Lenari stood on the beach, chatting with Barn for a while, and the middle-aged man suddenly said in an embarrassed tone: "They would rather capture it alive... They say it is very valuable and helpful for the development of biology."

"Oh..." Lenari stretched out the tone and suddenly turned his face, "Then I can only blow it up myself."


Lenari said expressionlessly: "I am a bit of a germaphobe. The water on the cruise ship has been tampered with, and dense micro-parasites have built nests in my body... Anyway, I don't intend to tolerate it."

" ..." Barn, who was far away in the Desert Base, held his forehead, "I understand... Let me do it, don't move."

Lenari raised his eyebrows: "Aren't you worried that you can't explain it?"

"My autonomy is not as low as you think." Barn explained slightly speechlessly, "After all, I am also a powerful admiral, and I am still at the conceptual level. It's just that I have to consider the entire federation more often."

"I understand, the power of unity." Lenari nodded, and then changed the subject, "So can we start the explosion?"

"Okay." Barn said.

So, the sun rose from the sea in the middle of the night.


Dark territory.

Lenari thought about it for a while and found that "feeling the nuclear explosion up close" was just like that.

A flash of blinding light, and then nothing else.

——The power at the center of the nuclear explosion is too strong. Unless the main body experiences it personally, it will be gone in an instant and nothing can be felt.

Lenari is not a masochist. It is fine for a "character" that is about to be destroyed to experience it. Of course, the main body will not deliberately go to get bombed. ——Even if he will not be really injured, it will hurt.

The tentacles rolled up the mobile phone brick, and Lenari's amorphous body squirmed, barely forming an abstract human figure, looking at the strange story "Life Game" that looks like an old keypad mobile phone.

This thing, an indescribable scene of multiple men, and a human insect nest... It's disgusting, I can't keep it.

Lenari let his body collapse into a ball of abstract tentacles, mobilized the power of "shackles", and protected the "workroom" where Kampers was and the alienated rumored office with a little bit better than nothing, while he himself sank deeper into the dark realm with the mobile phone brick.


On this day, Kampers was conscientiously running the intelligence business, and an abstract tentacle suddenly stretched out from the side and rolled him up.

After a moment of confusion, Kampers said happily: "Master, you are awake!"

"Yeah." Lenari said "sleepy-eyed", "What day is it today? Has anything happened recently?"

"Today is October 30th. It has been quite peaceful recently. Nothing major has happened." Kampers answered immediately.

Lenari put Kampers back to its original position, swam to the "open space" next to it filled with various books, lay down comfortably, raised the mobile phone brick that had become a subordinate, and clicked to start.


[You are a professional killer trained by a killer organization called "Deep Night", codenamed "Night Crow".

When you graduated from the training camp and decided on the codename that would accompany you for the rest of your life, you actually wanted to use "Crow", but unfortunately, this codename already has an owner.

The Shenxiao organization has a complete set of six extraordinary training methods. For those killers who have not awakened their superpowers until graduation, the most reliable way to embark on the extraordinary road is to submit 5 million green dollars to the organization to prove his/her value.

An unexpected and extremely low probability event caused you to mess up an important order that you could easily get, so you had to spend your savings of 5 million green dollars to deal with it.

The organization refused to give you orders before the limelight passed. Seeing that you can't pay the water, electricity and property fees, you have to start considering taking private jobs. 】

Lenari woke up on the sofa in "his" home and found that this body, even the clothes, were exactly the same as in the previous game.

Not only that, Lenari studied the information provided by the mobile brick and confirmed that this was completely the recycling of the character and background of the previous game...

After thinking about it, Lenari controlled the "character" and began to check the details of his villa in a high-end community in the suburbs of Ruby City.


Dark territory.

Lenari asked Kampers: "How did the logistics team investigate the 'tactic' last time?"

"We have figured it out. It was a disposable item, a trick used by the demonizers." Kampers replied.

"Oh..." After hearing "disposable item", Lenari stopped taking it seriously and asked, "What about the situation on the Insect Island incident?"

"'Reality' has been corrected to some extent." Kampers said, "The number of participants in the survival game has returned to 12... but Mr. Barn's memory has not been changed. In addition, the Green Star Federation officials seem to have some means to record the 'truth'."Lenari was not surprised by this: "After all, he is the ruler of Green Star. It is not surprising that he does not even have such means."

"What about the 'Deep Night' organization and the 'Night Crow'?" Lenari asked.

"Deep Night is an old organization that acts relatively low-key. It often ranks around third in the ranking of various killer organizations in the other world. It rarely ranks first, but it lives long enough."

"As for the 'Night Crow'... From my perspective, I can see traces of 'insertion out of thin air'." Kampers said, "I have confirmed with the logistics team that the means of changing reality in the 'Life Game' are ineffective at the conceptual level, of course, in terms of directly changing memories."

"Where did the 'Night Crow' property come from?" Lenari asked the key question.

"It should be the unknown private property of the deceased members of Shenxiao, plus a little bit of "modification" and "out of thin air" of the "Game of Life." Kampers replied, "From various clues, the villa that your "character" now owns has been idle for more than 3 years."

"What about the "deeds"?" Lenari asked, "For example, the so-called important order that was messed up."

"It's still "splicement." Kampers said, "The killer who messed up the order does exist, but it's not "Night Crow", and it's likely that he died on the spot."

"I see... No wonder the "character" collection In the same city, the background and characters are getting more and more detailed, and the loading time is getting shorter and shorter. Lenari thought, "The 'control' of the 'Game of Life' over the city of Ruby is improving."

At this point in the conversation, Kampers couldn't help his curiosity and asked carefully: "That... Which aspect of that brick did you 'correct'?"

"It's no big deal. It originally feeds on 'despair', so it is keen on creating all kinds of disgusting scenes and plot killings." Lenari said lightly, "I simply changed its diet to 'darkness' and let it eat whatever it wants."

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