Back at the office, Lenari took out the compass-shaped "spooky detector" and couldn't wait to open it. Wow!

I saw dense red dots and red lines in the middle of the green fine silk thread, which was dazzling.

The most important thing is that this thing cannot be enlarged or reduced, so that at a glance, there is red light everywhere...

Groot approached curiously, studied it for a moment, and shook his head helplessly: "It makes sense for those crazy researchers in the Seventh Team General Administration to give up this thing."

Lenari agreed with it and threw it into the depths of the dark realm.


The idle daily life was like flowing water. One night, Lenari, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly heard a strange call.

He sat up in a daze, grabbing the thin quilt, and tried to distinguish for a long time. Lenari suddenly realized that the calling voice came from his own dark realm.

Because there was no hostility in the call, but a sense of dependence and closeness, Lenari's mood was relatively stable. Following the non-substantial, mystical call, she came to the depths of the dark realm that should have been empty except for a pile of debris she threw in.

In the depths of the pure darkness, a dim, familiar four-sided compass faintly emitted a dark golden glow.

Lenari:... What?

"Master~ I miss you so much~"

Suddenly, a metallic voice that could not distinguish between men and women said in a sticky voice in Lenari's mind.

Lenari:... Is this compass a spirit?

"It's not a spirit~" the voice said, "I was just infected by the master's breath, and evolved from an ordinary item into the master's subordinate monster~"

A complete ghost story must have one or more main monsters, and the subordinate monsters are dispensable.

Sometimes, strange stories can be equated with weirdness, such as "the slit-mouthed woman" and "the lost gothic loli", but more often, weirdness is just a subset of strange stories.

Lenari reached out and picked up the compass, which was dull and simple but emitting a faint dark golden light, and checked it over and over again.

"Wow~ Master~ I will be embarrassed if you do this~"

"Speak normally." Reinari said expressionlessly.

"Yes, Master." Compass instantly became serious.

After a moment of silence, Lenari asked: "What strange story do you belong to?"

Compass seemed a little confused: "I am your subordinate weirdness, so of course I belong to the same strange story."

Lenari was silent and asked slowly: "Then, what is the strange story that gave birth to you and me?"

Compass was even more confused: "You... don't you know? This information should be engraved in the core of our weirdness?"

"I don't know." Reinari said expressionlessly.

Luo Pan was silent for a moment, and then he said slowly: "'Darkness will devour everything'."

"Darkness will devour everything..." Lenari chewed on this short sentence carefully, and after a moment, he asked blankly and to himself, "The heat death of the universe? Cold death? Big collapse? Big rip?"

"Not really?" Lenari asked suspiciously, "This is too exaggerated?"

Luo Pan was blank: "I don't know? The strange story recorded in the core is this."

"Uh..." Lenari thought for a long time, and his head hurt, but he couldn't come up with a reliable conclusion, "Forget it, don't think about it."

"Since it is a 'strange story', it must have its source. When you encounter it, you will naturally know what it is."

"You are right." Luo Pan said.

Shaking his head to throw away this temporarily unanswered question, Lenari refocused his attention on the present, looked at the compass in his hand, and asked: "Name? Ability?"

The compass answered obediently: "As an item, the name is 'Strange Talk Detector', and the ability is similar to before, but I can roughly distinguish the specific types of those red dots."

"What is the readiness rate?" Lenari asked curiously, "By the way, no matter how you look at it, you have nothing to do with 'Darkness Will Devour Everything'?"

The compass was a little aggrieved: "I am just an item eroded by your breath... The specific function is more affected by the original attributes, and there is nothing I can do if it is not related..."

"As for the readiness rate... well... I'm not sure, I need to see it in person to know." The compass answered unconfidently.

Lenari nodded: "I will find a chance to verify it."

Just as he was about to leave the dark realm, Lenari was stopped by Luo Pan again: "Well, I dare to ask the master to give me a name."

"Uh..." Lenari thought for a while and said unconfidently, "What do you think of the name 'Kampus'?"

"It's good." Luo Pan said briskly, "From now on, I am Kampers."


Lenari separated a small partition in the dark realmAfter telling Kampers to stay inside, he returned to the bedroom in the present world, activated the special notebook of Team 7, and opened the "Magic Detective Network".

The Magic Detective Network belongs to Team 7, and there is a special team to maintain and update it. It is not open to the public, and you must scan it with the Ghost Story Detective Certificate to log in.

This website will regularly publish some information and commissions related to ghost stories, and also provide a special forum for many ghost story detectives and hunters to communicate.

The certificates held by ghost story detectives and ghost story hunters are both ghost story detective certificates. The difference is that the former is mainly for investigation, while the latter is more aggressive, usually aiming to conquer, seal, and suppress ghost stories and weirdness, which is an informal "nickname".

Lenari clicked on the commission of this city, and while browsing, he transmitted the relevant information to Kampers with mental power, asking him to compare with the known information and try to screen out the possible "red dots". Then he would go through the dark area and take a look from a distance to confirm.

There are many commissions related to the city's ghost stories on the website, but most of them are uncertain and speculative, and the rewards are not high. The ones with real evidence are either very difficult to deal with or too slippery.

Lenari's verification target is precisely those with real evidence but difficult to deal with.

Of course, Lenari carefully screened and deliberately avoided those who would be involved if they "took a look".

Soon, Kampers sent a message that he suspected that he had found the trace of the "non-existent last bus" and attached the specific platform.

Lenari raised her eyebrows. Kampers' efficiency far exceeded her expectations.

These days, Lenari, who was bored, had already memorized the map of the entire Inisere City. He immediately realized the darkness of the corresponding platform position and extended his "sight" to it, and put the photo and video equipment in place.

It was a rusty bus with most of the paint peeling off and no glass. The license plate number was DY4444. The whole car was covered with moss, and illusory water marks kept flowing down.

Lenari looked at the platform in confusion. Several young men, who were obviously alive and fighting with each other, were walking towards the open door. He didn't understand how they could be fooled by such an obvious "ghost car".

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