Does this mean to add a "guardian"?

Lenari pondered for a moment and said, "In fact, the firm is still lacking a driver and handyman... to buy groceries, carry goods, run errands, carry bags, etc."

"That's right... After all, there is a confidentiality agreement. If there is no adult, it is not convenient to go shopping in various ways..." Anthony thought, "Then, if you don't mind, I will report it like this?"

"I don't mind." Lenari touched Lucia's head, "What about Lucia?"

"Of course I don't mind! By the way, do I have to report to recruit a handyman?" Lucia asked in confusion.

"Uh..." Anthony was stuck for a moment.

Lenari scratched Lucia's chin lightly, and when the latter squinted comfortably, he said nonchalantly: "After all, it is rumored that there is a firm and Team 7 have many fixed confidential cooperation projects."

"Meow... That's right." The simple Lucia was easily fooled.

Anthony lowered his head and drank coffee silently.

"As for Valya, can I take her back directly?" Lenari calmly changed the subject.

"Of course!" Anthony said without hesitation, "Just pay attention to the confidentiality regulations. I'll have the new 'driver' deliver the ID documents and the like in a few days."

Lenari nodded and pointed at the document on the coffee table: "It says here that Valya can freely control special materials with high lily of the valley content... Can you customize a few proportional simulation dolls? After all, she looks like a ghost, and it's hard to move a small potted plant."

Anthony scratched his head: "There is no talent in this area in the Seventh Team of Inisel City. If you apply for a report, it will be troublesome and time-consuming. You won't get the goods in a few months... Special materials are easy to say."

"This How about this..." Lenari seemed to be thinking, "I'll go back and ask my classmates if they know any skilled doll masters."

"That's the only way... If I can't ask, I'll write a report to apply." Anthony said, "By the way, if you don't mind the rough appearance, I can ask the technical department to make you a few emergency dolls. It should be ready in a few days. Then let the "driver" deliver them together."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."


The group shuttled back to the office. Valya was half grateful and half happy to know that she was still alive. She didn't care about her pitiful strength and started to busy herself with housework.

Lenari ignored her and slumped in the boss chair behind the desk in the office downstairs, turning on the laptop on the table.

Chat group of the special class of the first grade of Maria Girls' Middle School.

[Announcement: This group uses the real name by default, and suffixes are allowed. Violating accounts will be banned continuously.

Lexiliti: Hello everyone! Does anyone know a skilled doll master? He can make life-size dolls that can be controlled to go out on the street without violating confidentiality regulations, and he comes with special materials.

Ms. Berissa: Is it for any special purpose?

Lexi Liti: A new spiritual employee has come to the office and needs to be dressed to meet people.

Ms. Berissa: I see, I do know such a doll master, but he has been missing for two years...

Lexi Liti: ...

Lexi Liti: Do you have a photo? I'll help find it by the way.

Ms. Berissa: That's not necessary, I can be sure that he is still alive and well.

Lexi Liti: Oh...

Miriam: I know such a master, from this city, but the fee is very considerable...

Lexi Liti: It's not a big problem. Is this master free recently?

Miriam: As far as I know, this master currently has no orders, but his temper is rather strange, and he seems to be troubled by something recently, so he may not be willing to accept orders.

Lexi Liti: Let's try.

Miriam: This is the master's electronic business card, which contains the address and contact information of the workshop. [Electronic business card]

Lexiliti: Thank you.

Miriam: You're welcome. Thank you for the last time.

Lexiliti: You're welcome... I'm doing this for myself.

Teacher Qili: Excuse me, the final exam will start on the 15th of next month and end on the 30th. Little Lenari, remember to come back to participate~

Lexiliti: The exam will take so long? !

Teacher Qili: Maria Girls' Middle School has more subjects than other schools, and the special class has more subjects than the ordinary class. There are also regular physical examinations and ability assessments for Team 7.

Lexiliti: I am a non-staff member of Team 7. I have been doing regular physical examinations. Can I not go?

Teacher Qili: No~ [Smiley face]

Lexiliti: Okay... I will attend on time.

Teacher Qili: Yes. [Smiley face]]

After closing the chat software, Lenari thought about it and asked Kampers to collect information about the person Miriam mentioned.It would be better if we could find out the master's preferences and recent troubles.

After giving the instructions, Lenari called downstairs to order lunch. Lenari thought about it and logged into the official website of Maria Girls' Middle School to see what subjects the regular classes would take at the end of the semester so that she could prepare in advance.

——It is absolutely unacceptable to not know how to answer the questions in the normal exam, let alone fail the exam.

As for the subjects exclusive to the special class, Lenari didn't care much. Anyway, they were all assessment tests for people with special abilities. She was used to doing them and didn't feel scared at all.


After lunch, Kampers successfully sorted out the detailed information about the master of human form "Barlow Douglas" introduced by Miriam.

Barlow Douglas's workshop "Douglas Doll Workshop" is located on the outskirts of the city, just at the edge of Kampers' daily monitoring range.

Recently, this 60-year-old doll master with two sons and one daughter frequently logs on the web to search for explanations about "soul" in various sects and even online literary works.

It is hard to say whether this master has encountered something or is just doing academic research.

After thinking for a while, Lenari called the Douglas Doll Workshop and tried to make an appointment.

A cold male voice answered the phone. Lenari just expressed his intention to meet the master, and the other party coldly refused: "Master Barlow is not accepting orders recently, let alone seeing guests."

Lenari did not give up and continued: "Please tell the master that I want to..." Customize a doll for a soul.

Lenari did not have time to say the second half of the sentence, and there was only a "beep beep" disconnection sound in the landline receiver.

"..." Speechless and unhappy, Lenari pursed his lips and confirmed with Kampers, "Master Barro, does he not have heart disease, high blood pressure or other diseases that can easily lead to sudden death or inability to withstand shock?"

Campers answered affirmatively: "No, Master Barro is in very good health."

"Very good, we will visit directly." Lenari said, and went upstairs, bringing the black cat and a bowl-sized exquisite lily of the valley pot, ready to give the master a "surprise".

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