【Forest Hunting Goddess: I am not Him.

Forest Hunting Goddess: The old gods have fallen, I am the new Forest Hunting.

The Principle of Glory: That is true.

The Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Since even the Glory said so...

The Lord of Everlasting Darkness: So, the godhood provided by the strange story "Creation of the World" is a replica of the godhood of the old gods in the past?

The Principle of Glory: The godhood is the manifestation and embodiment of the rules, it does not have the ability to create a brand new godhood.

The Lord of Everlasting Darkness: I see... What a pity.

Forest Hunting Goddess: Don't feel sorry, the forest has the power to breed, according to "her" wishes, I have kept "her" and will give birth to "her".

The Lord of Everlasting Darkness: ... I suddenly started to think philosophically.

The Lord of Nuclear Explosion: @The Lord of Everlasting Darkness, have you cleared the copy of the strange story "Creation of the World"?

The Lord of Everlasting Darkness: To be precise, it is my character clone.

The Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Let's discuss it?

Lord of Darkness: No discussion.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: ... I haven't told you what it is yet?

Lord of Darkness: What could it be? It's just brushing up the godhood! No talk.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: At least hesitate!

Lord of Darkness: Creation has nothing to do with my own power, it's just a trick at a great cost.

Lord of Darkness: Besides, is a new god of pure divinity really what the Federation wants?

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: ... Speaking of this, @Forest Hunting Goddess, what is your philosophy?

Forest Hunting Goddess: Practice the way of nature and maintain ecological balance.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: ... If possible, please inform the Federation before you perform your duties.

Forest Hunting Goddess: Yes.

Weaver of Destiny: Oh, so easy to talk to?

God of Ice: Absolute divinity means absolute rationality... It seems that the hidden chips of the Federation are heavier than I thought.

The Lord of Nuclear Explosion: It's boring to discuss this, everyone.


Dark Realm.

Lenari closed the chat room interface in the sea of ​​consciousness, took Night Crow back to the Obsidian Temple and lay back on the huge sofa-like cushion, and talked directly to the Radiant Principle:

"The new race I created in that secret realm is called the 'Black Feather Tribe'. Can you help me see if there are any fatal flaws? If there are any, optimize and correct them?"

"Okay." The Radiant Principle simply agreed.

Hegar District, in front of the gate of the scorched castle.

The newly born goddess of forest hunting did not care about Lei's rude subconscious reaction, and stretched out her hand.

The vibrant emerald green light condensed in her hand, turning into a round and shiny green seed.

The seed floated up, fell to the snow-covered wild grass not far away, and sank into the snow.

Then, the knee-deep snow was slightly agitated, as if something was growing freely in it.

The next moment, a mysterious plant that looked like a herb or a wood, with a emerald green glow all over its body, broke through the snow and stretched its branches and leaves toward the sky.

About three minutes later, the plant that was two people tall stopped growing and instead produced a huge bud that was disproportionate to its height.

After a few minutes, the bud bloomed, withered, and bore fruit.

Not long after, a two-meter-long, oval, translucent emerald green fruit was heavily attached to the slender branch, which made Lei feel strange and inexplicably happy.

While trying to suppress the sudden joy of life in his heart, Lei secretly guarded and was ready to call out the name of the Radiant Truth at any time.

——The reason why he has not asked for help until now is because this "Diana" seems to have no ill intentions.

Moreover, Lei doubted whether he would really have a chance to ask for help if this "Forest Hunting Goddess" wanted to harm him?


Obsidian Temple.

Radiant Principle suddenly contacted Lenari:

"All the items that the previous Night Raven stored in the 'Ark of Time' are still there. Do you want to transfer them?"

Lenari was stunned for a moment, and said happily: "Of course! If it's convenient, transfer them all."

"What about the 'Ark of Time'?" Radiant Principle asked again.

"Can that be transferred as well?"

"Yes, the essence of the 'Ark of Time' is a ghost story."

"Then transfer it!" Lenari was overjoyed.

If there is something on Night Raven No. 2 that Lenari is most reluctant to part with, it is of course the "Ark of Time"!

Or, the Night Raven.

After all, there are other means to replace the copy-paste ability of "No Appearance", and even as long as you find a way to get another Aphrodite Cube, the mobile phone brick can be reproduced.

On the contrary, the Night Raven, which was born by swallowing and integrating the essence of the ghost story "The Ghost Ship Lost in the Past", is unique.

In short, after this operation, it really became what Night Crow said to Lei at the beginning, just sacrificing a formless body.

It's gratifyingCongratulations.

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