The dark chains sprang out from the dark background, crisscrossing and binding the "mixture of Fuldiri and the Grim Reaper's sickle" like a spider web, tightening it bit by bit.

With the seal and suppression of the chains, Lenari's tentacles stretched out, pierced into the mixture, and began to "pinch people".


After an unknown amount of time, Lenari finally pinched out a satisfactory human figure after several attempts.

The girl was 133cm tall, with long silver hair, blood-red eyes, a black Gothic short skirt decorated with blood-red roses, round-toed boots and black stockings, and her appearance vaguely resembled the past when she was "Fuldiri".

The girl held a 233cm long giant sickle in her hand, which looked no different from the Grim Reaper's sickle in the past, only slightly larger.

In addition, the girl was wrapped in dark chains of varying lengths and thicknesses, which looked quite forbidden. ——Even though Lenari has done his best to make them look more like decorations.

"Death Girl·Fuldili·Thorns", this is its name, a brand new weird story that has been transformed from the weird story "Death Scythe".

Of course, it is not the real "Thorns" yet, but it will be soon, as long as it gets the piece of Thorns inheritance blood crystal stored in the express storage of the seventh community.

Although, it does not understand why the owner is so obsessed with "Thorns".

—— "It's just a beginning and an end." Lenari said so.

After confirming that the new "Fuldili" is fine, Lenari can't wait to open a crack in the "remote place" and throw it into the world.


Ghost Annex, a classical restaurant with disordered furnishings.

With a "dong--" sound, Fuldili sat down on the rectangular dining table covered with a white tablecloth, in the empty big soup bowl, holding the giant sickle.

The young men and women sitting in two rows at the dining table were trembling: "..."

On the main seat, the ghost dressed in noble clothes was talking about the "rules of the game" in a gloomy manner: "..."

"..."Fuldili stood up expressionlessly, pointed the giant sickle in her hand at the main seat, and said indifferently, "The master said that in the territory, monsters are prohibited from harming intelligent species."

"..."The ghost dressed in noble clothes was silent for a moment, and suddenly exploded without a sound.

Fuldili had just finished accumulating power and was about to rush forward, but the target suddenly exploded. She subconsciously braked suddenly, and then...

He fell flat on his face.

A certain unlucky man who was almost beheaded by the giant sickle that flew out of his hand: "..."

Taking advantage of the guard's inattention, the other young men and women who stepped on the landmine of the "haunted house exploration": "..."

Awkward silence enveloped the haunted weird restaurant.


Dark area

Abstract weird tentacles waved wildly, and incomprehensible sharp sounds screamed one after another, piercing people's eardrums. - If there were people here.

If someone could understand the unknown language, they would understand that He was laughing wildly and rejoicing, because -

"The Internet is connected!!!" Lenari shouted excitedly.

"The Internet is connected!!!" Kampers excitedly spun at high speed on the spot.

"The Internet is connected!!!" A group of alienated things responded in unison and danced happily. - Although they did not understand why the master and the boss were so happy.


"Dark Logistics Group" chat room.

[Forever Gothic Lolita: I used my method to connect to the Internet without pollution or pollution!

Forever Gothic Lolita: This is the signal adapter I made, you can recognize it. [Full-body photo of the Death Girl Fuldiri]

The card drawing is wrong again (Anthony): What is her relationship with the strange story "Death Scythe"?

Forever Gothic Lolita: The Grim Reaper's sickle is one of the materials used to make it.

Card drawing is off again: ...

Passerby face: Is it also a ghost story?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Yes, the ghost story "Grim Reaper Girl·Fuldili·Thorns", remember to give it the blood crystal of the blood race inheritance that I stored in the express delivery temporary storage.

Card drawing is off again: OK, what are its rules?

Forever Gothic Lolita: 1. Absolutely obey the orders of me and subordinate No. 1; 2. Purge the ghost stories/weird and otherworld people who are causing trouble in the city of Iniseir; 3. Autonomously attack perverts.

Card drawing is off again: What are the specific standards for the second and third articles?

Forever Gothic Lolita: The second article is based on current laws and default rules, and there is room for adjustment; the third article is more subjective and flexible, including but not limited to some unsophisticated surface world loli control.

The card drawing is wrong again: emmm...

Forever Gothic Lolita: In addition, the chains on its body are a guarantee of "no pollution", but at the same time they also suppress its strength. Its current combat power, if not counting its ghost story nature, is roughly equivalent to a relatively strong A-level/highLevel, when necessary, remember to "protect" it.

Card drawing is wrong again: Understood.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I'd like to state in advance that the other main material used to make it is equivalent to a top S-level, and it is also a natural "God's descent container", so...

Card drawing is wrong again: Make sure your network is unobstructed!

Forever Gothic Lolita: [Handshake. Expression]

Card drawing is wrong again: [Handshake. Expression]

Forever Gothic Lolita: By the way, this is the "list" that my No. 1 subordinate just compiled based on the network. [Inisel City Strange Stories/Weird Census. Form] [Inisel City Current Wanted Criminal Information. Form]

Card drawing is wrong again: ...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Work overtime moderately and take care of yourself.

Card drawing is wrong again: [Heartbroken. Expression]]


A certain McDonald's fast food restaurant.

A group of young men and women who were lucky enough to die but survived sat in a circle, enthusiastically serving Coke and hamburgers to the 1.3-meter-tall girl in the middle.

No matter how you look at it, Fuldili is a classic three-no lolita. Even when she was eating a giant juicy hamburger at a speed that ordinary people could not understand, she was expressionless, like a mechanical doll.

But the young men and women next to her knew that she was not.

——A mechanical doll would not grow hideous dark red thorns from the palm of its hand after brutally hacking the rapist to death in the alley, and beat the other party into a mummy...

The young men and women were actually quite afraid of this weird girl, but she said that she was hungry...

So, they found a 24-hour McDonald's fast food restaurant nearby and raised funds to feed her.

——The prices at McDonald's are not very affordable, but they dare not be too perfunctory...

The young men and women are all college students, and their budgets are not ample. Just when they are about to be squeezed out of their living expenses, the crisp sound of leather boots stepping on tiles saves them in time.

——"Sheriff, you are under arrest for illegally breaking into a house and trafficking underage girls."

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