Kaderos Divine Domain.

Yes, that's the name.

Right in front of Night Crow, the name was so brightly engraved on the wall of the tall city wall above the city gate, and it was specially painted in bright red.

Although it's not difficult to understand the thoughts of people who live here, have a lifespan of "100,000", and can survive normally without eating or drinking, Night Crow still feels a little ridiculous.

In any case, "God" is not such a light thing.

Maintaining a crude optical invisibility, Night Crow landed on the open space outside the city gate, and after observing for a while, he found that this city is indeed just an ordinary city, and even the soldiers standing guard at the gate are ordinary people.

Folding its wings, Night Crow swaggered into the city.


Ten minutes later.

Night Crow flew away from this extremely stylish and tidy city in a dejected manner.

——Perhaps because they have no worries about food and clothing and a long lifespan, the people inside are too open... so open that Night Crow feels uncomfortable and just wants to run away quickly.

Forget it, anyway, those ordinary people who are used to the "lifestyle of immortals" and waste their time without care, if they are put back to the world, will most likely be driven crazy by the huge contrast...

Easily convincing himself, Night Crow flew straight in the direction of the heavy snow before.


The goose feather snow fell down, and the sky and the earth were all white.

Looking at the pure color around, Night Crow relaxed and happily picked a piece of snow that he liked and buried himself in it in a few seconds.

-Since it is known that there will still be something left after "suicide", it is natural to find a safer place that will not be easily passed by.


On the fourth floor, the time flow rate ratio soared to 10,000 to 1 as expected by Lenari.

One day in the outside world is more than 27 years inside.

With such a time flow rate ratio, ordinary people who fall to this level can basically be declared hopeless. Letting them live in this large dream constructed by this strange story is actually a kind of mercy.

After realizing this fact, Night Crow was too lazy to look for human traces and directly killed herself in another snowfield.

——This time, she appeared directly in the snowfield without going through the dungeon.

Fifth floor, snowfield.

Sixth floor, snowfield.

Seventh floor, the snow became smaller, but the "landing point" was still a snowfield.

Eighth floor, no wind, no snow, only a dead glacier at more than 200 degrees below zero.

Ninth floor, the sky disappeared, the air disappeared, and the glacier was directly exposed to the dark vacuum of the universe without stars, and the temperature was close to absolute zero.

Tenth floor.

Night Crow floated in the void, looking at the broken and extremely tragic planetary wreckage in front of her, she was at a loss.

The next moment, her eyes went black.

"It is rumored that there is an office."

Lenari raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Lucia, who was designing her own room, turned her head in confusion.

"It's okay, the clone saw something incredible." Lenari said casually, and continued to hold the large-screen tablet to help browse furniture suitable for cats.

"What incredible thing is it? Can I know?" Lucia was curious, and she didn't even look at the cat climbing frame. She jumped directly onto Lenari's shoulder and raised her chubby paws to gently pat the other's cheek.

"Let me see..." Lenari frowned and began to make a detailed assessment, or divination.

After a moment, she shook her head: "No, the things involved are too high-level, and it won't do you any good to know."

"Okay..." The black cat looked disappointed and returned to the "control console" in the room.

Seeing this, Lenari thought for a moment and suggested: "There is an action movie of sheriffs and bank robbers in Lei, why don't we go and watch it?"

"Is there an element of the other world?" Lucia raised her head and asked uninterestedly.

"Except for Lei, no."

"Forget it, ordinary gunfights are nothing to watch." As she spoke, Lucia had already regained her vitality, "The DIY room is more interesting!"

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