Somewhere in the vast ocean, several active warships of the Green Star Federation surrounded a thick, strange and suspicious fog that was as thick as cotton candy.

In the sparse encirclement formed by several warships, a scientific research ship boldly stayed on the sea surface just a dozen meters away from the thick fog.

In a special observation room inside the scientific research ship, a group of men, women, young and old in white coats stood in front of a huge screen, whispering to each other and occasionally arguing a little.

In the middle of the huge screen, a dynamic high-definition satellite aerial view was displayed. At the edge, dozens of small windows connected to the real-time signals of unmanned aerial vehicles were closely arranged, forming a circle of unique borders.

An old man with sparse gray hair and thick bottle-bottom glasses on his face stood at the front of a group of white coats, frowning and looking at the picture on the screen, puzzled.

——Just now, the white fog that appeared in the ghost story "The Mist of the Gods" suddenly stopped moving and spread out into a pancake faster than ever before...

"...It's just like a slime that has been left standing." Next to the old man, a young woman in a white coat who looked like a female college student couldn't help but mutter in a low voice.

"...What did you just say?!" The old man turned his head with a swift movement that made people doubt whether his cervical spine was still intact, and looked at the young woman with a burning gaze.

The young woman was stunned, subconsciously hugged the notebook in her hand, and explained in a panic: "No, I didn't say anything! Sorry! I shouldn't speak casually to disrupt the order of the laboratory..."

"... This is not criticism." The old man was a little amused and helpless. He realized that his neck was uncomfortable, and he stretched out his hand to rub the muscles of his neck, and waved his hand and said, "You just said something constructive, but I didn't hear it clearly. Can you repeat it again?"

"This..." The young woman was stunned again, and then tentatively said, "'It's just like a slime that is rotten on the spot'?"

"'Turning on the spot'..." The old man looked back at the pictures from different angles on the screen thoughtfully, and said to himself, "But what's the reason for the sudden 'turning'?"


"Food Lovers Club" chat room.

[Not Natural: Huhu~ My exploration ship will be able to set off in two days!

Forever Gothic Lolita: Actually, with Night Raven as an anchor, I can now enter and exit the "God Hidden Mist" at will...

Not Natural: It's okay, the journey itself is very interesting, and it can also find some "meaningful" things to do for the over-enthusiastic young generation at home. 】

Seeing this, Lenari suddenly remembered that Fitz was not alone, and there was a very large family with real blood ties around him.

As the royal family of the ancient Lun Kingdom that peacefully merged into the Green Star Federation at the end of the last century, the Stilness family acted low-key, but it was a behemoth that could not be ignored in both the surface world and the inner world.

Today's Green Star Federation implements a diversified land ownership system that combines public and private ownership, and the Stilness family occupies nearly half of the land that was once the territory of the ancient Lun Kingdom...

The various formal and informal information about the Stilness family that he knew about quickly flashed through his mind, and Lenari continued to use his mind to let the mobile brick type for him.

[Forever Gothic Lolita: Speaking of which, I don’t know what happened to the ice guy named Rex last time…

Not Natural: The green star is so small, I don’t feel any disturbance in the concept of ice, he should still be working hard.

Nuclear Explosion: He is indeed working hard… [A map of an island near the Arctic Circle]

Nuclear Explosion: This is where he is in seclusion, I’d like to trouble you to take care of it.

Not Natural: No problem.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Uninhabited island?

Not Natural: The process of mortals sublimating into gods is actually quite dangerous, both for themselves and the surroundings.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I see… I have never seen the process of mortals sublimating into gods.

Not Natural: It’s just like that.

Not Natural: Simply put, it is to disintegrate the tangible self, integrate into the intangible concept, and anchor the self in the intangible concept to regain the body.

Forever Gothic Lolita: It sounds very dangerous.

Not Natural: Yes, it is easy to integrate into the concept, but it is difficult to return completely... 50-50, it is really a very high probability.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Then, are there cases of incomplete return?

Not Natural: Of course, and the proportion of incomplete return is usually much higher than that of complete return.

Forever Gothic Lolita: For example?

Not Natural: For example... uh, the forest hunting goddess should be in a similar situation.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Probably? Almost?Not Natural: That person's situation is really special... Speaking of which, in our current era, the concept level is almost in the double digits, and the most common type of lack of humanity and full of divinity is actually only the Forest Hunter with a special way of becoming a god...

Forever Gothic Loli: This should be a good thing?

Not Natural: Who knows? Maybe it's just a temporary deviation caused by too few samples.

Nuclear Explosion: Hey, hey! Don't make a fuss at this moment!

Not Natural: Don't worry, I don't have a bad mouth... Besides, this is just stating the facts.

Nuclear Explosion: Generally speaking, if you say something like this... [Fear]

Not Natural: I don't have the power of destiny...


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