"So, how did you get out?" Night Crow flew to the half-dead tree root next to the boy, shaking his head and asking curiously.

"Life on Maple Island is extremely boring, and my father doesn't allow me to go to other islands..."

"My mother was originally an outsider. Because of a shipwreck, she was washed up on Maple Island by the waves. After being rescued by the islanders, she was offered to my father as a living sacrifice."

"My father was very curious about the outside world. Instead of eating her, he gave her shelter... Later they got together and had me."

"My mother left many notes before she died. Reading those notes, I yearned for the outside world more and more. So according to my mother's guess, I hung a glass lamp with a white candle on the bow and sailed towards the fog at the end of the sea." Coco recalled.

"...Didn't your father stop you?" Night Crow asked puzzledly.

"He persuaded me a few times, and when he found that I insisted, he made a boat with his own branches and sent me to the fog at the end of the sea..."

"You can risk your life to go to the outside world, but not to other islands?" Night Crow asked more and more puzzled.

In this regard, Coco was very calm: "Monsters can increase their strength by devouring each other... Half-monsters who have the blood of great monsters but do not have the corresponding power are rare and precious supplements..."

"My father is a great monster who has survived for tens of thousands of years. He said that he can accept my death because of chasing something, but he can't accept my death by being preyed upon by other monsters... It's better to return to his body."

"..." After a moment of silence, Night Crow sighed, "It's worthy of being an immortal species of the plant system..."

"In short, although the process is difficult, I have come to the outside world alive..." Coco said with mixed feelings.

"Then, what do you think of this 'outside world'?" Night Crow asked curiously

Not far away, Lei and Eve, as well as Arlin who was a little further behind, pricked up their ears.

"How should I put it?" Coco frowned slightly in distress, "It's much more exciting than I imagined, but...but..."

"But it's also more dangerous?" Night Crow continued.

"Yes." Coco nodded, "The country under the protection of the God of Fog doesn't have those messy...uh, weird stories."

"That's because the so-called 'God of Fog' is itself a very powerful weird story!" Night Crow complained, "And, 'God of Fog'? What a strange name!"

Coco did not comment on this.

After thinking for a while, Night Crow paced a few steps on the half-dead tree roots and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, the former country of Wa was known to have eight million gods... What about those gods and the divine world? Well, I remember it was called 'Takamagahara'?"

"The former Takamagahara has collapsed, and as for those gods... all of them have fallen into demons." Coco said, "The Maple Island ruled by my father is actually just an isolated island on the outermost edge. The largest piece of land in the country of Wa, which has long existed in name only, was occupied by the original gods after Takamagahara was shattered, and was also named Takamagahara."

"Hmm..." Night Crow thought for a long time, not knowing how to comment, and simply changed the subject, "What about humans? Are there still humans surviving in the country of Wa?"

"Yes." Coco nodded affirmatively, "Whenever the number of humans decreases to a certain extent, the fog god will be angry and send down disasters to kill a large number of monsters, even the most powerful monsters cannot be spared... After several consecutive times, the later monsters have learned their lesson and supervised each other to formulate many rules to protect humans."

Several consecutive times? Later?

Realizing the problem, Night Crow immediately asked, "How long has the 'Great Fog God' existed before you came out?"

"It is said that it has been more than 80,000 years." Coco answered casually without any doubt.

... Wow, the time flow rate inside and outside is 100:1!

Hmm, this ratio is a bit familiar?

Do all those copies like this time flow rate ratio?

Night Crow's thoughts unconsciously strayed.

At this time, Yaerlin, who had been watching quietly from the back, suddenly stepped forward and asked gently, "You said before that the Maple Island ruled by your father is at the outermost... Excuse me, does he mind the federal scientific expedition team landing on the island?"

Coco looked at Yaerlin, who was dressed as a medieval noble knight, with some surprise, and answered seriously, "Father actually yearns for the outside world... Although I don't know why he doesn't want to leave together, I believe he will welcome the well-intentioned scientific expedition team."

"I understand, thank you for your answer." Yaerlin said, and retreated to the back again.

Previously, this boy who called himself "half-demon" and named "Coco" hypnotized the entire underground base in an unknown way, making Team 7's operation this time...It can be said that the most perfect result was obtained without any effort.

- Although some people from the Academy of Sciences complained that the experimental subjects and specimens were completely destroyed, Yaerlin did not care about it at all. Instead, he wanted to give a thumbs up and praised "well destroyed".

Those experiments that always broke Yaerlin's imagination of the lower limit of human beings made him feel nauseous just knowing about them.

Although those guys did not dare to cross the line under the supervision of the Federation, it would be better to find them something more meaningful to do than to let them always think about the existing data in this laboratory...

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