【Forever Gothic Lolita: Chaos City? I heard about it for the first time.

Not Natural: I only knew about it the day before yesterday. It is a special module of the strange story "Gods Space".

Forever Gothic Lolita: "Gods Space"? I have an account there, but I have never heard of such a module?

Not Natural: Just the day before yesterday, I just successfully incorporated "Crystallization" into the core concept, and my mobile phone received a text message. The text message briefly introduced the situation of "Chaos City".

Not Natural: "Chaos City" is a one-way transit station with "attribute matching" function. It is only open to the existence of divinity on Green Star, and connects all the existing multiverses that "Gods Space" has touched.

Nuclear Explosion: So that's it, this is the answer to the mystery of many conceptual-level mysterious disappearances in history...

Not Natural: Didn't the Federation have this information before?

Nuclear Explosion: No, at least I don't know... You said before that the Federation has no secrets in front of you?

Not Natural: "If I want", I'm busy, okay!

Nuclear Explosion: Busy hosting the Ice Cup Food Contest?

Not Natural: I am not the one busy with the contest...

Not Natural: As for "Chaos City", I haven't had time to look for it yet.

Nuclear Explosion: "Looking" or something... Those administrators of the Cold Jade Library will cry.

Not Natural: Cry as much as you want, who let the Federation never have a high enough conceptual level of protection?

Nuclear Explosion: [Sigh]

Forever Gothic Lolita: I think the topic is off track?

Not Natural: In short, compared to the Federation's bound ascension, I hope there are more choices.

Forever Gothic Lolita: But is that "Chaos City" reliable?

Not Natural: According to the text message, before the end of this season of Green Star civilization, as long as I have not made the final choice, I can go back and forth at will.

Not Natural: Of course, necessary caution is still necessary.

Not Natural: After a while, when I incorporate the "mirror" into the core power, I will make a more powerful clone to take a look.

Forever Gothic Lolita: emmm... What I care about more is why I didn't receive an invitation?

Not Natural: Because you won't be kicked out of the Novice Village?

Forever Gothic Lolita:... That makes sense.



Fever Ancient City.

It was dusk, and the orange-yellow light of the setting sun fell, giving everything bathed in it a lazy hue.

The Church of Light, as always, is shrouded in a peaceful atmosphere.

Suddenly, a discordant, joyful and arrogant laughter sounded from a monastery, attracting the clergy who came and went to stop and watch.

"Meow hahahahaha - I finally surpassed the level -"


Rose and Rose Cafe, a box facing the street.

"...It's really not easy! It's almost four months." Lenari sighed as he handed over the gift he prepared.

"This can actually be considered 'quick'." Frederick held the flower tea and said slowly, "After all, Lucia is only 34 years old this year... A 34-year-old super-class person is already 'gifted'."

"Hehe~ It's okay..." Lucia smiled foolishly, and her tail swayed more and more happily.

"Open the gift and take a look. You will definitely like it." Lenari said with a smile and full of confidence.

"Oh, okay~" Lucia responded, stood up, took the neatly placed gift boxes on the side according to the distance, and opened them one by one.

First, it was Apophi's gift.

The outer ice-blue wrapping paper slipped off, and a white and light blue ice and snow theme box with crystal material appeared in front of everyone.

Lucia was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "The 17th anniversary limited edition luxury collection gift box of all the works and official peripherals of Ice Cream Award Winner Fitz Esquin! I love you so much! Apophi!"

The excited black cat raised a paw and pressed it lightly on his lips, blowing a kiss to the silver-haired young man beside him.

"As long as you like it." Apophi nodded and said reservedly.

The next thing to be opened was Frederick's gift.

Under the white background and gold-rimmed, serious wrapping paper, was a magic wand... decorated with pink hearts, pink bows and white wings.

"......?" Lucia looked up at her teacher in confusion, waiting for an explanation.

"A specialty of the 'Space of Gods', the 'Beautiful Girl Transformation' wand." Frederick explained calmly without changing his expression, "The only ability is to transform into a beautiful girl of random appearance."

Having already fully witnessed the wonderful taste of the "Space of Gods", Lenari accepted it well, but...

"Is it only the appearance that changes? Will the ability be affected?" LenariAsk the key question.

"No... well, except for those abilities that require a certain body shape to activate." Frederick said.

"So--" Lenari stared at the blond boy with a sharp gaze, "Have you tested it?"

"..." Frederick was silent for a moment, and nodded uncomfortably.

"Wow~" Lucia was amazed.

"Wow~" Lenari followed in amazement.

"If the shape is completely changed, there is actually nothing unnatural..." Frederick explained calmly, "For you, it should be a very interesting experience to occasionally become a human form."

"Yeah~" Lucia nodded several times, her emerald eyes sparkling, "So, how do you use this magic wand?"

"Put your 'hand' on the wand and activate it with mental power."

"I'll try it now!" The black kitten couldn't wait to stretch out its right front paw.

Before the furry pad touched the magic wand, Lenari suddenly reached out and picked up the black cat in mid-air.

"?" Lucia turned her head in confusion and asked Lenari with her eyes.

"If you want to transform into a human form, it's best to do it in an open space or on a chair." Lenari glanced at the table filled with tea, snacks, and gifts, and explained, "There's not enough space on the table."

"Oh!" Lucia suddenly realized, turned her head and looked around, and chose an empty chair nearby, pointing with her cat's paw, "Let's go to that chair."

"Okay." Lenari nodded, pulled the empty chair open, and placed Lucia and the magic wand on the chair surface.

A pink, gorgeous light with a strong shielding perception function lit up.

A few seconds later, a beautiful girl wearing a gorgeous blue Lolita skirt, long light blonde curly hair, and sky blue eyes appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as the girl appeared, she sat on the chair, holding the pink heart-shaped magic wand in her right hand.

"How does it feel?" Lenari asked curiously.

The girl Lucia turned into blinked, raised her long five-fingered hands and tried to move.

After a moment, Lucia replied, "It feels weird... but it's interesting."

As Lucia spoke, the pink light lit up again.

Looking at the black cat that jumped onto the table nimbly, Lenari asked in confusion, "Why did it change back so quickly?"

"The human body is too unfamiliar to me, and it takes some time to adapt." Lucia replied happily, "Now, let's not waste this time."

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