The Night Raven follows Kunnir's life trajectory and travels in the shadows of the city.

The faded and distorted scenery like yellowed old photos, the crowds of people running in reverse like a video, and the mismatched and difficult to distinguish sounds make Kunnir's ordinary daily life, which should have been dull and boring, seem strange and bizarre.

Finally, when "time" went back to a moment more than two months ago, Eve called for a pause again.

"Although," the projection of the Night Raven on the figurehead said weakly, "I'm almost fainted from exhaustion... Next time."

"But," Eve, who also looked tired, said anxiously, "The answer may be right in front of us..."

"These shadows, and the silver-white river of time before, are essentially just derivatives of my abilities, and they don't actually exist... There should be many cases of this situation and the consequences of falling into it in Team 7, right?"

As he spoke, the frozen shadow of the city was obscured by the sudden thick fog.

In other words, the images of the past have turned into a chaotic mist again, and will further return to nothingness.

"...Okay, let's take a break first." Having said that, Eve, who had indeed read the relevant cases, did not insist.

The thick fog dissipated, and the Night Raven returned to the silvery river of time with three people and a dog.

The next moment, everyone felt a flash in front of their eyes, and their feet felt light, and then they felt weightless and falling.

The salty sea breeze blew in their faces, accompanied by big or small exclamations, and the three people fell into the water one after another.

- Fortunately, the old three-masted sailing ship Night Raven was not big, and even the bow deck was not high from the sea surface, otherwise...

Together, they lifted Kunnier, who had a wrong posture for entering the sea and choked on water and had leg cramps, and Lei and Eve swam hard to the seaside.

On the way, Eve was too tired and suddenly lost her strength, and almost drowned in the sea with the three people.

Fortunately, at the small pier, the field sheriff of Team 7, who was sent to check the situation and pick up Eve because she had been out of contact for too long, found that something was wrong and paddled a kayak to rescue her in time.

On the other side, Night Crow, who had overdrawn his ability for the first time, "fainted" faster than he expected. He barely insisted on sending three people and a dog back to the world, then lost consciousness, automatically turned back into a crow and sank into the sea.

Wang Bao, the only one who was still calm, was stunned for a while in the free fall, and suddenly came to his senses, jumped three feet high on the air, ran in place in the air for a while, and suddenly jumped into the dark round hole that suddenly opened like a sticker.

——If he didn't go to fish it out, the master's crow clone would be washed away by the sea...


In a daze, Night Crow felt that he was held in someone's arms, and from time to time he was plucked by a handful of feathers.

The man's body temperature was icy and cool, which made the crow feel very comfortable. The night crow did not think much and changed his posture to continue sleeping.


The night crow woke up slowly.

The brain that had been sleeping for too long took a long time to start up before it finally started up successfully.

The night crow, who was still in someone's arms, blinked and did not choose to turn back immediately, but asked tentatively: "Talos?"

"Yes, it's me."

A light and pleasant voice sounded, and the night crow was picked up by a pair of hands and turned around.

"It's you! Long time no see, Talos." The night crow happily raised one wing to greet.

"Long time no see, my partner." Talos, who was dressed in a witch-themed evening dress with black hair and purple eyes, smiled and responded.

"Uh..." Hearing the word "partner", Night Crow suddenly felt guilty, "Well, I'm not a member of Shenxiao now."

"I know, the Night Crow of Shenxiao is still built in the Obsidian Holy Tower as the core." Talos said nonchalantly.

"...How come even you know about this?" Night Crow was a little dumbfounded.

In any case, that incident can be regarded as the dark history of the "Lord of Everlasting Darkness"...

After all, he was full of confidence and wanted to fool people, but he was cut off from the bottom of the pot and his old nest was overturned...

At that time, I was only angry and didn't think it was a big deal. Now when I think about it...

It's unbearable to look back!

For those who don't know the truth, Night Crow can still tease that the previous Night Crow is still built in the tower. If it were someone who knows the truth...

Shame! Full of shame!

Subconsciously, before Talos answered, Night Crow asked: "How long have I slept? Where are Wang Bao and the others?"

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