The next afternoon, Moore had used up all the clues he could find about "Turtledove", and all of them ended up in the laboratory of the Super Energy Factory.

In a private room in the Puinsus Restaurant, "Molly" put the tired crow on the cushion and asked Moore: "What should we do next? It's not convenient to find the clues before?"

"If it's 'Night Crow', it's not impossible..." Moore said thoughtfully, "But I didn't expect it to involve the Super Energy Factory. I have to go back and discuss it with Yi Xi."

"'If it's Night Crow'? Why do you say that? What's the relationship between her and 'that Night Crow'?" Molly asked.

"..." Mor came back to his senses and explained calmly, "They are all followers of the Lord of Everlasting Darkness, maybe they know each other?"

"..." Morley pondered for a moment, and his frown relaxed, "I see, no wonder he can get along well with that 'God of Death'..."

"What are your plans next?" Morley asked, "Go back?"

"No." Morley refused flatly, paused for a moment, and added, "As for what to do, we have to have a meeting."

"... Good luck to you. If you encounter any tough enemies, you can take refuge in this restaurant." Morley said in a light tone, and it was unclear whether he cared or not.

"What exactly is this restaurant...?" Morley frowned again.

"On the surface, there is an investment from the Stilness family to which the Son of Ice belongs." Morley said.

"What is it actually?" Morley asked.

"In fact, this restaurant is favored by at least the God of Ice, the Lord of Nuclear Explosion, the Lord of Eternal Darkness, and the Principle of Glory." Moore said lightly, as if he was talking about the famous shareholders of a listed company that had nothing to do with him.

"..." Molly was silent, and asked in disbelief after a moment, "A restaurant with such a strong background actually has spies from the organization? When did the organization become so powerful?!"

The fact that there were spies in the Puinsus Restaurant late at night was inferred by Jasmine/Molly from Night Crow's conversation.

"It's just an ordinary part-time job." Moore said, "By the way, the manager of this restaurant has a nickname, 'Death'."

Molly: "..."


Night Crow was awakened by the smell of food.

In a daze, she called out the virtual phone and checked the date and time.

Well, another day has passed...

It's really tiring to carry people deep into the river of time for a long time...

Yawning, Night Crow flew to the dining table and drank a sip of iced juice that Jasmine or Molly had just poured but hadn't had time to drink, and then...

Jasmine picked up the crow that suddenly fell unconscious and checked it up and down with a puzzled look on her face.

After a while, she came to the ridiculous conclusion that the crow was just drunk.

Jasmine looked at the "juice pot" that was actually a special cocktail on the side, and picked up the glass of "juice" that Night Crow had drunk and sniffed it gently.

...Does this thing have an alcohol content of 1°?

I've seen it for a long time.


In the subtropical coastal areas close to the tropics in the northern hemisphere, the end of summer is still like midsummer, and the outdoor heat is so hot that people subconsciously avoid going out.

After receiving a call from his employer to pick him up... and from Crow, Lei, who had been sent home by Team 7, walked a hundred meters in the hot sun, swiped a shared bicycle, and pedaled towards the "Anaki City Hotel" in the city center.


Anaki City Hotel, at the door of a suite.

Seeing Lei's hurried figure finally appear at the other end of the corridor, Night Crow waved his wings and said goodbye to Jasmine.

Today, Jasmine was a "cold beauty" with a bad temper. She nodded perfunctorily and slammed the door.

Hovering beside Lei, Night Crow asked with a half-disdainful and half-confused look: "Why are you sweating all over?"

"Ahem." Lei coughed dryly, and answered with a wandering look, a little embarrassed, "I rode my bike here..."

"..." Speechless for a moment, Night Crow rolled his eyes and said, "Go to the front desk to get a room and clean up... Well, I'll just stay here until the boss comes back. If there's nothing else, you can come with me."

"Okay!" Lei agreed hurriedly.

——Great! I can use the air conditioner again!

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