In the morning, Valya got up full of energy.

"Good morning!" She greeted the sparrows on the windowsill cheerfully, and sprinkled a handful of homemade biscuit crumbs as usual, "Eat more today~"

After scattering the biscuit crumbs, Valya looked at the motionless gray sparrow standing on the horizontal railing of the security net in confusion, rubbed her eyes subconsciously, and then realized that this body was actually a simulated doll...

It must be a malfunction, otherwise how could the sparrow be blurry like a person with severe myopia?

The body that Valya is currently using is based on a real bionic alchemy doll customized from the High Tower Academy by the people in the technical department of the Seventh Team (Master Barlow contributed the most), and it can even obtain energy by eating and drinking like a human, which is very magical.

Valya was not completely ignorant of the value of this doll, so she usually cherished it very much. However, it had only been a short time since she broke it...

She turned around worriedly, thinking about how to explain to the nice sisters, brothers, uncles, and grandfathers in the technical department after get off work tonight. She didn't realize that the sparrows pecking at the food behind her suddenly disappeared, and even the clear sky was covered by dark clouds.



"Valya and Donahue were captured by the Gray Doomsday?" Lenari asked in surprise.

"Yes, I immediately contacted Team 7 to confirm the situation after I found their breath disappeared. As a result, I found a gray feather in each of their rooms." Kampers said with a little worry, "Master, are you going to save them?"

Lenari thought for a while and shook his tentacles: "No, they are not incapable of taking care of themselves. They won't even shout for help in danger... They all know my honorable name."

"That's right." Kampers' voice was much lighter.

"You continue to pay attention to the city of Inisel."



After running back and forth for a few days, Night Crow finally got the detective license and bounty hunter license.

Just as she was ready to open the business, the phone in Night Crow's pocket suddenly rang with a "beep beep" reminder sound.

——Her BB account was specially set up, and only the news from the Shenxiao organization would be allowed to be notified.

Night Crow looked at the busy streets around her, turned into a roadside cafe, picked a remote empty seat, ordered a cup of coffee, and took out her phone to check.

【Operator 339: Death has lost contact.

Night Crow: Oh.

Operator 339: Death has lost contact for 3 days.

Night Crow: Oh.

Night Crow: Anything else?

Operator 339: Aren't you worried?

Night Crow: A role-playing character, not even a clone, it would be strange to worry, right?

Operator 339: ...

Night Crow: Don't worry, Death's body is strong enough, it's not our turn to worry.

Operator 339: This is a new order. [Order details. Document]

Night Crow: Hey, you said it earlier! 】

Ignoring the darkened avatar of the contact, Night Crow opened the document and read it carefully.

"Ma'am, your coffee." A young male waiter brought coffee on a tray, looking a little nervous for some reason, and said in a calm tone.

Night Crow glanced at him, leaned back slightly to clear the table, and politely replied, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The male waiter put down the coffee and walked away with his hands and feet.

After confirming that the coffee was fine, Night Crow took a sip and thought about it.

The next second, she shook her head and continued to study the details of the order.

This order was a bit special. At first glance, it was an order for good citizens that Night Crow had stated that she was unwilling to accept. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an order for hiring assassins to kill her own good citizens...

Night Crow pondered for a moment and decided to go and see the employer in person.


It's really inconvenient not to have your own car...

Night Crow sat on the bus seat and secretly decided to work harder recently and make money to buy another car.

——The organization said that Talos had lost contact. Her character might not be in trouble with the main body escorting her, but her car was probably not going to come back...

Thinking about it, she felt sleepy. Night Crow was about to take a nap when she suddenly became alert.

——She slept well last night, so she shouldn't feel sleepy at this time.

As she felt more and more sleepy, Night Crow forced her eyelids open and looked up to observe the surroundings.

The next second, Night Crow's eyes widened.

This car had become rusty, worn and damp, and even the seats were covered with moss.

Night Crow stood up suddenly and found that in addition to herself, there were 8 passengers lying or sitting in the car, the same number as before, and the driver's seat was empty.

Outside the car, it was pitch black.

—— Huangquan Shuttle.

Such a name suddenly appeared in Night Crow's mind.

But why?

The poor illusion of Huangquan ShuttleSpell, shouldn't it be able to deceive me?

Suddenly, a figure of a young male waiter who pretended to be calm but was actually very nervous flashed by.

Gritting her teeth, Night Crow decisively took out the pistol under her skirt and shot herself in the head.

——The body is just a body, and the Yellow Springs Bus can't use it to pursue anything.


Dark Realm.

Lenari was in a very bad mood.

There was nothing wrong with the male waiter in the cafe. The reason why he was nervous was because he was a superpower who could see the number of lives in other people's hands. The dark logistics team had already sent someone to confirm this.

So, what was the problem?

Lenari, who failed in divination, was puzzled.

At this time, Campos reported: "Master, the follow-up investigation information of Team 7 has arrived."

"Send it to me and take a look." Lenari rolled up a notebook beside him.


Since part of it has been sent out before, the follow-up investigation report is not long. The core content is:

That bus does not actually exist. There is a force that has tampered with cognition on a large scale, and another force has temporarily changed the shape of the Yellow Spring Bus.

Lenari was in a worse mood.

—— The Ghost Weaver.

Although there was no evidence, she instinctively thought of this existence, whose code name and partial abilities were known so far.

The abstract tentacle group wandered around in the dark space irritably.

Suddenly, Kampers exclaimed: "Master! A guy nicknamed 'The Ghost Weaver' added you as a friend!"

The wandering tentacle group stopped suddenly.

"Add!" Lenari gritted his teeth and rolled up a notebook with his tentacles.

[The Ghost Weaver: Good day, Your Excellency the Goddess of Ever Darkness, do you like this gift?

Forever Gothic Loli: What do you want?

The Ghost Weaver: Great!

Weird Weaver: I don't want much, just the shell that Chaos Seed sheds after germination.

Forever Gothic Lolita: ...

Weird Weaver: Oh, of course, and your promise not to trouble me in the future.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Hehe.

Weird Weaver: The matter of Rumored Youjia Office was just an experiment I arranged casually back then. After all, it would be a pity not to do something with such a good name as "Rumored Youjia"... Later, your joining was purely accidental, and I really have no intention of being your enemy.

Weird Weaver: I can perfectly solve the problem with that cat, and you only need to pay two petals of seed shells that are useless to you and a promise that is insignificant. 】

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