"At first, Lord Longyue was unwilling to tell me the truth, and just used the so-called 'tradition' and 'hard work' to prevaricate."

"Later, seeing that I insisted, he told me that the more you know, the further away from happiness."

"I told him that I could no longer feel happy with my current life."

"So, Lord Longyue sighed and told me the truth."

"I have forgotten how I said goodbye to Lord Longyue and returned home. Perhaps, at that time, I was like a walking corpse."

"As Lord Longyue said, the more you know, the further away from happiness."

"But I don't regret it."

"Since then, I have been thinking about the meaning of 'unchanging' and what true happiness is."

"However, the more I think, the more desperate I become."

"The fact that 'human beings have already destroyed the future with their own hands' gnaws at my heart day and night, making me unable to sleep every night."

"Lord Longyue found me and told me that he could eliminate except for my memory of this cruel truth.

"I rejected him."

"Having seen the real me, I can no longer enjoy the so-called 'happiness' brought by 'ignorance' with peace of mind."

"Lord Longyue gave me a wind chime."

"Under the comfort of the blessed wind chime, I was finally able to fall into a dreamless sleep."

"I did not give up thinking. Although mankind has no future, I believe that there must be something I can do and worth doing."

"Many years have passed, and I am already gray-haired, but I still have not found the answer."

"That day, the demon god attacked, and I looked at the terrible scene of the demon fire raging outside the village barrier and the flood backflow, and finally found the answer."

"Humanity has no future, but Lord Longyue is not. He should not be bound here by us, the livestock without a future, and forced to fight those vicious demon gods just for our false happiness."

At this point, the voice fell silent and did not make a sound for a long time.

Lenari couldn't help but say, "So, in order to 'liberate' Misty Moon, you took advantage of Misty Moon's sleep and persuaded the villagers to embark on the road of 'giving blood'?"

"It's 'us'." The voice replied, "Many of the young people who invented the waterwheel together are still alive, and we made a decision together."

"...Alas." Lenari couldn't help but sigh.

Lenari had already seen what actually happened in the dream divination, and what she couldn't figure out was the "motive" of these people doing this.

As for the source of fresh blood needed for "giving blood"...

There is a special kind of merchant in Gaotianyuan, called "God Blood Messenger". The name sounds grand, but it's actually just selling fresh monster blood everywhere. ——It's usually the monster blood of various small monsters.

Those so-called "God Blood Messengers" are usually half-baked monsters who are not strong enough, can't defend or get a stable territory, and are only slightly better than small monsters.

These monsters fear the punishment of the "God of Fog" and have to find ways to get "merits" everywhere to improve their "life value".

The origin of the original "divine blood messenger" is no longer traceable. It is said that when the "Gods of Takamagahara" reacted, such annoying merchants were already everywhere.

"In order to maintain stable control over those uninformed villagers and prevent them from seeking help from Oborozuki because of illness, you specially transformed yourself into this strange state of neither life nor death, but obviously, because of the "accident", you are about to completely disappear." Lenari said, "Next, what are you going to do?"

After a long silence, the voice suddenly asked: "What is the world 'outside' like?"

--In the square in front of the dilapidated shrine, Oborozuki has explained the causes and consequences of the upcoming "move" to the gathered villagers.

"Outside..." Lenari thought for a moment and said truthfully, "There are many dangers, and strange stories like the 'Fog God' are rampant, but humans and other intelligent species have a future."

"They all have a future... That's great..." The voice murmured and fell silent again.

After a long time, the voice said: "If, I mean if, Lord Longyue decides to go to the outside world, can you protect him?"

"I will try my best." Lenari just said this.

Although Longyue's strength is not as good as Hongfeng's, who has reached the "critical point" for many years, he is also a senior S-level/super-level strongman and may not be willing to accept Lenari's protection.

Moreover, Lenari is not confident that she will not encounter any unexpected situations again. ——Once something unexpected happens, she herself is the biggest source of danger.

However, the voice did not respond to Lenari's ambiguous statement.What opinion, but rather murmured with relief: "That's enough... enough..."

After a pause, he said: "Takigawa Village is finished. As early as the previous generation, none of the children who were barely born were mentally sound. It was only because of my control that I could barely maintain the appearance of 'normal'."

"I will let those villagers go to the outside world and then... commit suicide."

After a moment of silence, Lenari said: "The technology outside is not restricted. The terminal illness here is not a terminal illness outside."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I... we have paid so much The price is too high, and all the previous efforts cannot be wasted. "The voice said, "Otherwise, the sacrifices made by Takigawa Village for so many years will become a complete joke."

"... In that case, Oborozuki will definitely know the truth. Have you... have you considered how he will feel at that time?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..." The voice said softly, "Lord Oborozuki has a long life, everything will pass..."

After another moment of silence, Lenari said slowly: "If this is what 'you' really think, then I will fulfill it."

"Thank you for your kindness." The voice said again.

"... This is not 'kindness'."

Lenari sighed, his figure dissipated, and returned to darkness. Only an antique battery lantern remained, gently falling on the messy ground of the basement, quietly emitting a dim light.

The basement returned to silence.

After a long time, another elusive voice sounded: "At the very end, I can see the 'light' with my own eyes... It's really great."

"Yes... He is also a gentle god."

"Lord Longyue is the best!"

"Of course."

"If it weren't for the hateful rat that destroyed the formation... We still have time..."

"This is just a trivial retribution. Don't forget that we destroyed our hometown with our own hands."

"Ah... Yes... This is retribution..."

"We will go to hell."

"Yes, we will go to hell."

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