Apophi followed the map provided by Night Crow all the way down. When he passed the branch director's office located in the corridor on the third floor below ground, which was not open to the public, he paused.

At this time, the high-end solid wood double doors of the branch director's office were wide open, revealing the luxurious decoration inside.

In the middle of the office, a woman dressed in gorgeous clothes like fire stood there elegantly, looking sideways at the door.

The woman's long hair was like a burning flame, cleverly changing between red and orange, and her face was covered with a gorgeous half-face mask with fire feather elements.

If Vivian's red is the fragrant black magic rose, which is implicit but still has the charm of a mature woman, then the red of this woman is the burning flame, which willfully and ostentatiously shows her incomparable presence.

One red and one white, one hot and one cold, silently confronting each other.

In the suddenly tense atmosphere, Night Crow said in surprise: "Eye of Judgment?"

It turned out that the left eye of the woman's half-face mask with a sense of design had quietly integrated the tearful one-eye symbol of the Eye of Judgment.

——Is this a sign of that? Or is it that her bad luck is passively exerting its power?

Night Crow habitually raised his wings and scratched his head.


The woman seemed a little surprised to be exposed by a crow, and the tense atmosphere was relieved a lot.

"Little crow looks quite smart, it's a pity to follow those guys of Blood Handprint... Why don't you come to my sister's place, I guarantee you will live comfortably, how about it?" The woman said in a playful and slightly frivolous tone.

Hearing this, Lucia, who was lying in Apophi's arms, stood up and said neither arrogantly nor humbly: "I think you misunderstood, we are not the same kind of people as those guys of Blood Handprint."

"Huh? Cats are also intelligent species?" The woman said in surprise.

"Woof! Wang Bao too! Woof woof!" Wang Bao, who always likes beautiful women, raised his paw in excitement.

"..." The lady was speechless for a moment.

Non-human intelligent species are not rare on Green Star, but if the scope is limited to common animals, then it is very rare.

These three in front of me, an ordinary husky, an ordinary rural cat, and an ordinary crow...

What a spectacle!

The woman sighed in her heart, but she did not forget the business in front of her.

She raised her chin slightly, pointed to the man curled up in the corner of the office, and asked in a friendly tone: "Are you here to see him?"

The Night Crow then noticed that there was another living person in the office.

After carefully observing him for a long time, Night Crow wondered, "Who is he?"

"..." After a moment of silence, Lucia, who relied more on "breath" and smell to recognize people, reminded, "It's the 'tyrant' from yesterday!"

"Ah? The 'tyrant' targeted by the 'little white flower'?" Night Crow was sincerely surprised, "Sorry, sorry, a handsome guy was suddenly abused like this, I really didn't recognize him..."

Yes, the curled man's rags were soaked in blood, the exposed skin was covered with whip marks, and his face was bruised and swollen. The so-called "beaten into a pig's head" was just like this. It is estimated that even his own mother would find it difficult to recognize him here.

The woman chuckled and said with a smile, "It seems that you are not here to find him."

"Well, we heard that the treasure house of the Blood Handprint Branch is very good, so we came here to visit." Night Crow said seriously.

"I see..." The woman nodded, "Everyone in this branch is asleep and will not wake up before 0 o'clock. You can do whatever you want."

Ye Ya thought for a while and asked, "How about we meet and split it in half?"

"No need."

The woman shook her head gently. I don't know what method she used. Without seeing her make any movements, the embarrassed man in the corner was picked up from the air and fell heavily on the thick carpet.

The man groaned and woke up again in pain.

"... Just a woman... Just a woman..."

Should we say that the "domineering president" is worthy of being a "domineering president"? He is tough, and even in this situation, he still insists on making harsh words.

The woman did not continue to torment the "domineering president", but turned her head to look at the door and chuckled, "The next show is not suitable for children to watch?"

Seeing this, Apofi nodded gently: "Goodbye."

After saying that, he turned around and left without any hesitation.


The target treasure house is ten floors underground. On the way, a crow and a cat were discussing enthusiastically. Wang Bao occasionally interrupted and expressed a few insignificant thoughts, while Apophi, as a means of transportation, habitually just listened and did not speak.

"...So it should be a telekinesis or something like that." Night Crow said.

Lucia objected to this: "Telekinesis does not have the effect of large-scale drowsiness. Well, 'physical sleep aid' does not count."

"Maybe it's a dual ability?" Night Crow, who only learned about an example last night, guessed.

"ThenIt's boring... If you think like that, there are too many possibilities. "Lucia suddenly lost interest.

Just at this moment, Apophi stopped and reminded softly: "We're here."

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