At the right time, Night Crow slowly woke up.

She was still in the dungeon, still nailed to the wall.

This result was not unexpected, and Night Crow calmly waited for the arrival of "footsteps".

Five minutes later, the sound of leather boots hitting the stone floor suddenly sounded not far away.

Night Crow quietly listened to the copy-paste-like, "program-like" movement, and finally confirmed in his heart that this was a mechanism.

Sure enough, the moment the dilapidated and rusty iron door opened, an unstoppable surge of sleepiness came, dragging Night Crow into a deeper sleep without any delay.


In the numb and sharp pain that came from her limbs and wings, Night Crow struggled to wake up.

"...Sleep well, it's safe for now." A familiar voice sounded in the ears of the fuzzy Night Crow.

In a trance, she felt that she was leaning on someone's arms, the strong heartbeat sounded like a drum song for a sleep, and the faint fragrance of plants penetrated into her nose.

Night Crow let herself fall asleep again without worry.

When Night Crow woke up again, the pain in her limbs and wings had almost disappeared.

Not only that, the power that she should have as a "Day Angel" filled her body again, and even the original pair of fake bird wings were now very close to the real wings of a "Day Angel".

"How do you feel?" Lei, who had been acting as Night Crow's pillow, asked without any fatigue and full of energy.

After leaving Lei's arms, Night Crow felt the body that was still slowly transforming into a "Day Angel" and nodded and said:

"Not bad, in about half an hour, this body will become exactly the same as my real "Day Angel" body."

Night Crow glanced at his left arm and added: "Well, together with the extraordinary items."

"What about the crow body and virtual phone?" Lei asked.

"I still can't sense it." Night Crow shook his head gently, and finally said thoughtfully, "It seems that this strange story is likely to only accept "human-shaped" guests."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because when I fell asleep, I was in the form of a crow." Night Crow said, "but in my dream, I was in the form of a Day Angel, and only in the form of a Day Angel."

"...That's right, compared to the second body Day Angel that I recently got, the crow body is your foundation." Lei agreed with this idea.

"How long has it been since you came to "this level"?" Night Crow asked.

"It's been more than four hours." Lei said, "It seems that there is no 'three hours' limit on this level."

Ye Ya nodded: "Wait another half an hour, wait for me to 'transform' completely, and then we will go to explore."

"That's what I plan to do." Lei said.

"As for now..." Ye Ya looked at the low-key and luxurious, irregular buttons on his body, gave up the idea of ​​breaking one off to use as a divination prop, and asked Lei, "Do you have coins?"

"Yes, are you going to divination?" Lei asked while taking out his wallet from the inside pocket of his shirt.

"A simple yes or no question-and-answer game can eliminate many unnecessary detours and hidden dangers, so why not?" Night Crow said, "At most, the divination will fail. There is nothing to lose by trying."

"But I heard that once the divination points to some indescribable high-level existence, it will be very dangerous..." Lei advised tactfully, "Everything here is unknown..."

"Don't worry, on this Green Star, there is no existence with a higher status than my Lord, the Lord of Ever Darkness and his twin Radiant Principles. As a follower and creator of Ever Darkness, I am really not inferior in this regard." Night Crow said confidently.

"Uh..." Lei thought for a while and asked curiously, "What about the planet Green Star itself?"

"Of course, the Twin Gods have a higher status." Night Crow said confidently.

"Oh..." Lei seemed to understand, shook his head, and then handed Night Crow a silver coin, "Here, a commemorative coin for the office."

"You put this in your wallet?" Night Crow asked in surprise while taking the silver coin, "By the way, when did you get this?"

"Before, when you were in the 'Gods Space' in the ancient city of Feifu, Mr. Apofi sent it to you, along with some documents, including a gun license."

"I took a commemorative silver coin and put it in a separate compartment of my wallet. I originally used it as a talisman, but it obviously can't suppress my event constitution..." Lei said with a wry smile.

Night Crow opened his eyes unconsciously: "It is said that there is a firm that has a very powerful event aura. It is natural that it can't suppress it, right? No, maybe not only did it not 'suppress', but it actually amplified it?"

"Ah this..." Lei was dumbfoundedEye.

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