Weird: Run away, he has conceptual-level abilities!

Chapter 58 Excuse me, this man wants to pick you up

This moment.

The whole place was silent.

Everyone stared blankly at the lonely background of the school bully Sun Qiang limping away, feeling as if things were right and people were different.

As a peak fierce ghost, the opponent actually lost to a human in terms of pure strength. It was unbelievable.

Isn't this human being really a ghost in human skin?

at the same time.

The five players were also puzzled.

His pupils were widened.

Damn it!

What did they see?

Jiang Ming, a new player, actually defeated a peak ghost head-on. This was even more incredible than defeating the opponent with game props.

Everyone was stunned, especially Gu Miaoli.

The little mouth opened into an O shape.

She is the one who knows the upper limit of Jiang Ming's strength best.

Judging from the traces of Jiang Ming smashing a boulder with one punch in Jinshan Park, the strength attribute is at least 90 points. After using epic props, the strength can reach a maximum of 100 points.

It is already an extremely outstanding attribute for a fourth-level ghost master.


The peak ghost is a ghost that is more powerful than the fourth-level ghost master.

Strength will not be lower than 150 points.

With Jiang Ming's attributes, he shouldn't be able to knock off the school bully.

What's going on?

Could it be that Jiang Ming's strength and attributes have been greatly improved in the seven days since he entered the Red Lotus Ghost School?

It's noisy.

If it were so easy to improve three-dimensional attributes, human beings would not be the lowest existence in the Pure Land world.

She was confused.

She felt that Jiang Ming's double smacking was beyond her imagination.

She was numb with shock.

other side.

Jiang Ming stopped.

Watching the school bully Sun Qiang leave.

If he kills the opponent in full view of everyone, then he won't be able to survive here.

Even the vice principal cannot withstand such pressure.

at this point.

Jiang Ming knew it very well.

You have to find an opportunity to take advantage of the opponent to be alone, put a sack on him and then capture him.

Think about it until this point.

Jiang Ming also turned and left.

He needs to get on the school board as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if the principal of Honglian Ghost School comes back, convenes a shareholders' meeting, and forcibly withdraws him, he won't have much countermeasures.


Under the awed gazes of all the ghost students, Jiang Ming walked towards the school bully Sun Qiang.

From the perspective of others, Jiang Ming was unwilling to let go of the school bully and chased him out.

School bully Sun Qiang also noticed something was wrong.

Look back.

All the souls of the dead are gone.

Jiang Ming had walked less than twenty meters behind him.

He was shocked.


Brother, the punch just now was on the verge of violating school rules. Are you still going to violate it to the end?

You are better than me when riding a horse.

Sun Qiang subconsciously crossed his hands, showing a defensive posture.

The head is buried behind the arms.

Prevent getting hit in the face.


The expected attack never came.

He looked sideways.

Jiang Ming had already ignored him and walked straight to the school gate.

He didn't even give him a straight face the whole time.

The contempt was evident.

"Human, if I let you be proud for a few more days, when my father comes back, you will know what true privilege is."

Sun Qiang stared at Jiang Ming's back, his eyes vicious and twisted.

To this.

Jiang Ming ignored it.

He had already arrived at the school gate and saw the ghost security guard who stood up directly because of his arrival, with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Jiang, are you leaving the school? I'll open the door for you."


The ghost security guard opened the door very diligently.

Jiang Ming asked: "Uncle, how many years have you been working as a security guard here? Do you know the terrain here?"

The ghost security guard smiled and said: "Mr. Jiang, you have asked the right person. Old man, my ancestors have lived in Minghai City for generations, and I know this place very well."

"Then how to get to the Bank of Hades?"

The ghost security guard was startled, and then his heart trembled.

He knew that Jiang Ming had a black card of Hades Bank and was an important VIP customer. How could he not know where Hades Bank was?

In other words.

The forces behind Jiang Ming are most likely from within the Pure Land.

I don’t know where the Hades Bank branch in Minghai City is.

Sure enough, her daughter was right. Jiang Ming's background was far more mysterious than imagined.

