The night in late November was already quite cold in this sea area.

Night Crow and Talos each wore a blanket brought down from the cruise ship, one drove the boat while the other reported.

Chat Room 339.

[Night Crow: Mission accomplished.

Operator 339: We are low-key killers walking in the shadows, not armed thugs.

Night Crow: Oh, wouldn’t it be nice if we could kill the target without being caught?

Operator 339: Is this why you killed the customer as well?

Night Crow: …

Operator 339: You know the rules, you won’t get a penny for this order.

Night Crow: … It turns out to be an internal conflict among the evil forces, tsk!

Operator 339: Our intelligence department has observed that a storm is approaching you, I wish you good luck. ]

Operator 339’s avatar darkened.

Night Crow put away his phone and said to Talos who was driving the boat: "We are not very lucky. The customer who placed the order is also on that cruise ship, and..."

"And?" Talos asked flatteringly.

"A sea storm is approaching us. What do you think we should do? Escape?" Night Crow said in a nonchalant tone as if he was talking about what to eat next.

"I can ask the main body to come and take over..."

"Stop, stop!" Night Crow interrupted hurriedly, "That would be too boring! This character is dead, and another one is dead. Don't you think 'Extreme Escape from Sea Storm' and 'Being Sucked in Sea Storm' are all very novel experiences?"

Talos thought about it and nodded in agreement: "Then should our ship continue to move forward or...?"

"Well... wait for me to toss a coin." Night Crow said, and immediately took out a coin and bounced it.

Lightly catching the falling coin, Night Crow opened his hand and looked at it: "The front side, keep going."

"Okay." Talos had no objection to this. Just as Night Crow said, whether it was actively seeking excitement or escaping, it was a novel and worthwhile attempt.

Night Crow pondered for a moment, and suddenly lifted up the tightly wrapped blanket: "This blanket must be thrown away, so as not to cover the head and affect the experience."

Talos nodded and also lifted up the blanket.

Night Crow drew out the dagger, thought about it and took it back, just rolled up the blanket, found a rope to tie it up and threw it off the boat.

——If this can still cover the face accurately... then cover it, after all, it is a "novel" experience, isn't it?


The storm came quickly, accompanied by a huge waterspout.

"Wahahahahaha——" Night Crow laughed wildly with his hands on his hips facing the natural disaster that covered the sky, his wet long hair and skirt fluttering vigorously, happily welcoming the fate of being swallowed by the violent waterspout.

In contrast, Talos was much quieter. Until he was swallowed by the waterspout, he just looked at everything in front of him curiously and happily, like a newborn baby.


In a dim room.

"Operator 339" calmly typed the last word on the keyboard and clicked send.

[Operator 339: The positioning of "Night Crow" and "Death" hit the storm head-on and confirmed that they lost contact.

Third seat: Don't worry, these two are toys, maybe they will come back intact after a while.

Fourth seat: The greater possibility is that they just change their bodies.

Third seat: It doesn't matter, we will recognize whatever identity they use, and we will pretend not to know the rest.

Operator 339: Yes. 】

The dark and damp environment, the sound of slow water flow, and the rough vines.

The Night Crow woke up and found himself hanging upside down by something, and tied tightly.

Perhaps because of the congestion in the head caused by hanging upside down for a long time, the Night Crow felt dizzy and swollen in the head.

After struggling hard, to no avail, the Night Crow temporarily gave up the idea of ​​escaping by himself and called softly: "Talos, are you there?"

"I'm here." Talos's clear neutral voice sounded from the upper left.

"Does your body have dark vision? What on earth is this?" The Night Crow asked while shaking his body.

"No, I can't see anything." Talos said, "We seem to be in some strange story now."

"Strange story?" The Night Crow frowned.

"Yes... It should be just ordinary vines that tie us up." Talos said.

"Ordinary vines won't tie us up." The Night Crow retorted and began to twist his wrists to try to get out of the restraints.

——Unfortunately, Night Crow was tied up tightly with his head down and his arms hanging naturally. Not only were the vines tied tightly, but the surface was also bumpy and uneven, with huge friction.

After trying for a while, Night Crow had to face the fact that he couldn't break free by himself.

"Alas... How are you doing? I can't help you." Night Crow didn'tThey had to put their hopes on Talos, a "newbie" killer who had not undergone much training.

"I can't move..." Talos told the truth.

Night Crow sighed again, muttering to himself in a disinterested manner: "Is it still cheating in the end..."

Night Crow was hesitating, and the space suddenly lit up, and the dazzling light forced the two to close their eyes and turn their heads to avoid it temporarily.

"New here?" A charming female voice shouted in surprise.

"... Who are you?" Night Crow asked tentatively.

"I am a member of the Witch Club, you... wait, you are a man?!" The woman who claimed to be a member of the Witch Club asked with disgust.

"This body is indeed a man." Night Crow told the truth sincerely.

The woman didn't say anything, as if she was looking Night Crow up and down. ——Her sight was too strong, and Night Crow instinctively felt a little uncomfortable.

After a while, Night Crow, whose eyes barely adapted to the strong light, quietly opened his eyes and secretly looked at the woman.

The woman had a charming appearance, a voluptuous figure, long curly red hair, bright red eyes, and wore a dark red evening dress, high heels of the same color, and a witch hat of the same color decorated with unknown bright flowers.

As if she had noticed Night Crow's secret observation, the woman suddenly turned her sharp eyes and looked directly at Night Crow.

Night Crow felt something was wrong and was thinking about whether to say something to make up for it. The next moment, the woman's eyes became gentle and a happy smile bloomed on her face.

"You are very good." She said, "You are qualified to become a real woman and join us."

"...Ah?" Night Crow was at a loss.

The woman did not want to say more about this, and raised her chin to Talos who was watching quietly on the side: "Who is he to you?"

"Junior." Night Crow answered immediately, "He is very talented, including in women's clothing."

"Oh?" The woman raised her eyebrows and asked Talos directly, "Is what he said true?"

Talos nodded honestly.

——In the first few days of "living together", Night Crow did dress him up as a woman many times.

The woman stared at Talos's clear purple eyes for a moment, and smiled with satisfaction again: "You are also very good, you are all very good!"

"You are lucky enough to meet me instead of my sisters. They will not give you the opportunity to become a woman."

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