The sighting location of the "Girl in Red at Midnight" is very consistent, in the No. 5 teaching building, which is the territory of the second grade of the ordinary class.

At this time, the teaching building of the ordinary class is pitch black, and only the emergency lights in the corridor are on with a pale green light.

Miss Ghost in a colorful skirt suddenly stopped, she looked down at the teaching building diagonally below, frowned and said: "There is a breath of living people."

Lena Li gently jumped to her side and replied softly: "It's just another detective hired by the parents."

"Another detective?" Miss Ghost turned lightly and asked with interest, "So, you are also a detective?"

"I guess so." Lenari replied.

"Is your detective agency still short of people? In fact, I have always been interested in detectives since elementary school..." Miss Ghost said excitedly.

"Then you may be disappointed." Lenari said, "I belong to the 'Ghost Detective'. Although it is also called a detective, it has nothing to do with the traditional serious detective..."

"Oh..." Miss Ghost really lost interest and said, "Do you want to go down and take a look?"

Lenari shook his head: "No, the view here is very good."

It doesn't matter if the view is not good, the whole building is in darkness...

Lenari didn't say the second half of this sentence.

Miss Ghost nodded: "Okay..."


The waiting time was boring. The two "girls" finally played the game king cards brought by Lenari in mid-air.

Lucia? She fell asleep.


In the early morning, as expected, many people and non-people who were squatting found nothing.

404 dormitory suite.

"Huha~" Lucia yawned and flicked her tail, "There's no point in squatting like this, meow~"

Lenari agreed: "Yeah, so I won't squat anymore, I'll put on a few 'monitors' and do what I normally do."

Lucia walked to her plate and squatted down, saying: "By the way, that ghost lady last night was really friendly!"

"She couldn't beat me, so she was naturally friendly." Lenari said, picked up his knife and fork, and began to enjoy today's breakfast.

"Meow? Is that so?!" Lucia was shocked.

"Of course it is." Lenari said vaguely, "That's an evil spirit."

Lucia: "...Evil spirits are so realistic?!"

Shocked cats for a hundred years!


After half a day of serious classes, Lenari found that this was really not suitable for her... She decisively applied for a "free activity test".

The so-called "free activity test" is what Anthony once said "to prevent girls with special abilities from running around" and "the questions are particularly weird".

Qili Walpole, the head teacher of the special class of Grade 1, is a young female teacher with big eyes and a baby face. She looks very young. If she were not wearing a teacher's uniform, she would not be out of place among a group of high school girls.

Teacher Qili was very straightforward. After receiving Lenari's verbal application, she directly led her to her desk, took out a few papers and pens from the drawer, and started the test on the spot.

Lenari sat at Teacher Qili's desk, looked at the papers for a few times, and silently connected to Kampers in the dark field to call for off-site assistance.

The questions were really weird. They were all Olympiad questions with a relatively high difficulty level, and the subjects were mixed together...


In terms of the number and difficulty of the questions on the test paper, two hours passed, which was very insufficient. Teacher Qili, who had been watching from the side, put away the test paper and said directly: "You passed... Remember to come back for the final exam, and don't turn off your phone at other times. We will notify you in time if there are any activities in the school."

"Okay." Lenari waved obediently, "Goodbye, Teacher Qili."

"Goodbye, the outside of the school is not like the inside of the school, pay attention to safety." Teacher Qili smiled and waved.


It is rumored that there is an office.

"Meow~" Lucia stretched her body hard on the desk, stretched her waist, "It's still comfortable at home... Fortunately, I didn't rush to order the service items."

"Yes, it's still comfortable at home." Lenari sat in the boss chair, turning back and forth, but in his mind, he was talking to Kampers.

Kampers: "Are these okay?"

Lenalee: "That's about right. Take these first. Order another batch after you finish learning."

Kamppers: "Okay. Actually, from a practical point of view, I suggest you prioritize learning based on your university major, and don't be obsessed with the so-called 'Olympiad' knowledge."

Lenalee: "It doesn't matter. You have to learn sooner or later... Well, university majors cannot be left behind. You pick two more interesting majors, and I'll learn them alternately."

Kamppers: "Okay... How about these two?"

Lenalee: "Very good, just these two, order the full set firstTeaching material, we will talk about the subsequent expansion later."

Campers: "Okay."


Three days later, on Friday night, close to midnight, Lenari's "surveillance probe" finally squatted on the "Girl in Red at Midnight" who appeared again.

Lenari, in the dark area, observed the girl in red floating in the corridor through the hidden "gap" and confirmed to Kampers: "How is it?"

Campers: "It is indeed a product of superpowers."

Lenari: "Can you find the source?"

Campers: "I'll try. The other party should be a novice who awakened unexpectedly. The aura is very obvious."

Lenari: "Come on. "


In the corridor with only the pale green emergency light on, a girl wearing an abnormally bright red hooded cloak and a blurry figure wandered back and forth unconsciously, her feet not touching the ground, which was extremely strange.

In a classroom, several detectives who had been squatting all night looked at each other, at a loss.

They used various professional equipment to see clearly that this "girl in red at midnight" was translucent, floating in the air without support, and the fluttering of her clothes did not follow the strong night wind tonight...

One of the young detectives wearing black-framed glasses and looking thin shuddered, gestured with the gestures agreed in advance and asked: What should I do?

The other middle-aged detective who looked quite calm and composed also asked: The thin young detective nodded, remembering the sighting record of the "Girl in Red at Midnight". The "Girl in Red at Midnight" would not appear for long each time. As long as "she" or "it" disappeared on its own, they could retreat and then report to the relevant departments and let professionals come to deal with it. As a detective, it is inevitable that you will encounter some unspeakable things over time. Therefore, those present are basically half-informed. ... The "Girl in Red at Midnight" wandered for about 3 minutes, and then disappeared suddenly without any signs, just like when it appeared. In the dark area, Lenari couldn't help asking, "How is it?" Kampers replied, "The source has not been found yet, but the breath has been locked. Even if I have to search the whole city, I will find him/her." Lenari shook his head gently, "That's not necessary. The time and place of appearance are so regular. It is very likely that it is a teacher or student in the second year of high school this year." Kampers: "So that's it... Ah! I really found it!"

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