"Speaking of employees," Lenari said happily, "Lei still thinks that 'Night Crow' is just the Lord of Ever Darkness, that is, my creation and follower, so don't expose it."

"You really have a bad taste... No problem!" Lucia said happily.

—— After seventeen years of ups and downs, the once pure and beautiful greenhouse cat has finally been polished into a fun cat.

"By the way, that weird 'World Mission Chat Room', please join it." Lenari put Lucia on his thigh, took out a mobile phone brick from the shadow in his sleeve and said.

"That chat room?" Lucia was stunned for a moment, and then said in embarrassment, "It's not good... Isn't it all mythical in there?"

"It was originally like this, but a mascot got in not long ago, and there will be two if there is one, it doesn't matter." Lenari said, "What's more, Green Star should like you very much."

"Mascot? Green Star likes me?" Lucia was confused.

"Anyway, I invite you to try. If you can't join, forget it. If you can join, it means Green Star welcomes you." Lenari clicked the brick screen of his mobile phone and said casually, "After all, the only administrator of that ghost story chat room is Green Star."

"Well... okay, since you said so..." Lucia took out a special alchemical mobile phone from her collar and started to operate it with mental power, "Hey! I really joined?!"


Ghost story "World Mission Chat Room".

[——Cat Lady joins the chat room——

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Come on, come on, let me introduce myself. This is my sister, Lucia Grote. [Beautiful photo of black kitten]

Cat Lady: Hello everyone! (>^ω^<)

Green Star: Good, good, good! Come, accept this red envelope, and I wish you grow up safely. [Red Envelope: Amulet]

Ice God: w(°o°)w

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: O_O


In the chat room, a group of concept-level people started to use emojis at the same time, even the Lord of Hell who was soaking in the mud of the sewer came out, but the Fate Weaver was missing.

Strange Stories "Rumor has it that there is a family office", on the sofa in the small living room on the second floor.

Lucia asked Lenari with a confused look on her face: "Is Green Star so kind? And this red envelope..."

"I said He likes you, right? Take it with confidence." Lenari touched Lucia's cat head and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay..." Lucia replied a little at a loss.

[——Cat Lady has received [Red Envelope: Amulet]——

Cat Lady: Thank you for the gift of the Eternal Great Mother!

(Lenari: Where did you learn this line?

Lucia: Did you forget that the Church of Light is a religion?

Lenari: Uh...)

Green Star: You're welcome, kid.

Green Star: With this amulet, most of the weird things that linger around me will ignore you, but there are still a few that are not among them. Remember to always be in awe.

Cat Lady: I ​​will, thank you for your teachings.

Green Star: You guys chat, I'll go back to sleep... zzz...

(There was a moment of silence in the chat room.)

Frozen God: The vest fell off.

Atomic Explosion Lord: The vest fell off.

Eternal Dark Lord: All of them, all of them must fall off.

Eternal Dark Lord: Come, let me introduce you, @Frozen God, his real name is Fitz, he is a three-no natural black foodie, yes, the old brand S-class ice-type psychic you are very familiar with.

(Lenari was just about to expose the Nuclear Blast alias, but then he realized that he didn’t have an alias worth exposing…)

Frozen God: …

Cat Lady: …

Nuclear Blast Lord: Poof!

Cat Lady: Do you myths like to pretend to be S-class/super-class?

Frozen God: No way, mythical/conceptual existences are not suitable for public disclosure…

Cat Lady: Okay… Our agency will go to Antarctica for team building in a while, do you want to come along? I will also invite the teacher at that time.

Frozen God: Okay! 】

“Rumor has it that there is an agency.”

Lenari couldn’t help but tease: “Look, you adapted to it right away, didn’t you?”

“Fortunately… The atmosphere is not what I imagined, and before I knew it…” Lucia’s ears moved, and she seemed a little uncomfortable.

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