"I wonder if these woods can be eaten..." Night Crow said thoughtfully.

"...Ah?" Lei suspected that he had heard wrongly.

On the other side, Night Crow did not explain further, but raised his hand to interpret his words with action.

Thick and ferocious tree roots swarmed out from Night Crow's demonized arms, piercing straight into the wooden furniture, walls, floor and ceiling of the room.

Not long after, the wooden building materials that were gnawed turned into some flying ashes and fell into the black background of the starry sky.

The released tree roots were retracted one after another, and Night Crow put down his sleeves without a trace of damage to his arms as if nothing had happened, and turned to the window on the side.

"Let's go, go to the next door to observe."


Lei looked at the only wooden floor left under his feet, which was like a narrow bridge protruding into the endless black background of the starry sky, and then looked at the three walls and ceiling that had completely disappeared, turned around from the heart, and trotted to catch up with Night Crow.

——The room behind the door opposite, the moment the wall to which the door belonged disappeared, it could no longer be seen.

The inner hall of the temple on the top of the Obsidian Holy Tower.

Lenari lay on his back on the cushion, chatting with the Radiance Principle in the air.

"I can't catch it at all! That 'Infinite City' moves too fast! It just disappeared as soon as I sensed it!"

The little girl in black waved her arms and short legs alternately like a naughty child, her tone was like a spoiled child complaining.

"Same." A cold and baby voice that only Lenari could hear sounded out of thin air.

——Although cold and baby voice, in theory, don't seem to be related.

Lenari was a little surprised: "Eh? Can't even catch you?"

"I lack a direct beacon." Radiance Principle said.

Only the glorious truth of divinity is the concept itself, and the use of power is far beyond the limitations of Lenari. Even if there is no beacon, if he is determined to find something, as long as the other party is exposed to the "light", he can sense it.

Such a "He" should not fail in theory.

After all, the strange story "Infinite City" will inevitably capture some "light" while copying rooms and capturing living things.

But He did fail.

Frowning, Lenari proposed the most likely scenario: "That 'Infinite City'... is protected by a conceptual-level power?"

Without further discussion on the so-called "possibility", the Radiant Principle directly gave his own solution: "I can check the records of Green Star."

After hesitating for a moment, Lenari rejected this plan: "Forget it, it's not worth disturbing Green Star for such a small matter."

"The food inside is fine, and if my character clone hasn't died for so long, I believe Xiao Fengshu can survive smoothly."

"He is now an immortal species, and it won't be a big problem to be trapped for ten or a hundred years."

Lenari can still sense whether the character clone is dead or not.

"The end" is her essence and foundation.

"Well, I will continue to try to capture the 'Infinite City' in the usual way." The Radiant Principle said.

"Then I'll leave it all to you~"


A room inside the "Infinite City" of the ghost story

Looking at the room that slowly "grew" and then was destroyed and reborn after the "4-hour countdown", Night Crow nodded happily.

Lei on the side scratched his head subconsciously.

——Although it is not clear what Night Crow understood from this phenomenon, he always felt a little uneasy...

Sure enough, after moving the room again, Night Crow said to Lei: "The wood in these rooms is indeed safe "food", you can eat as much as you want."

"Next, you continue to practice and master the tricks of demonization as soon as possible, and try to "eat out" this strange story with me."

"...Although I think this plan is extremely unreliable, but..." Lei pulled the corner of his mouth and said helplessly, "Anyway, there is no clue, just try it as you say...Becoming stronger will only benefit me anyway."

"Come on!" Night Crow raised his fist with full energy to cheer.

"I'll try my best..." As Lei said this, he suddenly remembered something, "Oh, right, these woods should all be 'dead things', right? Are they really qualified as 'food'?"

"Aren't cooked foods also dead things?" Night Crow retorted, "Besides, from your point of view, how will those herbivores who eat hay feel?"

"...Yes, dried fruits are also dried." Lei nodded, no longer questioning the matter of "eating wooden building materials".

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