The ability to force the target to "mistake someone" is a disgusting troublemaker in a melee, no wonder he was killed...

When Night Crow suddenly realized it, he followed Kampers's instructions and successfully found the target who was sitting in a McDonald's store, using the heating and WiFi to play with his phone.

As if looking for someone, Night Crow passed by the target in an ordinary way, and the "marionette" was activated, and the other party's body was taken over in a moment of shock.

The two left the McDonald's fast food restaurant one after the other and got into Carl's car parked nearby.


In Carl's moving car.

Night Crow took out a small syringe filled with suspicious liquid, and directly stabbed it into the other party's neck while Mr. "Mistakenly Mistaken" had a calm face and bulging eyes.

A few seconds later, Mr. "Mistakenly Mistaken"'s body softened and fell crookedly. ——Night Crow's "marionette" only works on living things.

It is worthy of being a poison provided by the killer organization, and it works quickly.

Night Crow nodded with satisfaction, took out his phone and opened a private chat with the contact.

[Night Crow: Order No. 1 completed. [Photo of Mr. "Mistaken Person"]

Night Crow: This order requires a voucher, right? Where to deliver it?

Operator 339: Safe House No. 3.

Night Crow: OK. ]

The second target is a werewolf with alien blood attracted by the rumor of the secret treasure. He has no wanted warrant but many enemies.

According to the Kampers positioning method, Night Crow successfully found the target in a three-no hotel.

This brown-haired, brown-eyed, muscular werewolf beauty is different from the previous "Mistaken Person". It is highly likely that she cannot be controlled by "marionette" alone, and she is the type with extremely keen sense of smell and hearing. It is not easy to get close...

After watching for a while from a distance with the telescope on the puppet car, Night Crow returned to Carl's car and took out his phone.

[Night Crow: I need some holy silver weapons.

Operator 339: Safe House No. 3 has a reserve of holy silver powder and a set of electroplating equipment.

Night Crow: That's fine. 】

After taking a detour to Safe House No. 3 and grabbing two large cans of holy silver powder, Night Crow returned to No. 4 Golden Rose Community and plunged into the workshop.

——Electroplating equipment is not as good as an alchemy workshop, especially since there are many high-end goods from special channels in this workshop.

Late at night.

Night Crow, fully armed, climbed onto the rooftop of an old building that was about to be demolished.

After a quick arrangement, Night Crow set up his gun, opened the scope, and sniped, all in one go.

Unfortunately, even the most confident first shot only knocked off half of the werewolf beauty's arm.

After all, she is an expert in melee combat, and her reaction speed is still amazing even in her sleep.

Looking at the target who had turned into a werewolf, taking advantage of the building to bypass the building and approaching quickly, Night Crow calmly put away the sniper rifle, took out two short knives coated with holy silver, and retreated to the center of the rooftop, waiting for the opponent to get close for a melee.

I don’t know whether it was because her arm was broken by the enchanted bullet and the unbearable pain caused her to lose her intelligence, or whether this werewolf beauty was so reckless that she didn’t care about the existence of the trap and rushed directly to Night Crow standing in the center of the rooftop with two short knives.

In a flash, as the real Night Crow hiding in the puppet’s cockpit pressed the remote control, several homemade smoke bombs disguised as debris around the puppet’s vehicle, which were uneven and full of trivial debris, exploded at the same time, and not very thick smoke rolled.

In this smoke, there was not only a high concentration of holy silver powder, but also a lot of chili powder.

The werewolf with only one arm left choked and coughed, and immediately braked suddenly and jumped in the opposite direction, trying to escape from the range covered by the smoke.

Night Crow, who had been waiting for a long time, naturally would not miss this great opportunity. He aimed the tips of his two knives at the werewolf, and pressed the hidden buttons near the short knife guards with his thumbs.

The seemingly simple silver-plated short knife blade popped out immediately, making a sharp sound of breaking wind, and shot straight at the werewolf's back like an arrow from a string, dragging the alloy wire.

At this time, the werewolf beauty was still in mid-air, with nowhere to borrow strength. Seeing that the two cold short knife blades were about to hit, in a flash, the werewolf beauty suddenly removed the werewolf transformation, and at the same time twisted her waist, and narrowly avoided the two blades and the alloy wires dragged by them.

Seeing that the attack missed, Night Crow narrowed his eyes and moved his fingers lightly.

Suddenly, the two blades that just passed by the beauty wearing only a vest and panties suddenly exploded, and the regular fragments each dragged thinner alloy wires and pierced the beauty all over her body.

"{Beep——}" The unrestrained beauty with a muscular body immediately blurted out a curse word.

The alien blood-werewolf is famous for its strong vitality and strong physical fitness. Even if it is a sharp blade coated with holy silver, this level is just a drizzle.

Night Crow showed no mercy and moved his fingers again.

The scorching electric light pierced through the smoke andThe alloy wire was transmitted to the beautiful woman who was trying to transform into a werewolf again.

A series of "crackling" sounds mixed with unpleasant screams sounded, and the beautiful woman failed to transform into a werewolf, and was electrocuted and rolled her eyes.

Without waiting for the limited power to run out, Night Crow threw the two knife handles into the air, stepped back a few steps to avoid being accidentally injured by the jumping electrified knife handles, picked up another sniper rifle that had been prepared long ago from the side, aimed, and pulled the trigger.

Shooting at a fixed target at such a close distance, Night Crow certainly would not miss.

The werewolf beauty's head exploded, and red and white were scattered all over the ground.

Avoiding the short knife-shaped mechanism that still had some power, Night Crow quickly cleaned up the scene.

After a simple cleanup elsewhere, the mechanism's power was just exhausted. Night Crow picked up the two knife handles, pressed another hidden button to successfully recover the alloy wire and the blade at the end, and then quickly left.

——Thanks to the recklessness of the werewolf beauty, the second task was successfully completed.

Originally, Night Crow was prepared for defeat, and loaded the puppet car with targeted alchemical bombs for self-explosion.

Escape method?

There is a space teleportation magic circle engraved on the inner wall of the cockpit!

【Night Crow: Order No. 2 completed.

Operator 339: It's too noisy.

Night Crow: There's nothing I can do, the idea is too hard.

Operator 339: The organization doesn't have much power in Inisel City, and I can't help you if your identity is exposed.

Night Crow: It's okay, I have my own transformation skills.

Operator 339: You'd better know.

Night Crow: Of course. 】

On the way back, Carl couldn't help asking: "Sister Night Crow, are you the legendary killer?"

"Yes, I'm disappointed to find that my sister is a bad guy?" Night Crow said casually, holding his chin and looking at the night view of the city.

"No... I just think it's incredible..." Carl sighed, "I always feel that the world is different after waking up this time..."

"..." Night Crow didn't know how to answer, so he had to change the subject, "Can your car be equipped with a car phone?"

"I haven't tried it, so I don't know." Carl's attention was immediately diverted.

"Let's try it tomorrow." Night Crow suggested, "If everything goes well, install a car computer by the way."

"Okay, okay!"

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