worship his ancestors." The driver briefly introduced.


Li Yin listened to their words, looked at their expressions and movements, and always felt that something was wrong, a little... inconsistent.

Turning back to take a look at the accident scene, she understood where the incongruity was.

Suddenly chatting about family matters at the accident scene?

It is reasonable to say that Sister Zhao may be used to the current scene, but what's going on, driver Lao Tan? Don't you want to ask about the situation?

And this group of people, a rough observation seems to be divided into two groups, one group is similar to Sister Zhao, with a smile on their faces, as if the car wreckage in front does not exist, and they chat with the people around them.

The other group has a gloomy face, standing next to the car on the side of the road, not saying a word.

Li Yin also noticed the cars on the side of the road at this time, there are private cars and taxis, and the license plates are also from all over the country. They probably rushed back after receiving the call.

Then why are they gathered here?

At this time, a cry came from behind: "What? Can't get out? What do you mean I can't get out? I still have to go to work on Monday. If I can't get out, it will cost me my life?"

The voice is the driver of the car I met on the road just now. He seems to have found a familiar person on the other side and got some news.

"Isn't the road right here? There's nothing blocking me, I'll drive now!"

After saying that, he didn't wait for others to stop him, and quickly ran back to his car, started the engine, reversed, turned, accelerated, and then with a "bang", it seemed to hit an invisible wall, the front of the car was instantly broken, and the whole car body trembled.

The driver's face changed, and he ran over quickly, only to see that the driver of the car had fainted, and there was blood on his head, it seemed that he was hit hard.

Everyone talked about it, and the scene became even more noisy for a while.

Sister Zhao was happily discussing that another person had died, while the other side had an extremely ugly face.

Li Yin looked at the deformed front of the car and frowned.

Judging from the collision of the car just now, the town seemed to be hit by some invisible

The hood covered the town, and people could only enter but not leave. Moreover, it could be inferred from the distribution of the car wreckage that the hood was expanding.

From the first wreckage to now, it has expanded more than 300 meters.

Can I go out?

Li Yin didn't know, but now was not the time for experimentation. First, there were too many people around, which was inconvenient; second, even if he went out, he couldn't solve the problem. The problem must be inside.

Didn't he come here to investigate the anomaly? The current situation showed that there was indeed something in the town, and it was indeed very strong.

In other words, the energy that could be provided after killing it would be very large!

Thinking of this, Li Yin became excited.

The people next to him saw the arc of the little girl's mouth and couldn't help shaking their heads.

Such a cute little girl, it seems that there is no hope.

Li Yin watched the driver, Lao Tan, dragging the injured person out of the car from a distance. Because the car's suction was very strong, the entire front of the car was smashed. The driver's head was stuck in the broken front windshield, and blood was gushing out. It seemed that he was breathing out more than breathing in.

Lao Tan cried and pulled, but he couldn't pull it out by himself. He turned around and shouted to the people behind him, but they were indifferent. Some of them even sneered, as if they were enjoying a tragedy.

Li Yin thought about it and was about to help, but her arm was pulled by someone.

Turning around, she saw a woman who looked to be in her thirties, shaking her head at her: "Don't go, don't do unnecessary things..."

Li Yin looked into her eyes and frowned: "What is unnecessary things, you know something, right?"

The woman stopped talking and just shook her head.

Seeing that she was not going to speak, Li Yin stopped asking questions, broke free of the woman's hand, and walked straight to the driver Lao Tan.

With her help, the injured person was successfully rescued and laid flat on the ground, but Lao Tan was devastated to find that the person had stopped breathing.

"Call 120! Help!" Lao Tan took out his mobile phone tremblingly, but found that there was no signal on the mobile phone. He looked around anxiously, hoping to find other people who could help.

However, the onlookers were accustomed to this, and some people were even laughing and discussing that the car accident just now was not spectacular enough.

Li Yin also took out her mobile phone to check, but of course, in such a situation, this broken signal must be unreliable.

Looking down at the corpse, she suddenly widened her eyes and saw that colorful light bands were floating on the corpse. The light bands floated into the air and seemed to be slowly dissipating.

This light band looks familiar...

The color is a bit like... the experience points for killing ghosts!

This idea made her feel a little scary. Killing ghosts has experience points, so does killing people have experience points?

No, this is impossible!

Li Yin hurriedly shook her head, trying to dispel this absurd idea, but her hand uncontrollably reached the top of the corpse's head and gently touched the light band.

There was no pleasure of energy flowing into the body, but instead a memory appeared in her mind.

It was the memory of the corpse before his death, including his wife, children, and more work...

Before he died, his strongest desire was to leave the town and return to Linhai to keep his job.

The picture disappeared, and Li Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no increase in energy, otherwise what would happen to me? No one would believe me if I said I was not an evil cultivator!

But... have I awakened a new ability?

Otherwise, why didn't the corpse I saw at the scene of Feng Qi's case have this light band?

Or does it only have this light band on people who have just died?

Looking at the gradually dissipating light, Li Yin felt that the latter guess was more reliable.

She looked down at the corpse and fell into deep thought.

Could it be that these lights are actually the obsessions of the deceased? Or souls?

I feel like this ability has no other uses, except for being a detective.

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