Lenari was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered something.

[Lord of Ever Darkness: Nicole Sunflower?

Lady of Pain: It's me.

Lord of Ever Darkness: Donahue is just my employee, and he has been out of touch for 17 years. Go ask him yourself.

Lady of Pain: In any case, without your protection, neither I nor he would be alive today... It is reasonable to accept this betrothal gift.

Lady of Pain: As for his opinion... Well, this is the interest between us childhood sweethearts, you don't have to worry about anything.

Lord of Ever Darkness: [Waterfall sweat] Since you said so... The gray feather that Donahue corresponded to at the beginning should be kept by Team 7 as a routine?

Lady of Pain: Yes, I have already negotiated with the staff of Team 7 of Phantom City a few days ago.

Lord of Ever Darkness: Be sure to invite me to the wedding.

Lady of Pain: Of course! 】


After exiting this strange chat room that actually does not require logging in through the BB software, Lenari was quite emotional for a while.

I didn't expect that the young employee I once took in was going to get married... and the object was the genuine goddess of the demonization route.

If I remember correctly, Donahue is quite like the male protagonist of online novels, and he has some male chauvinism problems...

Hmm... I always feel that the scene will be very interesting.

Lenari's mouth curled up unconsciously.

Suddenly, the phone brick rang with a classic "beep beep" notification sound.

Lenari picked it up and found that someone in the "Food Lovers Club" chat room was @ing him.

[Death God Loves Cooking: @ Forever Gothic Lolita

Forever Gothic Lolita: Talos?

Death God Loves Cooking: It's me.

Death God Loves Cooking: No. 4, Golden Rose Community, come here for dinner, I just got a batch of good ingredients.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Great!

Not a natural idiot: Count me in!

Death God Loves Cooking: Welcome.

Nuclear Explosion: Me too...

Professional Secretary: No, you don't want to, you still have a lot of documents to approve.

Nuclear Explosion: ...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Who is this?

Not a Natural Fool: A concept-level reserve trained by the Federation, with good talent and hope for sublimation, but too serious and a workaholic.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Oh oh.

Forever Gothic Lolita: It's amazing that she can really manage Uncle Nuclear Explosion.

Not a Natural Fool: After all, she is an illegitimate daughter who owes something. [Funny]

Forever Gothic Lolita: ...

Forever Gothic Lolita: I didn't expect you to be such a Uncle Nuclear Explosion.

Nuclear Explosion: There are very complicated hidden stories here...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Oh.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I don't want to hear it.

Nuclear Explosion: ...

Forever Gothic Lolita: By the way, did Uncle Nuclear Explosion produce any results from his previous retreat?

Nuclear Explosion: It's just so-so.

Not a natural fool: I barely extended the concept of "split", which is indeed mediocre.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Not bad, at least I don't have to stare blankly when facing the virtualized enemy.

Not a natural fool: Is your power stable now?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Stable.

Not a natural fool: What about Lucia...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Uh, it seems that I can only act as it is...

Not a natural fool: I think you will get a cat punch at that time...

Forever Gothic Lolita: [Awkward] This is what I deserve...

Not a natural fool: Let's not talk about this. When can we open a small account and go to the "Hero Trial" dungeon together?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Maybe in a while, the world has changed a lot, I have to slow down.

Not a natural fool: Let me know when you are ready.

Forever Gothic Lolita: OK. 】


After finishing the small talk and exiting the chat room, Lenari clicked on the "Life Game" icon in the center of the phone screen, which was much more refined.

——Although the main body can move freely, the trumpet has its own fun.

Following the weak pulling feeling, Lenari separated a trace of consciousness and projected it over.

What came into view was a standard cubic space of 100 square meters, pure white. Lenari blinked, and before he had time to wonder, the wall facing him suddenly turned into a high-definition display, showing his current appearance, and a line of text and several option boxes appeared.

[Please select the character generation mode:


<Keyword generation>

<Manual generation>

<Past records>]

Lenari raised his eyebrows and selected "Past records" with his mind.

[Error: There is no past record at present. ]


Lenari thought about it and suddenly realized.

——The previous "Night Raven" was used by the Radiant Truth as a key medium to build into the Obsidian Holy Tower. Obviously, the mobile phone brick is powerless to recover it.

To understand this, LenariAfter hesitating between "Random" and "Keyword Generation", she chose "Keyword Generation" and then entered the word "Night Crow".

She was very curious about what answer the "artificial mental retardation" mobile phone brick that Kampers despised would give.

After a while, Lenari looked at the ordinary black crow on the screen and fell silent.

Night = black, crow = crow, nothing wrong... What the hell!

Lenari held his forehead.

After thinking for a while, she returned to the upper level and re-entered a series of keywords: "Night Crow", "Intelligent Species", "Superpower", "Event Constitution".

After waiting for a while, a familiar little crow appeared on the screen again.

"..." Lenari clicked to confirm expressionlessly.

[Please select the location for character generation:


<Keyword Random>


Lenari chose "Random" without hesitation, and secretly decided that if the new character was not fun, she would "play another round" on the spot.

Ruined ruins, cracked earth, twisted dead trees.

As soon as the new "Night Crow" Lenari opened his eyes, he saw such a scene.

The "instruction manual" arrived a little late, and Lenari was surprised to find that there was something called "character panel" this time.

According to the method in the "instruction manual", "Night Crow" summoned the character panel in his mind.

[Name: Night Crow

Race: Mutated Crow

Age: 1 year old

Gender: None

Superpower: Doom]

[Superpower: Doom

Introduction: Good things don't work, bad things work for the crow's mouth, you have more than just the crow's mouth...]

Sure enough, it's a "simple" introduction, it's simple enough... Forget it, divination is more reliable.

After confirming that there will be no movement around for the time being, Night Crow maintained the posture of standing on the treetop, closed his eyes and began dream divination.

A few minutes later.

Night Crow opened his eyes, his expression speechless with a hint of interest in encountering something new.

How to describe this "bad luck" ability?

It is divided into two parts: active and passive.

On the active side, it simply makes the target unlucky. The specific effect is related to the strength of the spell, the opponent's fortune and status, so there is nothing much to say.

On the passive side, it is more reflected in the "event constitution aura" and "flag-planting aura", which truly makes it impossible to distinguish between friend and foe.

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