The forbidden area at the top of the Obsidian Holy Tower, deep in the temple.

Lenari suddenly asked Kampers to order a large number of alchemical materials.

"These materials... are you planning to make space props?" Kampers asked curiously.

"Well, I plan to make a space potted plant." Lenari did not hide it and nodded casually.

"Space potted plant?"

"It looks like a small flowerpot, but it can actually plant a big tree."


What tree is worthy of such a precious flowerpot?

Kampers was confused in his daily life.


Anaki City Hotel, Suite 2209.

After finally stopping laughing, Night Crow flapped his wings a few times, failed to climb up, and simply turned over and stretched his body in a strange posture with his two claws facing the sky.

"For the raid on the laboratory, do you need me to take you to check the location in advance?" Night Crow kicked his legs casually and asked comfortably.

"No, the higher-ups took this very seriously this time, and secretly airdropped many reinforcements... from all aspects." Eve said easily, "We, the 'local' sheriffs, just need to follow behind and do the aftermath."

Night Crow wanted to raise his eyebrows: "It seems that this wave of airborne troops is really strong."

"Yeah." Eve didn't talk much about this matter, and said, "There is still a lot of time before the operation starts tomorrow. Can you take us to continue exploring the origin of the 'matrix'... and its current situation?"

"Of course." Night Crow agreed readily.


The long-dead "matrix" was washed ashore by the waves, and was accidentally discovered by the peripheral personnel of the super power factory who happened to be on vacation at the seaside, and handed it over to the laboratory as a merit.

Following the trajectory of the half-body, the Night Crow drove all the way into a fog.

After sailing for a long time, the surrounding fog remained.

The phantom crow standing on the figurehead said helplessly to the two passengers: "This 'God-hiding Mist' has its own concealing properties, I can't trace it back..."

Eve exhaled and said without surprise: "As expected... Let's go back and look at the research results of that doctor?"

"Okay." The phantom crow nodded.

Then, the Night Raven sailed out of the mist, and the familiar laboratory reappeared in front of the three "people".


According to the doctor's research, the "matrix" is a hybrid of humans and some unknown things. He has all the properties that humans should have, and there is also some unactivated powerful power hidden in his blood.

That power has the characteristics of both plants and animals. It likes blood, but can also accept normal plant nutrients.

The doctor has done many experiments with the cells of the "matrix", including simple cloning and reproduction, fragment gene extraction and grafting, etc.

Over the past 20 years, among the thousands of clones, Sample 1, which he originally thought was mediocre or even a failure, turned out to be one of the only two samples in the cloning group that survived for more than three years...

And the other sample, Sample 1032, has been sick since the embryo, and once it is out of the maintenance of various instruments in the laboratory, it may die at any time.

The doctor originally wanted to take back the precious Sample 1 from the outside world, but unfortunately, his masterpiece, A-003, would go crazy once it got close to Sample 1 to a certain distance...

A-003 is the only surviving individual cultivated by the doctor from the unknown biological genes extracted from the "mother".

This individual has the intelligence of an ordinary ten-year-old human child, and his body is extremely strong. He can control plants and turn himself into a giant tree. His overall strength even touches the threshold of S-level.

The most important thing is that he is very obedient.

The doctor was reluctant to let the only successful sample of Group A go crazy, so he had to continue to let Sample 1 go free and only sent people to protect him in secret.

Lei's adoptive father was lucky enough to be protected by the bodyguards sent by the doctor. He shouldn't have had any accidents. However, when he opened the door, he was caught in a strange story...

There are many strange stories related to "doors" active in the contemporary Green Star. The doctor cannot determine which one it is, so he naturally cannot rescue him.

——Even if he can rescue him, considering the cost and benefit, the doctor will probably choose to give up.

After all, the sample No. 1 raised by the peripheral personnel is just an ordinary person. He has never shown any mysterious potential. Not to mention that his value is limited, there is also the second-level No. 1032 as a substitute.

The value of No. 1 is far from enough for the doctor to "love the house and the dog" and use all means.

In fact, the doctor hesitated whether to simply get rid of the sample No. 1, the "weakness" of A-003. In the end, as a scientific researcher, the rigor and curiosity made him give up this idea.

After figuring out why A-003 went crazy when he was close to the clone group No. 1,Because before, simply erasing No. 1 might not be a cure.

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