"Clone sample No. 1 has not shown any special features. From the results of various tests, it is just an ordinary human baby."

"Nothing special? That shouldn't be the case... This sample is a complete clone without any adjustments..."

"Doctor, how should this sample be handled?"

"... Forget it, send an outsider to raise him and see if he will show any special features when he grows up."



"Doctor, sample No. 2 mixed with plant-based mutant genes No. 3 collapsed."

"Keep the sample and dispose of it."


"Doctor, sample No. 3, which was replaced with a more vital culture medium, has mutated."


"Yes, the characteristics of the plant suddenly took over completely, and it mutated and grew in just a few minutes. into a tangled mass of plant roots."

"...Interesting, try to keep it alive, take me over to have a look."


"Doctor, sample No. 4 suddenly went crazy and transformed into an irregular mass of meat within two minutes."

"Test all the data, keep some tissue samples, and dispose of them."


"Doctor, sample No. 5..."


"Doctor, sample No. 12 successfully tested out magical talent."

"...There are too many 'human' components added to sample No. 12, which doesn't mean anything."


"Send it to an orphanage, let it grow freely, and observe it regularly."



Rewind and replay again and again, until Night Crow's physical strength or something else is about to run out, everyone finally returns to the present world.

Back to the shore on the yacht brought by Team 7, Lei hugged the sleepy Night Crow, said goodbye to Eve and Rex, and was driven back to Anaki City Hotel by another Team 7 member.

When he returned to the hotel room, it was late at night.

Lei put the sleeping crow on the cushion in its usual sleeping position with its claws facing the sky. After a simple wash, he threw himself heavily on the big bed in the hotel's master bedroom.

The young man lay on his back, his eyes unfocused and empty. He didn't know what to think about, nor did he want to think.

When he was a child, he thought he was just an ordinary child from a single-parent family.

When he grew up, he thought he was an ignominious illegitimate child, and he secretly felt sad for a long time.

After his father suddenly disappeared, in order to facilitate the search, he provided genetic information to the sheriff, and he accidentally learned that he and his father were not related by blood...

Until then, his feelings for his father were still sincere and admiring.


Lei covered his face with his hands and laughed silently and self-deprecatingly.

In the misty white fog, something bright, like a butterfly, was flying.

He slowly stretched out his hand with his palm facing up.

A red maple leaf fell lightly on his palm, like fire and blood.

Lei woke up.

It took two seconds for his memory and consciousness to return, and Lei found that he had fallen asleep without realizing it...

He picked up the phone next to his pillow, turned on the screen and took a look.

It was 4:12 in the morning.

Lei remembered that when he returned to the hotel, the electronic wall clock hanging on the wall of the lobby on the first floor showed the time of September 1, 2056, 0:53.

After a moment of silence, Lei put down his phone, put his arms behind his head, and thought aimlessly.

The bright red maple leaf in the dream was almost identical to his current hair and eye color...

The doctor seemed to think that the "matrix" had certain plant properties...

The hand he saw in the dream did not look like his current self... nor was it the "matrix" that looked almost identical to him in the past...

Eve should be the "sample No. 12"...

The doctor was very sorry that the "matrix" had been dead for a long time when it was discovered...


Misty white fog, shadowy red.

Suddenly, the sun shone, the fog disappeared, and the breeze blew across the treetops, bringing the light song of the leaves.

Subconsciously, he raised his head.

He saw another self.

Lazily and comfortably leaning on the huge red maple treetop, his red hair like satin, dancing with the flying leaves, his eyes quiet, as if reflecting the mountain spring full of red maples.

He stared at the "other self" in a daze.

It seemed like a long time, but it was just a moment.

He suddenly realized.

No, that was not him!

In an instant, the dream was shattered.

Lei woke up from his bed.

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