It blooms brilliantly out of the box.

A purple snare drum appeared in Jiang Ming's hand.

[Grudge Snare Drum (rare): A human-faced drum made from the fur of an unknown creature. It is said that if you get close to it, you will hear a dull thunderous sound, but this is all a lie to children. Its only function is to absorb the dead. Resentment, turn it into a ghost. 】

Jiang Ming's eyes lit up.


There is absolutely no luck in finding rare-quality props in a prop box that can only yield rare props at best.

Jiang Ming grabbed the purple leather drum in his hand.

Beat the drum lightly.


Nothing happened.

Very normal.

After all, there was no sonic attack among the identified effects.

This small drum of resentment is used to absorb the resentment of the deceased and turn it into a ghost.

The first time.

He thought of magical weapons such as the Ten Thousand Soul Banner and the Soul Calling Banner.

Jiang Ming was thoughtful.

The Pure Land world seems to be full of ghosts.

Compared with the resentment accumulated by killing people, the ghost's resentment is inherently heavier, and he can definitely make up a drum of enhanced souls.

The fight between one and one turned into a group fight in an instant.

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows.

I think this idea is quite good.

Don't forget.

His reliance in the real world is not as strong as that of the game dungeon. Today, he is just a second-level ghost master. His three-dimensional attributes make him a strong man among ordinary people, but in front of experienced players, he is just a newcomer.

But it's different with the resentful spouse and snare drum.

He can completely transform ghosts into ghosts in the game copy, and then bring them back to the real world, easily achieving the goal of killing more and less.

In addition to this, there is also a perfect level ghost control contract, which must be used as soon as possible.

Jiang Ming thought in his mind.

Let your thoughts fly.


He focused on the [Forum].

This is an official forum created by Weird Game Pure Land, which is similar to a game community.

Some players are sharing strategies there, some are selling game props, and some are dedicated to the first line.

And today.

Pure Land officially opens the 5.0 version era.

The forum has a lot of new tricks.

Dungeon rankings, player level rankings, global announcements, achievement caps...

Jiang Ming was overwhelmed by what he saw.

It feels like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

In the forum, he also saw a large number of posts related to him, most of which were in disbelief, exclamation, shock, envy and jealousy.

Among them.

Jiang Ming saw a research post.

[On the analysis behind the SS-level evaluation of Wanfa Xianjun. 】

"As we all know, the Pure Land settlement evaluation is divided into three parts, clearance time, task completion degree, and achievements."

"We have learned in detail about the last twenty players who survived the dungeon of Huangquan Village. It is known that Huangquan Village is a survival type dungeon. It needs to survive for 2 hours. If you can survive by chance, it will be an A-level evaluation, so we exclude the Immortal Lord of Ten Thousand Magics. This part has the potential to receive an S-level rating.”

"The exploration degree is 100%, and there is no explanation for the S-level evaluation."

"The only remaining S-level evaluation is achievements. As far as we know, to reach S-level in this part, you need at least one epic achievement and three or more rare achievements."

"But under the two-hour time limit, it is impossible to achieve three rare achievements. We speculate that Immortal Lord Ten Thousand Magics may have achieved two epic achievements."

"Conclusion: Damn, what kind of god is this? He's so awesome."


It's all awesome +1.

"Others get epic achievements like drinking water, but you, my friend, are still working hard for a rare achievement."

"It's not fair. I obviously work so hard. I exercise every day besides checking guides. I persisted for two and a half years. Why can't I get epic achievements?"

"Look, pinkeye +1."



Jiang Ming was very interested.

He spoke: "Why can't it be a legendary achievement?"

Less than two minutes.

Someone replied: "How come newcomers are so ambitious? Do you know how difficult it is to achieve legendary achievements? Since the establishment of Pure Land, no player has achieved legendary achievements. Even among the first batch of public beta players, not all of them have achieved it. An epic level achievement, let alone a legendary level above the epic level.”

"I see."

Jiang Mingyang pondered for a moment.

Only then did he realize how terrifying his achievements were.

other side.

In a certain villa, a rich second-generation young man was preaching to an arrogant newcomer who asked "why it can't be a legendary achievement." He was very fatherly.

"Newcomers, just go to low-level dungeons to get props and save your lives, instead of thinking about legendary achievements. That's not what you should worry about."


The young man checked the speaker ID out of habit.

Those who can speak in the Pure Land Forum are those who have officially passed the Newcomer Trial Field and become players. They are the same kind of people as him. If they meet him in the future, they can still cooperate together.


His whole face froze.

Because the person who posted this comment has a game ID that is "Wanfa Immortal Lord".

It is known that the Pure Land forum cannot modify the game ID. The name in the copy will be the same as the game ID in the forum.

In other words.

This guy who made such a silly statement is the "person involved" who attracted the attention of all players today and achieved an SS-level rating.

Damn it!

Am I preaching to a monster with an SS rating?

Damn it.

Next time I will check the game ID before I speak.

The young man wanted to cry but had no tears.

At the same time as he spoke, many players also saw Jiang Ming's comments.

For a moment.

The number of replies instantly exceeded the traffic of the post itself.

Some asked for a ride, some asked about the identity, some invited...

Even the thread owner pinned the comment.

Modified the content.

[Latest news, Wanfa Xianjun is suspected to have achieved a legendary achievement! ]


For all this.

Jiang Ming no longer paid attention.

Because he had already started searching for words related to universal soul points.

He knew in his heart that the reason why he could get an SS rating was all due to the plug-in.

And the acquisition of universal soul points was related to whether he could permanently master these concept-level plug-ins in the future.

What a pity.

Jiang Ming searched for a long time, but did not find any clues.

This made him realize that the acquisition of universal soul points might really have to reach an SS rating or above.

That's why no player has seen it.

In addition.

Jiang Ming also searched for the perfect-level ghost-controlling contract and found that there were not many discussions about this item.

Only a few people revealed that this thing is very rare.

Someone else issued a bounty, offering 100 million for a perfect-level ghost-controlling contract, which can be traded in person, and the money and goods are settled. If it is not enough, we can talk about it again.

Jiang Ming smacked his lips.

Is the world of rich people so arrogant?

Willing to pay 100 million to buy it.

He has two copies in his hand.

Easily achieve two small goals.

Exit the forum.

Jiang Ming can't wait to start the next game copy.

Compared with others who are afraid to avoid it, his behavior of actively opening the copy is simply incompatible with normal people.

[Countdown: 70:00:00. ]

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