He had to escape, he had to escape. Self-healing ability had limits, as did the so-called "infinite regeneration" regeneration ability. Otherwise, the psychic would not have died after he ate him without leaving any flesh.

If he got stuck in unreasonable weird talk, even he would die.


No no no! No! Absolutely not!


The ghoul struggled hysterically, but the high-heeled shoe on the back of his head seemed to have a force of ten thousand kilograms, and no matter how he struggled, he could not move at all.

Later, the ghoul remembered that this woman was not affected by the "power nullification field", the power he was most proud of, and she was not even aware of the existence of this field...

The ghoul felt cold in his heart.

This woman was also weird.


Lenari pondered for a long time, then suddenly clenched her fist and said, "Ah, I got it."

As she said this, her figure suddenly blurred and turned back into an amorphous shadow. ——In the dark realm, it almost blended into the background.

After a moment, the amorphous shadow took shape again and turned into a human figure wearing a black faceless mask and covered in a black robe.

The human figure moved his limbs, pulled the sturdy black gloves on his hands, and made a mechanical and smooth voice like an electronic synthesized sound: "Kampus, find the summoning method of the Yellow Springs Shuttle. The first time I saw it, I felt that it was there."

"Okay, Master." Kampus's metallic voice, which could not be distinguished between men and women, sounded from the darkness.

"In addition..." the black-robed figure said slowly, "'Darkness will devour everything'... How is this 'everything' manifested?"

"On the ground", even when Lenari transformed, his face was firmly "stepped" on the ground, and he could only squeeze out the corner of his eyes to try to peek at more ghouls, and suddenly felt great fear.


At 12 noon, dark web, entertainment section, live broadcast area, a newly built live broadcast room.

The background is a village that has been abandoned for many years. Judging from the degree of damage to its building materials, it is probably several decades of "history".

The camera was quiet for about 1 minute, and a figure wearing a black faceless mask, covered in a black robe, without even a strand of hair showing, leisurely paced and entered the picture from the right.

"Hello~ Welcome to the 'Fake Doctor's Strange Talk Laboratory', I am the Fake Doctor." The black-robed man - the Fake Doctor waved his hand casually at the camera, and said in a mechanical and smooth voice that sounded like an electronic synthesized sound, "The theme of this experiment is, 'Infinite Regeneration Power VS Yellow Spring Bus'."

At this time, a scarlet anonymous barrage floated by: "Bah - dare you show your face!"

Someone took the lead, and sporadic anonymous barrages with similar content floated by one after another.

It should be noted here that the live broadcast room on the dark web, even the simplest barrage, charges a lot of money, and barrage charges and rewards are two different things. The former does not get a penny for the anchor, and the latter is 50-50.

The Fake Doctor ignored these unreasonable barrages and performed according to the pre-planned process: "First, let's prepare an 'infinite regeneration' superpower, such as -"

The camera moved to the right, revealing a deformed person sitting motionless on the grass with his eyes open like a vegetative person - the ghoul.

"——The 'famous' ghoul that has been treated with 'mind deprivation'!" The fake doctor outside the camera said exaggeratedly in an electronic voice.

The scattered comments suddenly cleared up.

"In order to avoid some unnecessary doubts," the fake doctor said, pushing a round barrel like a bathtub placed on a cart and slowly entering the camera from the left, "Let's first verify the 'infinite regeneration' ability that the ghoul took from some unlucky guy."

The fake doctor easily picked up the barrel full of unknown solution and put it on the ground, and casually lifted the rough steel construction site cart above his head.

The camera pulled in and gave a close-up of the unknown solution in the barrel.

The barrel with unknown materials and unusual appearance was filled with a colorless transparent solution that was seven-tenths full. It looked like water, but the texture was thicker than water, and the wind passed without a trace.

"This is a new type of highly corrosive solution borrowed from an underground laboratory." The fake doctor said, slowly putting the steel construction site cart into the transparent solution.

The steel cart covered with rust and dirt was corroded in less than 3 seconds after being immersed in the transparent solution, leaving only some tiny, gray, unknown residues that gradually sank to the bottom.

"It can be seen that this 'strong corrosiveness' is well-deserved." said the fake doctor.

At this time, an enlarged and bold anonymous barrage suddenly floated across the clean screen: "Damn thief! Give it back to me!!!"”

The fake doctor seemed to glance at the screen and shrugged: "Oh my~ Isn't this a coincidence? Don't worry~ I have borrowed and paid back, and it's not difficult to borrow again~"

Anonymous barrage: "Get lost!!!"

Anonymous barrage: "What a good one, it's not difficult to borrow again."

Anonymous rewarded 1 green coin.

Anonymous barrage: "1 green coin to send beggars?"

Anonymous rewarded 233 green coins.

Anonymous barrage: "Hurry up and put the ghoul in! By the way, the upstairs pot calling the kettle black. ”

Anonymously rewarded 9999 green coins.

This wave of rewards did not move the fake doctor at all. He just slowly took out a hideous chainsaw from under the black robe that looked like a pocket in another dimension and turned on the switch.

Amid the harsh buzzing of the chainsaw, the fake doctor slowly came to the unconscious ghoul who looked like a simulated mannequin and sawed off its head.

Blood of a strange color gushed out.

The fake doctor's figure blurred for a while, and the spurting blood passed through his body like a phantom, splashing on the chainsaw and the grass.

The man in black robe held the activated chainsaw in one hand, bent down and picked up the ghoul's head, and hung it above the headless body.

So far, the live broadcast room has welcomed a wave of rewards for the first time. Peak.

Obviously, even among the dark web user community, ghouls are extremely unwelcome.

In other words, for those who linger in the dark web entertainment section, as long as there is fun to watch, it doesn't matter who it is. The more powerful and high-ranking the person is, the more excited they are by their miserable experience.

After a wave of rewards and bullet comments, the live broadcast room screen became clean again.

The fake doctor was obviously too lazy to chat, just standing there quietly, with a buzzing chainsaw in one hand and a bloody head in the other. The scene is comparable to a horror movie.

About 30 minutes later, the separated, tenacious ghoul head finally died, and then, on the headless torso, a new head quickly grew, exactly the same as before.

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