Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 338 This place is called Penglai, the residence of the immortal king

[Countdown to return: 3, 2, 1...]

At the last second of his return, Jiang Ming snapped his fingers.

Time stands still again.

Fixed in the moment of imminent return.

Do it all.

Jiang Ming fell.

He no longer paid attention to the fluorescent gray panel in front of him.

Pure Land does not respect martial ethics. If you want to expel him from the impel city prison copy in advance, you have to ask him if he is willing.

He likes it here very much.

You don't want him to go unless you ask him.

Between him and the Pure Land, offense and defense changed.


The deputy warden had already walked over, rubbing his hands. He looked like a young servant who was extremely excited when he saw the distinguished guest. He completely lost the dignity and pride of a ghost king.

His tone was full of admiration and worship.

"Young Master Jiang is so powerful that he is the number one human being. I am so lucky to be able to meet you today."

The deputy warden of Impel Down was flattering.

A smile appeared on his face.

The body is slightly bent.

Put yourself down.

A group of jailers and ghosts also surrounded him.

There was an astonishing roar of cheers.

Applauding Jiang Ming's performance.

There was awe and enthusiasm on every ghost's face.

That look clearly placed Jiang Ming in a very high position.

Even the warden of Impel Down City has never been surrounded by so many wardens.

For those who didn’t know, they thought Jiang Ming was the warden here.

Calling before and responding later.


He watched his subordinates and low-level jailers pass by him, and none of them looked at him, as if they hadn't seen the scene.

He couldn't hold himself any longer.


He has only been gone for less than ten days. Has the prison in Chengdu changed hands?

Are ghosts starting to work hard to please humans?

At this time.

Another group of jailer ghosts came behind them, wearing heavy clothes and with unmelted snow on their shoulders. Obviously, these were jailer ghosts coming out of the third level of extremely cold hell.

The leader was a ghost king-level ghost with a weak aura and a look that had been severely injured.

It was the director of the Extreme Cold Hell Prison who was rescued by Jiang Ming.

"The Warden."

The warden was very pleased to hear that a ghost finally noticed him. He finally had no sense of presence here.


The warden of Impel Down with his meticulously combed hair turned back and was about to speak when the warden behind him added: "Warden, can you get out of the way? You are blocking us from seeing our savior."


The languid ghost king-level warden pushed aside the warden with an impatient expression and strode towards Jiang Ming.

There was a look of deep gratitude on Ghost's face.

He bowed and saluted in front of Jiang Ming with great respect: "Mr. Jiang, I have heard from the prisoners on the third floor that you saved my life and helped suppress the prisoners. This great favor will be rewarded by me in the future." Please accept my courtesy as well."


The prison district chief ghost bowed deeply again.

A group of third-level jailer ghosts behind him also performed this grand ceremony.

The ghost's face was filled with gratitude.

Because of the rebellion of the quasi-ghost-king-level deputy district chief, their entire third-level prison staff was wiped out. If Jiang Ming hadn't helped suppress the riot, every one of them would have been held responsible and imprisoned.

Even if it weren't for Jiang Ming's unexpected intervention, it was not certain whether the prisoners on the third floor would survive after they really broke through the Impel City Prison.

Such a great favor deserves a big gift from them.

See this.

Jiang Ming smiled.

Accept it with peace of mind.

Dayi said solemnly:

"Everyone is responsible for suppressing prisoners. I just did what I should do, and it's not worth mentioning."

These words made all the jailers and ghosts applaud and cheer.

Thumbs up.

Take a look.

This horse riding is the realm of thought.

They are beyond reach.

Such a great man, why don't you go up and worship him right away?

For a while.

There was an endless stream of flattery from the ghosts.

Bragging in different ways.

He looked like he wanted to put Jiang Ming on the altar.

This scene.

The ghost of the warden was stunned for a moment.

He quickly grasped the point.

Asked: "Is it not just the two second-level ghost kings who attacked, but also other intruders broke into the prison?"

The superintendent, Ghost, gave the answer.

"Yes, in the third level of the extreme cold hell where I am, there is a quasi-ghost king-level deputy warden who rebelled, secretly opened the prisoner's cell, and poisoned us without our knowledge, causing the prisoner The rampage began, and even the second level of Hunger Hell was affected, and all the prisoners escaped. "

"If it hadn't been for Mr. Jiang's golden chariot to suppress the turmoil at the critical moment, and the legend that there had been no escapees in Chengda Prison for thousands of years would have been declared broken."

