The next morning, the Peace sailed against the rising sun and docked at the southeast pier of Anaki City.

Among the people who disembarked, Lei comforted his depressed sister dryly: "This time, it was because of an accident that the Lord of Everlasting Darkness had to descend, and the 'God-Hidden Mist' was scared away... It will be fine next time! Definitely!"

Eve sighed: "But, before the Lord of Everlasting Darkness descended, the Peace was lost in the fog for so long..."

"Uh..." Lei was stuck.

"I think..." Crow squatting on Lei's right shoulder looked up at the sky, "It should be because I opened the body of the Day Angel..."

Eve was stunned for a moment, and asked quickly: "Day Angel? Why does the Day Angel have an impact on the 'God Hidden Mist'?"

Night Crow answered honestly: "That's probably because the Day Angel's body is too bright in the sense of mysticism, covering the light of the white candle lantern hanging on the bow..."

"..." Eve was stunned for a long time, and then she barely came back to her senses, turned her head silently, and said sullenly, "Don't open the body of the Day Angel next time..."

"Definitely." Night Crow nodded repeatedly to promise.

The Peace returned empty-handed this time, which was indeed caused by her negligence...


The "God Hidden Mist" was frightened by Lenari and teleported away, and it has its own anti-divination and camouflage abilities. It is likely that the Green Star Federation will find it difficult to capture its traces for a period of time. Therefore, the members of the Heguo scientific expedition team had to temporarily disband and go home.

"Rumor has it that there is an office", the second floor lobby

Night Crow lay on the cushion on the sofa with her paws facing the sky, bored and dazed.

Lucia had not yet finished this long retreat, Lei was busy tutoring "coping with strange stories" in Team 7, and the others had their own things to do, but Night Crow was idle.

After all, learning was already done by the most efficient main body, and she didn't need to get involved with her limited consciousness...

... Forget it, let's go to sleep.

Thinking so, Night Crow closed her eyes and fell asleep.


The waves gently hit the hull, like a quiet lullaby.

In a trance, Night Crow suddenly woke up after realizing that something was wrong.

The cold light of the full moon was shining, and faint stars were hanging in the sky far away from the bright moon.

In the cool night breeze, Night Crow was confused.

"Dream-type strange story 'Dislocated Fairy Tale'." The consciousness of the main body explained.

"Can't 'Rumor has a firm' stop dream-type ghost stories..."

"It seems so."

"Have I been infected by Lei? I didn't activate the passive function..."

"Don't forget that Rumor has a firm has its own event aura."

"Of course I didn't forget." Night Crow raised her lips and looked down at the body she was currently using.

Seductive curves, slender and gorgeous fish tail, sharp "nails".

"Mermaid?" Night Crow raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"You should be playing the mermaid princess... You should know the rules of 'Misplaced Fairy Tale', come on."

The ghost story "Misplaced Fairy Tale" is a famous dream-type ghost story.

Although the name of this ghost story contains the word "fairy tale" and the encounterer is mostly the protagonist of a famous fairy tale, its "script" usually has nothing to do with the corresponding fairy tale.

For example, now.

Night Crow searched the two-meter-long boat and finally found a card lightly attached to the outer side of the ship near the stern.

[I lost the right to breathe in the sea, I must go ashore. ]

Night Crow raised his eyebrows.

Mermaids will be drowned by the sea, this is really...

The "misplaced fairy tale" is very interesting. As long as the encounterer honestly follows the requirements on the card, he can successfully escape and even take away some "little surprises" as gifts for passing the level.

However, although these "task cards" will always be seen by the encounterer in an appropriate way and there is no need to worry about missing them, the content on them may not be able to be achieved.

In short, if you want to pass the level, Night Crow must go ashore according to the text instructions on the card, or at least stay away from the sea.

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