After dashing around in the boundless silver-white illusory river, the Night Crow soon felt bored.

Changing back to its crow form, the Night Crow flapped its wings and returned to the real world.


A thick lightning bolt struck down, hitting the crow that suddenly appeared.

"..." Before it could even see the surrounding scene clearly, the Night Crow turned into a small handful of charred embers on the spot and was ruthlessly swallowed by the surging waves.

Anaky City, Office Street.

Office Street was originally named Champagne Street. Because it gathers a large number of large and small offices and agencies with a full range of types, it is nicknamed "Office Street" by locals. Over time, Office Street is more widely known than the more formal name "Champagne Street".

It is hard to say which is the least rare and most mixed business on this street, detective agency or real estate agency.

Located on the second floor, with an inconspicuous sign and only a narrow cement staircase leading to the storefront, "Rumored to Have a Firm" is mixed in with a large and small firm, as if it is lost in the crowd.

In a corner of the spacious firm storefront that is not facing the street, there is a set of sofas with a homely and childlike style, and a simple and low-key heavy solid wood coffee table.

"... So, when you returned to the present world, because of bad luck, that sea area happened to be stormy weather, and you were struck by a lightning bolt and resurrected?" Lucia, lying on one of the sofas with several layers of cushions, confirmed in disbelief.

"Yes!" Night Crow stood on the smooth coffee table and sighed.

It was quite convenient to check the time on the virtual phone of the mobile brick. It took Night Crow seven days to absorb the fragments of the strange story involving time. It took him ten days to read the bar to revive after being struck by lightning...

"..." Lucia moved her ears and changed the subject considerately, "So what is the true face of the strange story? Team Seven didn't find the corresponding record..."

"Well... there is no exact name for it at present, and there is no need to have it. After all, it has been broken into pieces by the Radiant Truth, and the essence has been eaten by me..." Night Crow said thoughtfully, "If I have to say it, I think it can be called 'the ghost ship lost in the past'."

"The ghost ship lost in the past?" The black cat repeated in a low voice, his eyebrows full of curiosity, and his tail unconsciously swung more happily.

With difficulty, Night Crow shifted his gaze away from the swaying fur and focused on appreciating the fresh flower arrangement placed in the center of the coffee table. He explained calmly, "Well, that strange story has no specific entity or image. It is specifically manifested in the random capture of a ship, dragging it into the 'gap of time' and slowly eroding it."

"From the outside world's perspective, the corresponding ship's performance is 'suddenly disappeared for unknown reasons'."

Lucia nodded thoughtfully and asked, "What is the method of erosion? I mean, besides eating those fish."

"Not only fish, in addition to the things on the ship itself, any material obtained from the 'sea' at the entrance will accelerate the progress of erosion." Night Crow explained.

"In addition, when the supplies on the ship are used up, the time of the entire ship will be "restarted" to some extent. This "restart" will not directly affect the consciousness of living things, but each time it is restarted, the progress of erosion will surge."

"In other words, if you can't escape before the first restart, you can only hope that the gods will intervene."

Lucia pondered for a moment and asked a question: "What if you drink a drop of "sea water" and then successfully return to the present world or even to land after escaping from the "time gap"?"

"Once the erosion begins, no matter how small it is, it is considered "marked", unless that person never touches anything that can be called a "ship" in his life, then he may be able to avoid it." Night Crow explained.

"I think I understand..." Lucia nodded, and then changed the subject, "So what is your current ability? Well, forget it if it's inconvenient to say."

"Nothing inconvenient." Night Crow said frankly, "The previous ability has not changed, and there is an ability that I named "Time Ship"."

"Tell me in detail!" Lucia's curiosity was immediately aroused.

"I can turn into a three-masted sailing ship and sail freely in the 'River of Time', which is like a symbol of materialization. Of course, I can only travel between the 'present' and the 'past', and I cannot set foot in the uncertain 'future'."

"I named that ship 'Night Crow'. It's not impossible to sail in the ocean of the real world, but it's more tiring..."

"In addition, I have become 'immortal' now. Even if I die without ashes, I can read the bar in the 'River of Time'... or 'reload' and revive."

While speaking, Night CrowShe peeked around the vase, and finally, she aimed at a fresh pink rose and, with lightning speed, snatched off an innocent petal.

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