Inside the strange story "The Hidden Mist of God", Maple Island is covered by giant trees.

The red butterfly mentioned by Hong Feng is a local butterfly that has slowly evolved under the influence of his dissipated demonic energy.

This butterfly is as bright red as his leaves, and is gifted. It often becomes a demon naturally when it breaks out of its cocoon.

Although it is only a small demon with weak demon power and a lifespan of only two hundred years, those red butterflies are indeed an intelligent race that can stably inherit.

Under the guidance of the outstanding red butterfly clan who can transform into human form, the Peace smoothly passed through the seemingly messy and dense giant tree roots and reached a small wooden pier on the shore of Maple Island.

"Maple Island is simple, please forgive me, my dear guests." The little girl in red who led the way said shyly.

Indeed, compared with this well-made three-masted fake sailing ship - even if you only look at the appearance - this pier is really too simple.

But the people on the Peace did not dare to have any contempt for this.

Long before they set out, they knew that the living standards and technological level of the people on Maple Island were actually not important at all. What was important was... the huge demon that blocked out the sky and the sun above their heads.

After a moment of shyness, the little girl remembered her mission and immediately trotted a few steps to the front of the crowd. She seriously leaned sideways and stretched out her hand, making a standard "please" welcoming gesture, and said solemnly:

"Dear guests, please follow me. The shrine has prepared a dust-washing banquet."

In response, the people on the Peace Ship who came for friendly exchanges naturally agreed happily.

The inside of the strange story "God Hidden Mist" is unknown. The sun, moon, stars, the rotation of the four seasons, the ebb and flow of the tide are all there, and everything is serious, as if it really happened.

After the lively and enjoyable dust-washing banquet, it was already late at night.

Tonight should have been a full moon, but unfortunately, there were only lush branches and leaves of giant trees in the sky of Maple Island.

Lei sat on the edge of the guest room he was assigned, leaning against the column supporting the ceiling, looking sideways at the dark "sky" outside.

"What are you thinking about? So absent-minded?" Eve, wearing only socks on her feet, walked silently behind Lei and said softly.

"... I'm not thinking about anything, just in a daze." Lei sighed and replied.

Eve walked to the column opposite Lei, sat down like Lei, and unconsciously played with her hair by her temples, and said carefully:

"Mr. Yaerlin told me about the deck... You don't seem to be such a "shy" person."

Hearing this, Lei sighed again, his expression full of helplessness: "I'm really not... But the influence of the demon blood is too great. As long as I get close to him, I can't control myself..."

"Is that so..." Eve's fingers stopped playing with her hair, naturally dropped down and placed on her knees, and she also sighed.

——Perhaps because the concentration of the demon blood from Hongfeng in his body was too low, Eve didn't have any feelings for him that didn't belong to her even though she came here, so naturally she couldn't help Lei's situation.

"It's late, go to bed early." Lei persuaded, "I saw that you didn't rest much when you were on the boat..."

"I used meditation to replace sleep." Eve protested slightly.

"But meditation can't replace sleep..." Lei still insisted.

"Who said that!"

"Night Crow said that the Lord of Everlasting Darkness said that."

"..." Eve stared, but didn't know how to refute.

Because the fact is that meditation can't completely replace the role of sleep for mortals.

"I think the Lord of Everlasting Darkness is right."

"You don't need to... uh..." Eve realized belatedly that the voice didn't come from Lei's direction.

Realizing something, Eve turned back suddenly.

The same appearance as Lei Yi, the indifferent and ethereal temperament, the Japanese-style wide-sleeved red robe that almost blends with the long hair.

"...Hello." After holding it in for a long time, Eve said in a very low voice.

As for Lei Yi...

The first time he saw Hong Feng, he fell into a psychedelic state similar to being drunk, with a silly look on his face, which made Eve unable to bear to look directly at him and just wanted to cover her face.

Hong Feng passed Eve and sat down next to Lei Yi.

Without seeing him do anything, Lei Yi's eyelids gradually closed, his body softened, and he fell asleep directly.

Calmly catching Lei Yi who fell down, and helping him to adjust his sleeping position slightly, Hong Feng explained to the worried girl calmly:

"For some reason, this child only has the demon blood from me in his body, and he will be affected by me unconsciously... A good sleep will only do him good."

Eve nodded silently.

Although she is not sociable, she is absolutelyIt's not social phobia, but when facing Coco and the person in front of her, she always feels at a loss...

"In addition, I can sense that you are extremely exhausted." Hongfeng looked at Eve, and his indifferent face unconsciously became more serious, "You should also have a good sleep."

After hesitating for a moment, Eve sighed and smiled bitterly, "I can't sleep..."

Hongfeng tilted her head, as if puzzled.

After trying to let go with the mentality of giving up, Eve felt a sense of relief.

She shrugged and sighed, "I don't know why, anyway, I just can't sleep..."

Nodding as if she understood, Hongfeng suggested, "Do you want me to help?"

Eve was stunned for a moment, subconsciously glanced at Lei who was sleeping quietly in the other's arms, and asked tentatively, "How to help? Like Lei?"

Hongfeng nodded and further explained, "I have the ability to dream."

"Is that so..." Eve murmured.

She was in a dilemma, wanting to accept the help, but also not wanting to waste such a good atmosphere for conversation...

The girl didn't notice that her eyelids were closing little by little.

Soon, another identical Hongfeng appeared beside Eve and gently caught the sleeping girl.

At the corner, Yaerlin, who had come specially, sensed Hongfeng's breath and walked out naturally.

"Good evening." The blond and blue-eyed young man greeted quietly, with an elegant and cheerful tone.

"Good evening." The Hongfeng holding Lei replied quietly.

Seeing that Hongfeng was sitting still and had no intention of sending the two children back to their rooms, Yaerlin scratched his head: "Don't you send them back to their rooms to sleep first?"

Hongfeng shook his head and said softly: "No need."

"...Okay." Yaerlin said, looking around, and soon picked out a landscape stone in the yard.

Teleporting over, Yaerlin sat down casually and elegantly on the top of a fairly round boulder, and said briskly: "Ask whatever you want to ask, I will try my best to answer what I can."

Hongfeng, who was holding Lei in his arms, nodded slightly, and the first question he asked had nothing to do with Coco, Lei, and Eve:

"Your companion named Night Crow is now in the hands of the Siren and is about to be transformed into her new body. Don't you plan to save him?"

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