Hear the words.

The face of the warden ghost changed in shock.

I originally thought that there was an enemy planning to break into Impel Down City, but I didn't expect that they were cooperating inside and outside, and they happened to choose it when he was not around.

Judging from the situation, the enemy's plan was undoubtedly successful.

If it weren't for the unexpected factor of Jiang Ming, the deputy warden alone would not be able to defend it.

It was only a matter of time before the prisoners escaped en masse.

The myth that Impel City has maintained for thousands of years will also be disintegrated immediately.

By then.

Impel Down City will no longer be a restricted area for ghosts that can only be entered and cannot be exited.

Think of this possibility.

The prison warden also looked at Jiang Ming with deep gratitude.

Just about to go over and talk, to show his presence.

At this moment.

The Iron Tower Ghost beside him had already walked over before him.

A flattering expression also appeared on the upright and rough ghost face.

"Doctor Jiang, I didn't expect it was really you. When I returned to Wuhui City a few days ago, there were legends about you everywhere. In terms of reputation, you can be compared with Lord Wuhui Ghost King, and even surpass him. I admire you very much."

The warden was slightly stunned.


You also flattered him?

You are the leader of the ten Yin Shuai of Wuhui City.

In Wuhui City, there are few people whose status can match yours.


Aren't you the most ruthless and impartial?

How come you also learn to flatter?

The warden gasped.

Although he has an advantage in terms of rank, he really can't compare with the Iron Tower Ghost in terms of status.


Even the leader of the ten great Yin Marshals has begun to fawn on him, so why is he still being reserved?

He should flatter him quickly.


The crowd of people who followed him became even bigger.

People were everywhere trying to establish connections.

A jailer ghost was still asking, asking Jiang Ming when he would become the warden after such great contributions.

This made the real warden ghost's face darken.

He thought this was no fun.

The reputation of this human Jiang Ming had surpassed his, and there was a trend of his merits surpassing his master.

He was obviously the warden of Pushing City.

The Iron Tower ghost seemed to see the other party's thoughts and broke a news.

"According to my internal information, Master Jiang has participated in the battle for the city god outside the Pure Land, and according to the current trend, he is far ahead in terms of strength, which means that there is a certain probability that the future Lord of the City of No Return will fall on Master Jiang."

"In other words, you, the warden of Pushing City, are likely to become his direct subordinate in the future."

Hearing this.

The warden's eyelids jumped fiercely.

"Humans can also participate in the battle for the city god? This seems unfair to humans, after all, those who can participate, the forces behind them have been working outside the Pure Land for a long time, just for this moment."

The Iron Tower Ghost looked as if you still underestimated him, and said with exclamation in his tone: "You don't know, Jiang Shenyi's status in the City of No Return is not low at all. He is a divine doctor and the king of pills. His followers include not only the ghost craftsmen of the instrument king level, but also the legendary figure Hanba Ghost King. Even the ghost king-level force Golden City belongs to him."

"He alone is a top ghost king-level force."

Hearing this.

The warden was completely dumbfounded.

He was shocked.

It took a long time to calm down.

If the person who said this was not the Iron Tower Ghost, the leader of the Ten Yin Marshals, he would definitely be highly skeptical about this.

But now...

He believed it.

This human simply disdained to snatch his position as warden.

He looked down on this position.

He was just being sentimental.

After a long while.

The warden of the Push City Prison looked at Jiang Ming's back surrounded by people and murmured in a low voice: "Who is this Mr. Jiang?"

The Iron Tower Ghost shook his head: "No ghost knows, but... he is undoubtedly a god."

The warden was shocked.

Without hesitation.

He ran forward immediately.

When he came to Jiang Ming, his elite ghost face also piled up the same eager smile as the deputy warden, and said: "Mr. Jiang, I am the warden of the Push City Prison and the person in charge here. I heard that Mr. Jiang was sent here because of some things, and he still has a long sentence?"

Jiang Ming nodded slightly.


Although the sentence is now emptied, as long as he does not remove the effect of stillness, the Pure Land cannot forcibly deduct his sentence and let him be released after serving his sentence.