Just be respectful.

This time.

His back bent even lower.

Explained: "This is a bit difficult to explain..."

"I'll take you there."

At this time.

The cracked female teacher suddenly spoke from behind.

Jiang Ming was startled.

"Why are you where you are?"

"I'm not afraid that you will mess up again."

The cracked female teacher rolled her eyes at Jiang Ming. When she saw Jiang Ming trying to chase him out, she was frightened, fearing that the other party would behave like he did last night.

If Sun Qiang was killed on the spot, Jiang Ming would never survive until the final exam.

Jiang Ming smiled.

"Then I'll trouble you, teacher."

"By the way, I don't know your name yet, teacher."

"Is this important?"

"It's normal to want to know the name of the debtor."

"...Ren Shijing."

"It sounds really nice."

Seeing a very harmonious scene of one person and one ghost, one man and one woman walking side by side, the ghost security guard opened his mouth.

Hey, hey, you just abandoned me like this?

I'm obviously still here.

On the road.

The cracked female teacher stopped a ghost taxi.

Jiang Ming learned from the conversation that the family of this female teacher with a slit mouth was in the business of a food supplier. The previous gap of 200,000 ghost money was actually 500,000. The reason was that a batch of food was damaged and could not be delivered on time, and a huge penalty had to be paid.

Finally, it was found that this employee was bribed by the rival company and deliberately destroyed this business.

So that the funds could not be turned around.

Almost went bankrupt.

When she said this, the female teacher with a slit mouth showed some tiredness.

She laughed at herself for not being able to help her family since she was a child.

Jiang Ming put his hand on the palm of the female teacher with a slit mouth, feeling the coolness that was different from that of the cheongsam ghost, and comforted her: "Teacher, you still have me. Whether it is 200,000 ghost money, 500,000, or 1 million, as long as you need it, I can be your backer at any time."

Hearing this.

The female teacher with a slit mouth flashed a little touched.

Her eyes looking at Jiang Ming were much softer.

Even when Jiang Ming's hand was placed on her palm, she had no other reaction.

For a while.

Both of them enjoyed this moment of ambiguity.


Jiang Ming looked up and his eyes fell on the ghost driver driving in front.

At this time.

The ghost driver's eyes frequently fell on the rearview mirror.

It seemed that he thought of something funny, and the corners of his mouth almost couldn't be suppressed.

"What are you laughing at?"

Jiang Ming said dissatisfiedly.

"Nothing, just thought of something funny, you are human, right?"

The ghost driver suppressed his ridicule.

"Then what?"

"No, nothing, but I have to kindly remind the big girl next to you, this man, when he is flirting with you, dare to blow all the big words, if you really believe it, it will be terrible."

The female teacher with a slit mouth was stunned.

The next second.

The face flushed.

Immediately pulled his hand back.

Hesitantly said: "You misunderstood, he is my student, he is not, in, flirting with me."

"Explain it." The female teacher with a slit mouth pushed Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming:...

Explain what?

Explain that I want you to pay me back?

See this.

The ghost driver was even more unconvinced.

You two were almost touching each other, and you were flirting with each other. You said there was no improper relationship between you. Do you think I would believe it?

Don't underestimate the driver's intuition.

That human was clearly trying to invest in you, otherwise he wouldn't dare to say such big words.

The key is that this ghost-level female teacher looked like she believed it.

Damn, it's great to have a good face.

You can even flirt with ghosts.

He secretly complained.


The car stopped.

The slit-mouthed female teacher paid.

Jiang Ming opened the car door and walked out.

Seeing the man and the ghost walking very close, the ghost driver spat:

"Damn, have humans developed to the point where they dare to flirt with female ghosts? 500,000 or 1 million ghost money is not a problem, I think he doesn't even have 10,000 ghost money on him."

"Women with love brains are so easy to cheat."

"That human deserves to die, there are more wolves than meat, and he, a human, is trying to snatch food from the tiger's mouth. Fuck, women with good figures have holes in their brains."

The ghost driver was so envious that his back teeth were about to break.

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