Night Crow originally planned to take Lei back to the office to pick a room according to Lucia's message on the BB chat software, but in the current situation...

Let's just go and find a room with Team 7.


On the way to Team 7, Eve, who drove to pick him up, nodded repeatedly: "Team 7's base is indeed protected in terms of fate, and it's no problem to weaken the general event constitution."

"That's troublesome~ This kid's event constitution is really difficult to deal with." Night Crow, who was sitting in the back seat, leaned his arms between the two backrests of the front seat, and said in a cheerful tone of throwing away a burden.

"I don't want to..." Lei, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said weakly.

"Alas, I don't want to... events with high quality can be used as training, adventure, etc., but your event constitution will only frequently cause some trivial troubles most of the time..."

Speaking of this, Night Crow sighed: "My passive bad luck is the type that emphasizes quality over quantity. If it is combined... even the God-favored cannot bear it."

"... The day when the scientific expedition team will set off is not far away, you must not activate your passive near me!" Lei said with some horror.

"Don't worry, I just like to have fun, I'm not interested in being the fun." Night Crow said unhappily, "My passive bad luck and your event constitution are superimposed together, the frequency and quality are too high, those top ghost stories come to me and even have to queue up..."

Eve, who has a high authority in matters related to Lei and can often see the corresponding reports at the first time, pulled the corner of her mouth and forced to change the subject: "Will Night Crow live in the seventh district later?"

"That's not necessary, I also want to play in the 'Gods Space'... Speaking of this, is your 'Gods Space' trialer who 'likes to invite newcomers' done?"

"It's a coincidence. He just came back from a mission today." Eve said, "Now, he should stay at home. Do you want to visit him on the way?"



In front of Eve, a high-level fate magician with many fate protections, Lei's event constitution seemed to have finally calmed down.

The car carrying three people drove all the way into the underground parking lot of the seventh district, and no more accidents happened.

Just after getting off the car, Eve picked up her phone and looked at it, saying, "The cause of the previous car accident has been found out."

"What is it?" Lei asked curiously.

"The truck driver suffered from several common chronic diseases, and his recent work and rest schedule was extremely unhealthy... sudden death from cerebral hemorrhage."

"..." Lei wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say, and finally just sighed.

"Don't think too much. Before, when Coco was still awake, and when we lived in the seventh district, didn't your event constitution have much effect?"

"Yeah, but not long after I met you, my race changed..." Lei complained.

"That can't be helped... Who would have thought that your event constitution and my passive ability combined could be so outrageous!" Night Crow shrugged helplessly.

The next second, as if tired of walking, or too lazy to walk, Night Crow suddenly switched to a crow body and flew skillfully onto Lei's shoulder.

Eve took Lei to check in first, and then took Night Crow to the residence of the "Gods Space" trialist.

According to what Eve said, the strength of the Seventh District's protection against fate is the same above and below ground. Therefore, Lei, who felt safe, took the key and walked around the new residence, and couldn't stand the loneliness and followed.

Room 404, Building 4, Seventh District.

As soon as Eve rang the doorbell, a weak, sleepy man's voice came from inside the door and shouted loudly: "The door is not closed."

"I know you didn't close the door. Didn't I notify you that there are guests?" Eve said as she pushed the door.

The door was directly inside the living room. On a single sofa against the wall, a young man with messy black short hair was lying on his back like a dead fish.

Seeing the young man in such an unbelievable state, Eve asked in confusion: "Why do you look like you've been playing games for seven days and seven nights without sleeping? Didn't you just come back today?"

"Oh... don't mention it... I don't know what happened to the 'Space of Gods', there was a bug suddenly, saying that the name was lost and asked me to re-enter it... As a result, when I entered it, the name of {beep——} was actually already taken... What do you think of this?! I'm a bad at naming! I finally came up with a cool and relevant name..."

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