The deputy warden took the opportunity to take credit and said, "Warden, I have applied for a 5,000-year commutation date for Mr. Jiang, and handed over my pass handprint so that Mr. Jiang can move freely in the prison."

The warden waved his hand.

He scolded, "I have to criticize you for this. How can you be so negligent towards Mr. Jiang? You know what the environment is like in the prison. Can Mr. Jiang get used to it? Even if he can move freely, he can only smell the rotten smell of the prison?"

Deputy warden:?

Before he could open his mouth to refute, the warden had already taken the lead and said his own way of hospitality.

"Mr. Jiang, this is my negligence. Living in prison is not as good as living outside. I will gather the prisoners and let them build a sea view villa for you on the sea, so that you can enjoy the sea view on the front line."

Deputy warden:? ? ?

You are abusing your power and using your power for personal gain?


He really can't do this privilege.

After all.

He was just a deputy, and letting the prisoners move freely in the prison was already the limit.

Unlike the warden, the most he could do was to parole the prisoners, let them go back outside, and come back after a while.

Damn it.

He actually lost in his position.

The deputy warden was angry and looked at his superior with a face full of resentment. In order to please humans, he even abused his power for personal gain.

He was still not brave enough.

The warden received the gaze of his subordinate and responded with a raised head expression.

It seemed as if he was saying: You still need to learn from me in pleasing humans.

On the other side.

Jiang Ming was also surprised.

"Leaving the prison is not considered escaping?"

The warden shook his head and said: "Mr. Jiang is willing to abide by the law, we admire it, but the cold and bitter environment of the prison is not suitable for a noble like you. I will personally approve Mr. Jiang's order to leave the prison, and then you can walk out."

Hearing this.

Jiang Ming smiled.

He didn't expect that the warden of the Push City Prison would have such a convenient position.

In this case, he had an idea in his mind.


Jiang Ming nodded.

Accepted this kindness.


He put forward his own request.

"I accept this kindness, but... the prisoners don't need to build the house from scratch. It takes too long, I can do it myself."

Hearing this.

The warden was stunned.

The iron tower ghost was also confused.

They didn't understand what Jiang Ming meant.

Do it yourself?

Does this human want to build a house brick by brick?

Born with a saintly body for infrastructure?

Fate of hard work?

Otherwise, why would he be so desperate to do it himself?

The warden opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but it was difficult to refute that if Jiang Ming did it alone, it would probably take decades to build it.

He looked at the iron tower ghost, wanting the other party to persuade him.

The deputy warden had a guess, and said with a startled face: "Mr. Jiang, do you want to show your ability to rule the world again?"

Jiang Ming did not refute.

He came to the outer wall of the prison with a relaxed demeanor.

He looked up at the boundless sky.

He stepped forward.

The lv4 ghost domain was activated.

He stepped directly on the void and came to the sky above the Netherworld Sea.

The plug-in [Magic Brush Ma Liang] was activated.

A straight brush appeared,

and was sketching in the void.


In the direction of the prison.

The warden and the iron tower ghost were puzzled.

Surprised by the ability to control the heavens and earth mentioned by the deputy warden.

Eager to know what Jiang Ming is doing.

Is there any other means for him to move a large sea view villa in a short time?


They didn't see Jiang Ming running far.

That is, he stopped in the sky above the Nether Sea, less than a few hundred meters away from the prison, holding a paintbrush and painting something.

What is this?

It feels weird.

Driven by curiosity, the warden directly asked the deputy warden, "What is the ability to control the heavens and earth you are talking about? What is Mr. Jiang doing?"

The deputy warden said in awe: "Creation, Mr. Jiang has the power to create things out of thin air."

After the words fell.

A huge shadow covered the sea.

As huge as a huge mountain.

The ghosts were startled.

Looking up.

I saw that above the Nether Sea, I don't know when, there has been a huge island floating in the boundless sky.

Judging from the shadows covering the sea surface, the diameter of this island is comparable to that of three large prisons in the Push City. Once it hits, the riverbed of the Netherworld Sea will be smashed out, achieving the effect of cutting off the flow.

This scene is too amazing.

It's like a miracle.

At the same time.

Jiang Ming's voice, like an ethereal fairy sound, sounded synchronously above the sea.

"This floating island is called Penglai."

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