In the afternoon, not long after Night Crow woke up, Lucia, who hadn't seen him for more than a month, sent a private message.

[Lady Cat: You should be awake, right? If you are awake, remember to go to Team 7 to receive the payment for the book.

Night Crow: It's been a long time since I woke up... Wang Bao said there are three options, and he wanted to wait for you to choose together.

Lady Cat: I know those three options, but I can't use them. Just choose the one you like.

Night Crow: Oh!

Night Crow: By the way, do you remember the detective named "Lei"?

Lady Cat: He looks familiar. What happened to him?

Night Crow: It's like this... (Describes the events during this period vividly)

Lady Cat: Wow~ Sure enough, that kid is not an "ordinary person" either!

Night Crow: Recently, Team 7 should organize a scientific expedition team with the country. Do you want to come?

Lady Cat: Let's talk about it later. Cultivation is more important.

Lady Cat: After entering the "God Hidden Mist", remember to confirm whether the Radiant Principle hotline can be used. If not, just... Well, do you know the complete mythological name of the Radiant Principle?

Night Crow: I know.

Lady Cat: That's good. That god is very reliable. If you encounter problems that cannot be solved, just go to Him.

Night Crow: I will.



After finishing the chat with Lucia, the Night Crow flapped its wings and flew to the small living room outside.

At this time, Lei, who had adjusted his mood, was helping the waiter who delivered the food to move the dishes from the dining cart to the dining table.

With outsiders present, the Night Crow circled a few times and finally landed on the top of the backrest of the chair, looking at the dining table with a burning gaze.

The waiter who unloaded all the food looked at the crow curiously for a few times, did not do anything extra, thanked him and pushed the dining cart away.

After closing the door, Lei came to the dining table and sat down. While picking up the knife and fork, he asked, "What's wrong?"

——According to Night Crow's habit, when there are outsiders who don't know about it, if she happens not to be at the scene, she will usually just avoid it until the outsiders leave.

"After dinner, go to the seventh district. I'll get the payment for the goods." Night Crow flew to the dining table and said while motioning Lei to help him set the dishes.

"Payment for the goods?" Lei asked doubtfully, his hands moving non-stop.

"Real things." Night Crow picked up a piece of meat and said vaguely.

Lei nodded and stopped asking.


An office in the underground base of the seventh district of Anaki City.

Looking at the back of the red-haired young man who was forcibly pulled away by Eve who looked like she was looking for a place to talk, Night Crow turned around and said with some teasing: "It's really flattering that you are personally receiving me..."

Across the small round table, Yalin, who was blond and blue-eyed and wearing a luxurious light armor, shrugged: "We S-level/super-level combat power leaders are actually quite idle when there is no incident... After all, there are only a few who have high combat power and excellent talents such as management."

"That's right." Night Crow nodded in agreement.

"So," Yalin pointed to the three identical boxes lined up on the small round table, "Which one are you going to choose?"

"At least introduce it first?" Night Crow said.

"...Okay." Yarlin curled his lips in disappointment, "There are three options. One is to customize a humanoid Gundam for you with the Federation's top technology, guaranteed to have S-level combat power; the other is a blood inheritance crystal with a potential evaluation of 'S'."

Seeing Yarlin suddenly stop talking, Night Crow calmly cooperated and said: "What about the third one?"

"Well, the third one..." Yarlin dragged out the tone, and suddenly took out a small box made of gold from behind and opened it, "clang clang——"

"Avdilo Cube!"

"..." Choked by this childish behavior for a moment, Night Crow looked at it carefully.

In the small box carved from gold, there was no lining, and a colorless and transparent cube with a side length of just over 3cm was lying there quietly.

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