The numbing silence was broken quietly by the black cat's sigh. Driven by the extra sympathy that came naturally, Lucia suggested with a little hesitation:

"How about...let it go?"

Hearing this, Lenari looked at the direction of the fishhook and hesitated: "But it looks delicious..."

"...How delicious?"

"I don't know." Lenari answered honestly, "That's why I want to try it."

"..." He wanted to say something but had to stop because he was at a loss for words. Finally, Lucia suggested hesitantly, "Then take a small bite and try it. If it doesn't taste good, let it go?"

"No problem!" Lenari replied readily.


Somewhere on a sea cliff, deep in a complex, half-submerged natural cave.

On the roughly leveled rocky ground, several figures in tattered black robes and slightly distorted body contours sat neatly, silently, and almost motionlessly in a circle. Under the dim green light emitted by the mosses climbing on the surrounding rock walls, it looked like a cult ritual.

Suddenly, one of the black-robed figures opened his cracked lips and murmured vaguely: "...I heard...the Lord's revelation..."

"...I also heard..."



The surrounding black-robed figures gave a dreamlike response to the first figure who spoke.

Before the vague whispers around him stopped, the first black-robed figure who spoke murmured again:

"... The Lord is rejoicing... Doomed destruction... The greatest salvation... Ms. Cat... The most... uh... most... most in the world..."

As he spoke, the black-robed figure's vague, evil whispers mixed with suspicious gurgles suddenly began to stutter, and his face, which was like the membrane of an aquatic creature, was full of confusion under the hood.

Self-doubt came suddenly and grew like a plague.

I don't know when the whispers stopped, and the inharmonious silence dominated the cave.

However, the momentary hesitation was insignificant, after all, they were devout believers of the Lord.

A soft, swaying black-robed figure spoke first, joyful and enthusiastic:

"...The unstoppable end has been stopped, the doomed destruction has been eliminated, the most lovely and beautiful savior in the world, the great Ms. Cat, let us praise Him..."

"...Praise Him..." ×n

After the uniform and unclear praise, the cave suddenly became quiet again.

After a while, a figure murmured: "...The Lord said...He will convert to the Cat God..."

"...We are the Lord's believers...We will also convert..."

"...Yes...We will also convert..."

"...Praise the great Lord...Praise the great Ms. Cat..."




Dead silence suddenly fell.

The more tense atmosphere lasted for a few seconds, and then...





The poorly imitated weird cat calls echoed in the depths of the humid sea cliff cave.

And it was getting more and more like it.


Somewhere in the sea, the Peace was still sailing slowly, following the "normal process" that actually didn't make much sense.

On the deck, Lucia, who was lying comfortably on a small round table in the sun, twitched her ears and immediately turned her head to ask Lenari who had returned: "How does it taste?"

Lenari sighed: "It seems to chew on a tire... It's already thrown away."

Lucia shook his beard and said with mixed feelings: "Next time, don't pick up random things to eat..."

"Don't worry, I can still tell what is edible and what is not, but the taste... Well, it's hard to judge if you don't actually taste it."

Lucia was about to refute, but the big book "Japanese Food Notes" that was about to be published, signed by herself, and even prepared with a cover, broke into her mind, so she silently changed the subject:

"Next, What plans do you have? I mean, apart from the fact that Hongfeng and Coco are joining the company. "

Lenari was about to answer the "artificial moon" plan, but suddenly realized that this matter seemed to belong to "Night Crow", so he shook his head: "No, what about you?"

"As for me..." Lucia thought for a while and replied, "I haven't run the office properly for a while, and I plan to take on some serious orders."

"It sounds good..." Although he wanted to continue this topic, under the gaze of a group of uninformed employees and their families, Lenari, who was driving a large car, could only change the subject stiffly, "Has the design of the 30th anniversary commemorative coin of the office mentioned before been completed?"

Speaking of this, LuciaYa's mood became obviously happy: "It's done. The front side is the same as usual, with a cat... Well, it's a theme related to me. The back side cancelled the previous plan of 'the most memorable commission of the past year' and changed to a crow theme."

"Crow? Night crow?" Lenari raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, it's the night crow." Lucia said happily, "Everyone agreed that the night crow is qualified to be the theme element of the office's commemorative coins with me."

After a pause, Lucia added: "If there are no accidents, the office's commemorative coins from now on will have a cat on one side and a crow on the other. The design of the details will be discussed later."

"This seems to be good..." Lenari pondered for a moment, and asked hesitantly, "Did you consider me when you designed the 'night crow'?"

"Of course!" Lucia nodded without hesitation.

"Uh... In this case, the commemorative coins will be very 'weighty'..." Lenari reminded tactfully.

"Compared to the fact that the 'firm' is a living weird story and you are the boss of the firm, what are a few sets of commemorative coins with too much mythological elements?" Lucia asked nonchalantly.

"...Yes! That's fine, what are we having for dinner tonight?"

"I'm a little tired of eating big fish and meat recently, how about some refreshing vegetarian dishes?"

"Okay! I'll go pick some snow mushrooms."


As night fell, Lucas sat on the sofa in the booth by the window, quietly looking at the unchanging, half-new, and featureless building outside the fixed glass window, as always, doing nothing and thinking nothing.

Tasting peace is what he likes to do most now.

Suddenly, the phone rang abruptly, and the soothing melody was so sharp that it was disgusting at this moment.

Lucas frowned, but still picked up the phone as soon as possible.

"'That man', codenamed 'The Cowardly Peeper', has appeared again. The victim is still that male college student, and his address is ..." The serious and capable voice of the field team leader of Team 7 from last time sounded from the speaker of the mobile phone.

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