After teasing the seemingly unintelligent young man, in order to avoid any misunderstanding, Night Crow finally told the truth:

"Actually, I am very weak, I just max out my symbols and can descend at any time..."

"Two sets of scores, comprehensive score S, combat power F, mystery S, survivability A; comprehensive score S, combat power B, mystery S, survivability B."

"...It's S anyway!" said the young man, "and it happens to complement me."

Night Crow did not comment on this.

Her ideal teammate is the kind of person who is strong and has a certain amount of mystery knowledge and resistance.

For a young man with mystery D, no matter how strong he is in other aspects, it is easy to fail around her.

"I don't know your name yet?" Night Crow asked.

"Isaac Evans." The young man said.

"You said before that your name was based on your ability..." Night Crow asked curiously, "If it's inconvenient to explain, forget it."

Isaac sighed and scratched his hair again: "It's actually no big deal... I pretended to be able to summon technology equipment, and my first high-tech equipment happened to be the black-painted 'Raven X'..."

"Anyway, from then on, as long as conditions permit, I will paint my equipment black with crow elements."

"Raven X?" Night Crow asked curiously.

"A small drone operated by mental power that has been discontinued, equipped with high-energy laser beam weapons." Isaac replied.

"Why is it discontinued?"

"There are so many reasons, anyway, it is discontinued." Isaac didn't look happy.

Eve, who was standing by, saw this and answered for him, "Because the mysterious resistance of this model is too low, it is not cost-effective to rely on materials to improve it."

"I see." Night Crow nodded, stopped asking, and said, "I didn't mean to occupy the name... Is there anything you want? If I can get it, I will try to get it for you."

Under Eve's not-so-obscure eyes, Isaac thought for a moment and asked carefully, "I wonder what the big boss's mall authority is...?"

"S-level." Night Crow answered, and then asked in confusion, "Doesn't the mall authority follow the comprehensive score?"

When Night Crow's comprehensive score was only C at the beginning, the mall authority was directly S, but she attributed it to the result of "Gods Space" cheating to test her.

After all, her original comprehensive score should have been S.

"Of course not!" Isaac said in astonishment, "Why do you think so... Uh, I almost forgot, the boss just joined the Gods Space today..."

Looking at the young man's reaction, Night Crow asked thoughtfully: "Is it difficult to upgrade the mall authority?"

"Yes, it's very difficult!" Isaac nodded frantically, and then sighed, "I have been a trialist for more than ten years, and my comprehensive score has been working hard from C to A, but the mall authority is still C..."

"... Tell me, what do you want that can only be bought with S-level mall authority?" Night Crow asked directly.

"In fact, it can be bought in the A-level mall... It is a technology-side superpower directional awakening potion called 'Superpower Fluid', which costs 100 points." Isaac said expectantly, "I will transfer the corresponding points to you."

"Just 100 points, I'll give it to you." Night Crow called the system of "Gods Space" and asked, "From what you said, there are many types of superpower fluid, which one do you want?"

"The one related to intelligent machinery." Isaac answered without hesitation.

"Intelligent machines related... ah, got it."

With the help of the convenient filtering function, Night Crow quickly found the target in the system mall interface that only he could see.

After looking at the introduction, Night Crow finally confirmed: "If this series of liquid medicine is used to assist the awakening of the second superpower, the success rate is not high... The one related to intelligent machines is especially low."

"It doesn't matter, I have already prepared myself mentally." Isaac seemed very calm about this.

Night Crow nodded and said: "Let's start the transaction... This series of superpower liquid, the system prohibits taking it to the present world."

Isaac nodded and immediately asked his system to send a transaction request.

——He is now in an abnormal state of "ID" vacancy, and the systems of other trial participants cannot accurately point to him.

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