Barry drove here, and his car was parked in a roadside parking space on the street of the office.

Following Barry into the car, Night Crow squatted in the passenger seat seriously and asked casually: "What did your old man lose?"

"Sorry, Mr. Night Crow." Barry looked ahead, driving steadily while doing two things at the same time, "I don't know, I just know it's something very important."

"Oh..." Night Crow lost interest and closed his eyes to play with his mobile phone, "Also, please call me Madam."

"Okay, Madam Night Crow."


The old man of the Gunn family lives in the manor villa in the western suburbs of Anaki City.

Barry, with Crow standing on his shoulder, knocked on the door of the large study on the second floor of the villa with a briefcase.

"Come in." An old but majestic voice sounded.

Rupert Gunn, the current head of the Gunn family, is over sixty years old, with thin cheeks and a long white beard, giving people a feeling that he is not easy to get along with.

Barry briefly introduced the two parties and then said goodbye. In the huge study, only Rupert and Night Crow were left.

Night Crow paced a few steps on Rupert's large desk and said casually: "Tell me, what did the old man lose? Even his personal secretary has to avoid it."

Rupert didn't take Night Crow's rudeness to heart. He stroked his beard and said casually: "It's not a big deal... It's just my suicide note."

"Suicide note?" Night Crow was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, suicide note." Rupert said, "After all, I'm not young anymore, and my children are prosperous. It's better to make plans early so that the children don't fight over some property."

"But the old man looks very tough. Wouldn't it be better to write another copy or even several copies of a suicide note?" Night Crow said puzzledly.

"Suicide notes are easy to deal with, but it's more reassuring to find the person who stole the suicide note." Rupert said.

Night Crow nodded: "I understand...Do you need evidence?"

"Just convince me." Rupert said.

"I understand...Where was the suicide note stored before, and when was it discovered to be stolen?" Night Crow asked.

"It's in the safe over there." Rupert pointed to the large safe painted with wood texture in the corner of the study.

"Wait for me for a moment." Night Crow said, flapping his wings and disappearing into the illusory river of time.

In the spacious and antique study, Rupert looked at the place where Night Crow disappeared, thinking.


Night Crow's "Time Boat" ability does not have a time-stopping effect. As long as he wanders in the river of time, he will be in the outside world for as long as he wanders in it.

About ten minutes later, Night Crow returned to the study.

"I know who the criminal is." Night Crow said, and then changed the subject, "Do you have a BB account? Email is also fine."

"Both, what are you doing..." Rupert asked doubtfully, stroking his beard.

"My ability is to see past images." Night Crow explained, "This 'image' can be captured by my mobile phone."

Rupert looked quite surprised. After a moment, he shook his head and took out his phone from the drawer while muttering: "Superpowers are really amazing..."

After sending the prisoner's photo to Rupert, Night Crow was not interested in the follow-up and said bluntly: "So, this commission...?"

"It's perfectly solved. The reward will be transferred to the account of the firm later." Rupert said straightforwardly.

"Then I'll leave now. There are still some things to do in the firm."


After being driven to the firm by Barry, Night Crow discovered a sad fact as soon as he flew to the door.

She was too weak to open the door...

Fortunately, Apophi discovered the problem in time and helped open the door, otherwise...

In short, Night Crow lay straight on the coffee table, as depressed as a salted fish that had lost its dream.

As dinner time approached, Lucia, who was refreshed, came to the first floor and saw the dead crow lying on the coffee table with its claws facing the sky. She asked Apophi, who had just closed his book and was about to go upstairs to prepare dinner, in confusion: "What happened to her?"

"Maybe she was frustrated because she didn't have enough strength to push the door open... and then she accidentally fell asleep?" Apophi said uncertainly.

"..." Lucia was speechless for a moment, and said, "I will contact the home improvement company later and ask them to add a movable window to the door of Night Raven's room and the door of the office, um, the kind that opens high."


After dinner, the Night Raven sailed upstream in the river of time again.

Still on the bow deck, Night Raven asked Lucia: "What do you want to see this time?"

"This time, let's see how 'Vivian Grote' came from." Lucia stood on Apophi's shoulder, looking at the endless silver river, and said slowly, "OrThat day, around 8pm, there was a rumor that there was an office. "



Following the trajectory of Vivian's appearance, everything around was "rewinding" quickly, and finally, the Night Raven arrived at the basement of an inconspicuous four-star hotel.

Lucia looked at the frozen picture, Vivian was naked and placed in a giant glass tube, unconscious, with a complicated expression.

After a while, Lucia sighed lightly and said to the Night Raven: "Let's start. "

Night Crow nodded, and "time" began to move forward at a normal speed.

The laboratory of this super power factory is not large, with only two "assembly lines", which happened to be occupied by the brothers Vivian and Vincent.

"Leave the factory" normally, be cleaned and dressed normally, be taken to the small park near Maple Leaf Orphanage normally, and be casually placed on a bench.

About half an hour after the people from the super power factory left, Vivian opened her eyes in confusion, and lay on the wooden bench for a long time, then sat up in a trance, muttering something like "I am Vivian Grote, rumored to be the boss of an agency", "It's late, it's time to go home", and looked like "I hypnotize myself".

After about half an hour, Vivian stood up unskillfully, staggered out of the park, and walked to where Vivian parked.

As it should be Of course, he didn't have the car keys.

Vivian stood stupidly by the car for a long time, then took out a mobile phone from his pocket and stumbled to call the police station, asking for help and reporting the case at the same time.

What case? Of course, the wallet and the various keys in the wallet were stolen.


In the end, Vivian was sent back to the office by the sheriff who saw that he was not in a good state, and a superb "wire lock picking" service was given for free.

Vivian said goodbye to the sheriff awkwardly, locked the door, and staggered to the living room on the second floor like a wandering soul.

On the sofa in the small living room on the second floor, a black cat woke up slowly and said in a daze: "Vivian, your home is really nice..."

"Yes..." Vivian replied in a daze, "From now on, this is also your home... Do you like it..."

"Like... like..." The black cat fell asleep again.

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