Night Crow angrily opened the attribute panel, intending to see what the data of this "angel" body was.

She didn't think that "Gods Space" was just doing this for provocation.

As soon as the attribute panel was opened, a pop-up window popped up.

[Please enter the name of the second body: ______ (Note: This name will be used as the second name and ID of the trial in Gods Space, and cannot be changed without special props.)]

Oh, it also comes with an official vest.

Night Crow thought about it and entered...

Night Crow.

"Night Crow" is originally a vest. If you think about it carefully, it seems unnecessary to put on another layer.

After all, vests are accompanied by personal settings, and it is tiring to put on too many.

Click to confirm, and the second name is successfully entered.

Night Crow is quite satisfied with this.

——Before, she was a little worried that the second name would not be allowed to be the same as the first name.


A personal space somewhere in "Gods Space".

A certain trialist who had just completed a long-term task and returned to his personal space, looked at the blood-red pop-up window that dominated the center of his vision, and scratched his already messy short hair into a mess in great confusion.

[Warning: System error, trialist's name is lost, please re-enter the name: ______ (Note: This name will be used as the trialist's name and ID in the Gods Space, and cannot be changed without special props.)]

... So the system of "Gods Space" can also have bugs?

The trialist felt absurd, and always felt that something in his heart collapsed completely in an instant.

But he didn't think much about it, just re-entered his name:

"Night Crow".

[This name has been taken. 】

Trialist: "..."


[Trialist: Night Crow (Second Body)

Overall Rating: S

Combat Power: B

Mystery: S

Survivability: C

Ability: Day Angel

Item: Yangyan Bow

Current Points: 1000

Mall Permission: S]

[Ability: Day Angel

Introduction: This is your race, and also your ability. 】

This introduction is the same as saying nothing... However, based on Night Crow's own perception and divination, he can understand the general idea.

Night Crow remembered that in a certain ancient civilization that had completely disappeared, there was a race called "Day Angel".

However, compared with what he learned in the Black and Red Theater, the "Day Angel" reproduced in the "Gods' Space" is more like a unique custom product that only uses the "Day Angel" appearance template.

Why do you think so?

Because if you take away the Yangyan Bow, a high-end weapon that even has a bit of divine power, the combat power of this body is at most D-level...

Even so, it can still fly and has strong self-healing ability. Otherwise, it is only E-level, the level of an ordinary adult human.

Yes, it is the same as Night Crow's crow body, with the mysterious side symbols full, and the combat power is terrible.

What symbol?

Of course, it is the sun and the day.

It already has a trace of divinity, and the power of the sun can be obtained with a little effort.

It can be imagined that to reduce the combat power of such a body to this level, the "Gods' Space" must have made a lot of efforts...

——Since you are working so hard, although the direction of your efforts is not quite right, I will forgive you for cheating!

Quickly realizing the fun hidden in this contradictory body, Night Crow happily spread her wings and flew a little.

——Only then did she realize that her personal space had expanded without knowing when.

After a little exploration, Night Crow was surprised to find that this human space had expanded into a cube with a side length of 10 meters in one go...

Not bad, it was quite generous, and didn't pick and choose in some unimportant places.

Night Crow accepted this kindness calmly.

Night Crow certainly knew what the "Gods Space" was thinking by giving her such a body, but she didn't reject it.

——Isn't it just to serve as a better beacon of Glory!

Now this "Day Angel" body, if used as a signal base station for Glory in another world, or another universe, it can almost be compared to Night Crow 2 to Lenari.

As for Night Crow 3, because it directly used the power of the dark realm as manufacturing materials, its connection with Lenari was further deepened. Even if it was captured again by the strange stories such as "Infinite City" and "Creation World", it might not lose contact again.

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