"It depends on the situation." Night Crow said, "He is now a messy mixture... Even if you are, it is difficult to accurately 'rescue' him, right?"

"The boundaries of what mortals call 'self' are too ambiguous. If it is mixed to that extent, it is indeed difficult to distinguish." Radiant Principle said.

"So it depends on the situation." Night Crow said, "If 'he' is firm enough, then, based on 'his' self-awareness, what's the harm in retrieving 'him'?"

"Then, what is the 'standard' for judgment?" Radiant Principle asked.

"Well..." Night Crow pondered for a moment and spread his wings, "I haven't thought about it yet... Anyway, let's take a look first."

"..." Radiant Principle did not speak again.


In the chaotic palace hall.

Lucas finally crawled to a larger piece of debris, probably an arm.

He opened his big mouth with multiple fangs, bit the debris, chewed it randomly twice, and swallowed it whole.

Under the wide and thick black robe, Lucas's twisted and deformed body suddenly expanded like a balloon, as if a small bomb exploded.

The next moment, the "balloon" leaked, and the blazing white solar flames spurted out, suddenly igniting him and the surrounding turbid black smoke.

"He" screamed layer by layer, rolling painfully on the ground paved with fine stones, leaving burnt and molten traces all the way.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, "he" rolled over the golden red blood pool and the small pieces of meat while rolling, and was about to pass by another larger piece of wreckage.

Closer, closer.

Finally, "he" struggled to roll to the side of the wreckage, suddenly stretched his neck, and his ferocious mouth opened to an extremely exaggerated degree, and bit down.

Another piece of the wreckage of the day angel, along with the surrounding stone slabs, was swallowed into the stomach, and "he" who was completely inhuman suddenly stopped.

The next moment, extremely crazy multiple roars broke out simultaneously in the increasingly vigorous solar flames, mixed with a hysterical laughter that was almost completely drowned.

The evil tentacles condensed from black smoke twisted and waved randomly, and the grotesque limbs of the hands and feet were probably twitching violently on the spot.

"They" would never allow "him" named "Lucas" to move a step.

In response, Lucas just laughed and did his best to disrupt "their" fire-fighting operations.

The blazing solar flames burned more and more vigorously, and a large pit had been burned out of the stone ground several meters thick without knowing it.

On the wall of the pit, slightly dirty magma flowed and continued to evaporate into light white smoke, which was a sign that the filth had been completely purified.

——Destruction is always easier than construction.

Lucas, who had done almost nothing for hundreds of years, had a deep understanding of this.

Above the backrest of the throne, Night Crow quietly stared at the focus in the hall.

After a moment, she suddenly said: "This level of fire alone cannot purify 'him'."

"Do you want to add more fire?" The Radiant Truth calmly continued.

"...In that case, 'he' will really be hopeless." Night Crow grinned speechlessly, "Wait a little longer, wait for the fire to go out, we should be able to know the 'answer'."

"Whatever you want."

Time passed, and the sun was setting outside the spacious window.

In the palace hall with the entrance and exit doors closed, except for a few who turned away their eyes and blocked their ears in time, most of the princes and ministers had been transformed into "monsters" or were affected and killed in the chaotic fight of "monsters".

At this time, there were only a few people alive, and almost everyone was injured.

After leaning back on the throne, the "Princess" avoided the "Demon King" in the flames and quickly glanced at the surviving palace ministers who had successfully retreated to various inconspicuous corners. She hesitated in her heart whether to take this opportunity to simply kill them all...

With a flash of thought, the "Princess" pursed her lips and gave up this tempting plan with difficulty.

——Even if all these ministers were killed, there would be people to inherit their titles. It would be better to let them go so as to avoid any outrageous rumors that would be unfavorable to him.

In order to revitalize this terminally ill autocratic country and peacefully transition to a parliamentary constitutional monarchy, the reputation of him, the only remaining royal bloodline, is very important.

Of course, the premise of all this is that this country can survive the tossing of the "Demon King" and the "Brave Man".

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