"The virtual phone has no signal?" Lucia was cautious with a hint of curiosity, "What does this mean?"

"I'm not sure... I only know that the signal was full in a secret place in the White Sea before, and when I was just caught in the sandstorm in the White Sea." Night Crow said truthfully.

Hearing this, Lucia and Apophi immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

In the past few years, Lucia has been running around the world with Apophi, who doesn't take direct action, and with the special care of Team 7 in terms of intelligence, he can be said to be knowledgeable.

As one of the three major forbidden areas for living things on Green Star, the White Sea is not just talk.

If there is no guidance from the bloodlines of the White Sea survivors who have a special connection with the desert, getting lost is inevitable. As for "no signal" and so on, it is a basic operation, and satellite phones are no exception.

Even in that place, the supernatural mobile phone has full signal, but now it has no signal...

"Another space? No, that's not right. The secret realms in the White Sea are almost all completely closed other spaces..." Lucia muttered to herself while thinking.

As it concerns Lucia's safety, Lenari's main body naturally confirmed the situation at the first time.

After many means, Lenari came to the conclusion that the incomplete time cycle caused by strange talk or weirdness, and once the high-level, or conceptual-level power intervenes, this cycle will break itself.

In other words, the current situation is far from "critical".

Night Crow, squatting in Apophi's palm, blinked her eyes and decided not to reveal anything, just eat melons in this special seat.

After all, she is just a weak, pitiful and helpless crow.

After a while, Lucia made a decision: "Apophi, take me and Night Crow, let's go out and take a look."

"Okay." Apophi nodded lightly and stretched out his other arm.

Lucia jumped onto Apophi's outstretched arm lightly, climbed onto his left shoulder and squatted down.

The night crow nestling in Apophi's right palm saw this, thought for a moment, flew to his right shoulder and stood firm, stretched out his right wing to point in the direction of the door, and shouted pretentiously: "Let's go!"

"..." Apophi decided to remain silent.


It was more than 3 o'clock in the morning local time. Most of the passengers had already gone to bed, but because they were awakened by the huge noise, they went out to investigate the situation.

Conspicuously and inconspicuously mixed in among the chaotic rich people, Apophi took a crow and a cat and quietly visited most of the places open to passengers and not open to passengers on the entire cruise ship.

Back in her cabin, Lucia jumped onto the dining table, worried: "After hitting such a big iceberg, the hull only lost some paint and dented a little, but the power system was completely paralyzed... suspicious, too suspicious!"

"Other than that, I didn't find anything wrong..." Apophi frowned and continued, "Except for the iceberg that suddenly appeared, everything in the surrounding sea is normal."

Apophi majored in ice, but he also has a good understanding of water.

Night Crow tilted his head, feeling that he couldn't be too silent, so he suggested: "I think we should stock up some food and fresh water..."

Lucia shook her head: "As for food and water, Apophi and I have a lot of storage tools, enough for a long time... It's more important to find out the problem than this."

"This cruise ship is almost full this time, including more than 8,000 people, including the staff, and the food and water consumed every day is not a small amount."

"If I'm not mistaken, this ship is currently trapped by ghost stories and weird things, and is in a "missing" state in the outside world..."

"To be on the safe side, from now on, we'd better only eat our own The food and water we brought were all gone. "Lucia said worriedly, "Of course, we have to avoid being 'out of the ordinary', so we have to pretend to eat normally... Fortunately, our cabin is first class, and closing the door can effectively block our view."

Night Crow thought for a moment and asked, "Have you tried teleportation?"

"I have." Apophi replied, "At least all the methods I have mastered have failed."

"Me too..." Lucia said, sighing, "In fact, even the contract mark given by the gods has failed... Although it may be because my contract mark was not directly hit on my body, so the effect is low..."

"God?" Night Crow asked curiously.

"Well, His name is 'The Principle of Glory', a rather benevolent god, and I can barely be considered His believer." Lucia said.

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