The strange trees grew from the earth, stretching their hideous branches to the sky.

The obsidian branches were like an unreal nightmare, and they were hundreds of meters high in a few breaths.

The dark leaves with a dark red sheen and the size of a human head stretched and stretched, swaying gently in the high wind.

With the obsidian giant tree as the center, the grass and trees withered and all living things died in the area covered by its canopy.

-Except for the circle around the scorched castle.

Not only that, the withered circle that greedily absorbed all vitality was still expanding outward at a rapid speed visible to the naked eye.


Near the scorched castle.

In order to avoid the sudden "earthquake", Diana accidentally ran a little far away, and with the cover of the lush coniferous forest, when she woke up from the spectacle of the obsidian giant tree that blocked the sky and realized that the "withering" had come, it was too late to deal with it.

Fortunately, Lei, who sensed something was wrong, returned in time and carried her back to the burnt castle that was still shedding ashes at the critical moment.

On the rooftop of the towering castle, Diana looked at the remaining circle of green below with lingering fear, and then looked at the obsidian giant tree that was too strong not far away, and couldn't help asking the red-haired young man beside him who was looking up at the giant tree with an amazed look on his face.

"Lei, is that the work of Night Crow?"

"Yeah." Lei stared at the giant tree wonder not far away, his head almost broken, "It looks like we can get out soon..."

"This is the so-called 'miracle'..." he sighed as if talking to himself.

"..." Diana didn't say anything.

Her three views are still in the stage of being shattered and not yet reorganized. No matter how exaggerated and grand the scene is, it will only make her feel numb.

It's not that her mind is so fragile. She hasn't come out of the shock of "seeing a ghost" for eight months.

Two evenings later, Diana confessed her love to Lei under the beautiful moonlight.

Lei, who felt that he had become a non-human and an immortal, did not only reject the innocent girl who had just tasted love, but also turned into an incomplete maple tree on the spot.

How incomplete?

He barely had the outline of a person, but his skin and facial features were all bark-like, like a monster that failed to transform into a human. He was as hideous and ugly as he could be.

Diana was not obsessed with looks.

However, a pleasing appearance was obviously an important plus point for "love".

At the same time as breaking up, Diana was forced to accept the terrible fact that there were many legal "monsters" in human skin among the citizens of the Green Star Federation.


When the "Withered Circle" greedily occupied about half of the area of ​​this secret realm, it finally stopped.

At the same time, sparse, dark red giant buds began to grow on the branches of the obsidian tree that stood still in the strong wind.

After about ten minutes, the oval buds with a diameter of about 1 meter and nearly round bloomed, and the overlapping petals looked like soft dark red feathers.

After another ten minutes, the dark red feather flowers withered, and fruits of the same color were produced, like plump and shiny gems.

The fruits continued to grow visibly, and the bigger they grew, the darker the color became, like miniature black holes that even light could not escape.

About an hour after the feather flowers withered, the first ripe black fruit fell off the branch by itself and fell straight down under the pull of gravity.

Just after falling more than ten meters, while still in the air, the dark fruit suddenly collapsed inwards.

In the blink of an eye, a humanoid creature about 60cm tall, curled up like a baby, stretched out its limbs from the collapsed point. Its proportions were like those of a perfect 15-year-old boy, with no sexual characteristics, pointed ears like the elves in legends, and a pair of jet-black wings on its back.

This was the last scene Lei and Diana saw.

They passed the level.

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