Although the Green Star Federation's assessment of the value of "Heguo", the "dregs" of the already ascended Xiaguo cultural circle, has been directly raised by n degrees due to the information and samples sent back by the first Heguo scientific expedition team, it is obvious that it takes a lot of time to prepare for a large-scale national project.

As a "person" who actually controls a unique extraordinary city in the world and enjoys many legitimate privileges, Lenari certainly will not foolishly wait for the relevant projects to be prepared. - Even if those projects will have the most suitable experts and the most sophisticated resources.

In fact, she only mentioned it briefly in the chat room of the "Dark Logistics Group" with a slightly middle school name. A group of elites who "serve" her and have been idle for many years conveniently arranged everything in the shortest time.

In the end, the extraordinary hospital of the Phantom City Team 7 took over the "glorious and sacred" task of receiving and settling those "Takigawa people".

As a city where more than 90% of the permanent population are extraordinary people, the Seventh Squadron Hospital of Phantom City should have been very "bustling" - at least the upper echelons unanimously believed so. When it was first rebuilt, it was indeed built according to the "bustling" standard and the highest standards allowed by the system.

However, the "Phantom Clan" is a wonderful race. They... can be resurrected, and the threshold for resurrection is very, very low.

Therefore, the personnel of the Seventh Squadron of Phantom City, who are mostly "locals", either have minor injuries and do not need to go to the hospital, or simply die and do not need to go to the hospital...

Such a large, high-tech extraordinary hospital has been idle for most of these years, and even has to be open to the public on a limited basis to recover some of the losses caused by vacancy.

In short, the task of accepting Takigawa Min came at the right time for the "Seventh Squadron Hospital" of Phantom City, which is considering transforming into a semi-scientific research institution.


Phantom City, Seventh Squadron Hospital, the rooftop of the tallest outpatient building

This rooftop was originally locked and not open to the public. There was even only a circle of cement protrusions about 20 cm wide and less than 10 cm high at the edge, and there was not even the most basic guardrail.

At this moment, under the warm but vast dusk light, in the fierce cold wind of late autumn about to turn into winter, a figure with white hair and white clothes was sitting on the edge of the rooftop with his legs dangling in the air, facing the "Obsidian Holy Tower" in the distant city center, which was towering into the clouds and was more like a "steep cliff" than a "tower".

Phantom City, a miracle city reshaped by the gods.

Obsidian Holy Tower, a miracle gifted by the gods.

Thanks to the knowledge infusion of the precious prop called "Inheritance Crystal", which is half magic and half alchemy, Longyue, who already has a super-class strength, spent only a few hours in the outside world to master some "basic knowledge" of the Green Star Federation, including the common language.

Of course, this is not the reason why he is sitting on the edge of this rooftop thinking about monster life at this moment.

A breath similar to demonic power and with a bit of strange familiarity spread in the air a few meters behind.

Longyue, who was immersed in her thoughts, suddenly woke up and looked back alertly and calmly.

Under the gaze of Longyue's pale white eyes that did not look like human eyes, the shallow ripples like water waves spread from point to surface and from inside to outside in the air, like a dream.

When the transparent ripples spread to a diameter of about two meters, it seemed as if some invisible boundary was finally opened, and a cool, dignified and beautiful figure emerged leisurely from it, like a goddess in a dream stepping into reality.

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