Luby City, the world's largest city, was forcibly split into seven parts by seven regular hexagonal administrative districts in the "Beehive Plan" of that year.

Undoubtedly, the implementation of this decree once set off a huge wave in this world-class super city, and the traces of the chaos of that year still remain in this modern metropolis that is changing with each passing day.

However, that was a thing of the past more than ten or twenty years ago.

Humans are forgetful, and people have long been accustomed to the now "broken" and clearly defined Luby City.

Not only Luby City, but also many cities in the world that are large enough or just on the dividing line are like this.

—— Rigorous mathematical structures will never give in because of the so-called humanities and history.

Luby City, a secluded cemetery on the outskirts of the southwest district.

Lucas, wearing a large black hooded cape, looked like a cult member or a cosplay enthusiast. He stood quietly in front of a tombstone from fourteen years ago, lost in thought.

In order to accumulate enough points to exchange for props to treat his terminally ill younger brother, he once again entered the "Gods' Space" that he had finally escaped from. After several life and death experiences, in the end, everything was in vain...

The only consolation was that his little sister, who was suddenly alone, was not defeated by the cruel reality and finally grasped her own happiness.

Lucas stood in front of the tombstone for a long, long time.

Finally, he gathered the black cape with a forbidden effect and turned away.

—— As filthy and ominous as he was, he dared to visit his brother secretly only when he was covered with this forbidden object given by God, and he couldn't even send a bouquet of flowers.

At the entrance of the cemetery, a crow flew down from the treetops and landed on Lucas' left shoulder.

"Aren't you going to see your sister?" Night Crow asked.

"No..." Lucas shook his head gently and said softly, "I am very satisfied to know that she is happy."

"If you are worried about bringing disaster, the seal of my Lord Chang'an is still very reliable." Night Crow persuaded again.

Lucas still shook his head.

"Even if it doesn't bring disaster... mystery will attract mystery, right?" He said in a low voice, "What's more, I am now a real demigod."

Having half of the godhood, isn't it a demigod?

Night Crow nodded: "I respect your decision."

"Thank you for everything you have done for me." Lucas said gratefully.

"You're welcome, after all, we're colleagues." Night Crow waved his wings and said generously, "Next, the Ruby City branch of the firm will be handed over to you. Apophis has already taken care of the store and the procedures."

"Yeah." Lucas nodded lightly and responded lightly.

Now, it is rumored that in addition to the original Anaki City branch, there is a firm that has already set up branches in Phantom City, Fever Ancient City, and Ruby City.

Among them, Night Crow and Lei are responsible for taking care of the Anaki City branch;

Lucia and Apophis are personally responsible for taking care of the Fever Ancient City branch;

Wang Bao and Chloe, who are the most incompatible with the surface world, are responsible for taking care of the Phantom City branch that does not implement the "Secrecy Ordinance";

And the newly added Ruby City branch is naturally taken care of by Lucas, who is a "local".

——It is better to say that it is precisely because of the recruitment of an employee whose hometown is in Ruby City that the firm will set up a branch in Ruby City.

After all, as an employee of the firm, if you want, you can just open a door and return to the headquarters in the other space "rumored to have a firm".


This heavyweight existence, of course, can only be a "background"!

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