Obsidian Holy Tower, the inner hall of the temple on the top of the tower.

Lenari leaned on the huge soft sofa, his lower body lazily spread out into an abstract, amorphous tentacles.

After fiddling with the phone brick that looked like a latest smartphone for a long time, Lenari finally confirmed that his virtual phone function could not be shared with beings other than "characters".

What a pity...

With sincere regret, Lenari secretly contacted his dependent Apophi in the ancient city of Fever.

"How is Lucia recently?"

"Very well, everything is normal." Apophi answered with his mind in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"What's the name of the skill that Lucia used last time to turn into a mechanical wind cat? I haven't seen it in so many Purifier textbooks?"

"It's a modified version of the divine art 'Holy Arms'." Apophi replied, "It seems to be Lucia's own creation, and the name is still 'Holy Arms'."

"Self-created... Forget it, you can do it as usual, and remember to call me if you encounter any trouble."

"Please rest assured, my master."


Anaki City, the seventh district, in the elevator going up.

Ye Ya thought Eve would refuse, or at least persuade her, but she didn't expect...

"Okay." Eve agreed casually, "Team Seven has a department specifically responsible for the trial space. I'll take you to handle the procedures later."

Lei, who didn't expect it to be so easy, was stunned for a while, and hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"...Thank you." Kunnier, who didn't even have time to finish the request, was stunned for even longer.

"Don't be so polite." Eve said helplessly.


The department in charge of the trial space in Anaki City is called the "Trial Department". Those who don't know may think it is a novice training and assessment department.

While the two were filling out forms in the inner room, Night Crow whispered to Eve: "Is it okay? That kind of thing, no matter how relaxed it is, it is still a life-and-death situation, right?"

"It's not that exaggerated... Well, well, if it is placed in the 'Gods' Space, it is a very realistic description." Eve also answered in a low voice, "But the 'Infinite Trial' is relatively much better. If there is a reliable senior leading, ordinary people who know nothing can also have a 50-50 chance of entering."

"...That's also very dangerous!" Night Crow complained, "This is a peaceful era with abundant basic survival supplies. A 50% mortality rate is already very high... And how high is the probability of meeting a reliable senior? I just encountered a case of being cheated, didn't I?"

"Don't worry, the Trial Department is well versed in the way of 'persuasion'." Eve With a smile, "Serious, enthusiastic, thoughtful, and calm in persuading people to quit, they are all professionals."

"...I see, they are indeed Team 7 with a 'flexible' style of doing things!" Night Crow sighed, and then changed the subject, "What about me? Can I join?"

"You?" Eve was stunned for a moment, "Why do you want to join? Rumor has it that there is a firm that I know of, it is a veteran in the industry, and Team 7 has a very high evaluation of it. You should have no shortage of channels to become stronger, right?"

"Because it sounds interesting!" Night Crow said seriously, "In fact, I am so weak but I am a formal employee. In addition to my ability being suitable for the 'detective' industry, it is also because of my immortality."

"Immortality?" Eve looked sideways at the crow on her shoulder with a little doubt.

"Well, I can read the resurrection bar infinitely in that river of time."

"..." Eve believed it. After all, this kind of thing is not suitable for bragging. Otherwise, once the team encounters a situation where someone needs to stay behind to cover the retreat/send it to death, wouldn't that push itself to a dead end?

"I'll take you to the real registration channel later when the two people's affairs are settled." Eve said seriously.

"Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome."


After completing the entire "registration process", the sun was about to set.

During this period, Eve took Night Crow to visit several small canteens and ate all the specialties of this seventh district.

It must be said that although the death rate of the seventh team's field staff is high, the treatment is really good... Taking friends who have only met for a few times to eat free delicacies in several small canteens, no one will give a cold shoulder.

Estimating that the trial department is about to end, Eve took Night Crow to walk slowly to pick someone up.

On the way, Night Crow sighed and said: "I can't see that you can eat so much!"

The slender Eve smiled slightly: "I am the defending champion of the big eater competition of the seventh team of Anaki City."

"Team Seven has such a competition?" Night Crow asked in surprise.

"It has always been there!" After a pause, Eve added, "But the seven teams in each city have different preferences for activities. The big eater event... is indeed quite unpopular."Night Crow thought for a moment and said, "Because there is an ability to increase appetite?"

"Well, let's not talk about supernatural powers. There is a very basic technique in the body-tempering route, which is to strengthen digestion and absorb nutrients from food faster and better."

"What about you?"

Eve blinked: "I'm just a weak and delicate fate magician."

"...Isn't it that the appetite is completely inferior to that of the body-tempering strongman with extraordinary abilities?" Night Crow complained.

"That's called talent." Eve said seriously.

"Speaking of which...Lei is also a big eater." Night Crow said thoughtfully.

"..." Eve was silent.

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