At 5:00 a.m., the Peace, which was once again ready, set sail on time to leave the port.

This time, the Peace passed through the white fog very smoothly. After only ten minutes, the thick and illusory white fog suddenly disappeared.

Following the thick fog, the violent sea with hurricanes and thunder greeted the Chinese scientific expedition team.

The dark clouds like lead blocks pressed down very low like the sky falling, and dazzling lightning flashed in them, and the shocking thunder never stopped.

The moment the Peace appeared in this sea area like teleportation, a giant waterspout that connected the sky and the earth hit it head-on, causing several frightened shouts.

At the moment when the waterspout was about to engulf the Peace, a water-blue, soft but distinct light lit up from the deck and expanded rapidly, wrapping the entire ship and the surrounding sea like a transparent eggshell.

Therefore, Peace is like a sealed ship in a bottle. No matter how violent the outside world is, as long as the "container" does not move, the inside will be calm.

On the deck, Lei, who had an alloy chain tied around his waist, was amazed. While admiring the wonders not far away, he asked curiously, "What is this ability called?"

"'Water Knight'." Yaerlin answered, and curiously looked at the alloy chain tied around Lei's waist and fixed on the hull at the other end, and asked puzzledly, "You should be an A-level alien blood who prefers melee combat? Is it that serious?"

"... Ahem!" Lei's eyes wandered, "My luck is more, um, prone to accidents."

"... Then you'd better go back to the cabin." Yaerlin suggested pertinently, "There is a full set of sensing equipment in the captain's room, and it's no worse to enjoy the scenery there than outside."

"Okay, I'll go now." Lei nodded obediently, said goodbye briefly, and turned to walk towards the captain's room.

Well, he still didn't untie the chain around his waist.

Yarlin's strategy of "since all defenses will become fragile, just don't defend and avoid contact directly" worked well.

The three-masted fake sailboat Peace sailed safely and steadily all the way, and finally officially left the extremely violent stormy sea three days later.

It was at this time that Night Crow, who had slept all day, finally woke up slowly.

"…What? We're almost there!?" Night Crow jumped on the dining table in shock, "Did you record the process?!"

"Yes, don't worry." Yarlin said with a smile, holding a cup of hot black tea and sipping it slowly.

——The stormy sea is full of changes, and a "Water Knight" cannot handle everything, but he is exhausted...

"That's good..." Night Crow immediately relaxed and turned to Lei and said, "I want a cup of iced milk coffee and a few pieces of lava chocolate."

"Your taste... is all things that normal crows shouldn't eat!" Yarlin complained.

Ignoring Yarlin's complaints, Night Crow tilted his head, looking like he was thinking, and muttered to himself: "I always feel like I forgot something..."

"Hmm..." Eve, who was sipping black tea, pondered for a moment and reminded him tactfully, "Do you feel that a cute furry one is missing?"

"...Ah!" Night Crow exclaimed immediately.


In the chat room of the Food Lovers Club, Fitz was accusing someone of being ruthless and ungrateful.

【Not Natural: ... Just like that, she abandoned me ... ┭┮﹏┭┮

Forever Gothic Lolita: [Awkward] I thought they had informed you ... Besides, my Night Crow clone and I are not in sync all the time ...

Not Natural: My Snow Rabbit clone was not on the list, it was on the ship with the little crow and the little tree demon. From their perspective, of course they would not think of informing me ...

Forever Gothic Lolita: How about ... I send you over now? They have already left the stormy sea and successfully entered the interior.

Not Natural: Forget it ... It has come to this point. If the "God Hidden Mist" has to respond again, not to mention the little girl, even the old man will cry.

Not Natural: Isn't it just a wooden boat? I'll get one in myself!

Nuclear Explosion: emmm ...

Professional Secretary: General, your documents have not been approved yet.

Nuclear Explosion: Don't worry about those documents!

Nuclear Explosion: @Forever Gothic Lolita, I heard that a member of Team 7 of Anaki City is about to break through. What do you think?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Team 7 is barely your colleague, why are you asking me?

Nuclear Explosion: It’s not that I broke through by accident, I have no experience…

Forever Gothic Lolita: Then you shouldn’t ask me, I have never broken through.

Nuclear Explosion: …

Not Natural: [Happy]

Nuclear Explosion: How come the old manSee?

Not Natural: What old man! My body and mind are always 15 years old!

Nuclear Explosion: Okay, old man whose body and mind are always 15 years old, what do you think?

Forever Gothic Lolita: [Happy]

Not Natural: The young man's wings have grown hard! 】

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