"It's magic." Miles said, "Curse magic."

"Magic?" "Magic?" Lenari and Lucia said in unison.

"Yes." Miles seemed puzzled by the surprise of the man and the cat, "Woodrow's wife is just a lousy magician, and the completion of the curse is very low... Fortunately, Master Barlow can hold on for more than two weeks until you come to visit."

It's more than two weeks and he can't curse an ordinary old man to death... Looking at Master Barlow's appearance, it's no problem to hold on for another two months. It can only be described as "crappy".

Lenari and Lucia thought of the same thing at the same time.

Putting down the half-raised fork of veal, Lenari couldn't wait to ask: "How can I learn magic?"

Lucia, who was squatting upright, also pricked up her ears and looked at Miles expectantly.

Being looked at by two pairs of "innocent" and expectant eyes, Miles felt a little uncomfortable and puzzled: "You are all superpowered..."

Hearing this, Lucia's emerald eyes dimmed, and Lenari was also a little disappointed: "Superpowered people can't learn magic?"

"That's not the case." Miles said.

Lenari's eyes lit up again: "Then?"

Miles explained: "The people in the Magic Association are quite exclusive, especially to superpowered people... They think superpowers are 'evil ways', and magic is the right way. In addition, because most magicians are inherited in the form of family and master-apprentice, so..."

"Oh..." Lucia's hope that had just been ignited was extinguished again, and she lowered her head to chew the dried fish in a depressed mood.

Lenari thought for a moment and asked: "There will always be magicians who don't care about the so-called 'tradition' and are short of money, right?"

"... There are indeed such magicians, but their levels are basically..." Miles said euphemistically.

Lenari sighed, raised his fork again, and concentrated on eating dinner.

Dark Domain.

Kampers logged into the dark web and posted a post in the "Mutual Aid Section" in the name of a fake doctor: "Dark-type superpowers hire magic teachers for online teaching."

Unfortunately, there were few replies, and most of them were meaningless content such as ridicule and gossip.

On the last day of May, Lucia was depressed and missed home.

Lenari took the opportunity to persuade her to move out of the seventh community. Lucia hesitated for a moment and did not agree, but she regained her liveliness.

——For a cat, Lucia is too quiet even when she is the most lively.

On June 5, Lucia's appetite dropped sharply and she missed home again... Lenari failed to persuade her again.

On the afternoon of June 14, the day before the final exam of the first-year special class of Maria Girls' Middle School, Lenari finally succeeded in persuading her to move back to the rumored office.

Lucia walked around the office and the living room upstairs with silent and elegant cat steps. She was surprised to find that the flowers and plants purchased some time ago were growing vigorously without any signs of withering.

"Because I watered them regularly." Lenari said, spinning in the boss chair.

"The shadow hand?" Lucia suddenly realized.

"Yes." Lenari replied casually, thinking about where to eat dinner.

—— No matter how delicious the food in the No. 2 canteen is, it will be eclipsed if you eat it all the time.

Lucia took a short run and jumped onto the desk lightly.

There was a box of wet wipes in the corner of the desk. Lucia pulled one and wiped the four paws that were not dirty. Then she rolled up the wet wipes with her front paws and pushed them accurately into the trash can under the table.

Walking in a good mood, Lucia said with some regret: "It's a pity that Valya still has to be the master's model and can't come back for the time being... The master is too picky. It's obvious that he can just make a few similar ones first!"

"This is probably the persistence of artists." Lenari said without much care.

——Miles is also very good at housework. As soon as he came back, he managed the office in an orderly manner... This is really a pleasant surprise.

"What to eat tonight?" Lenari finally chose to share this century-old problem.

"Well..." Lucia pondered for a moment, then turned to ask Miles who was sitting on the sofa seat reading a newspaper, "Does Miles have any suggestions?"

"Go out to eat." Lenari added.

Miles put down the newspaper, thought about it, and said: "I know a very good seafood restaurant..."

"Food stall?" Lenari became interested. This is her blind spot. "What do you think Lucia?"

"Great! I haven't eaten at a food stall for a long time!" Lucia shook her tail and said.

The seafood stall recommended by Miles is called “Seafood Stall”, located in a bustling old town.The store is located in a 5-story old building.

The first floor is the lobby. There are many glass water tanks on the right side of the wall. There are various lively aquatic products, mostly seafood, supplemented by a small amount of freshwater aquatic products.

Beyond the glass water tanks are three large glass door freezers, which are filled with fresh vegetables, meat and drinks.

On the left side of the lobby entrance, there is a simple cashier table, on which are placed some menus, notepads, etc.

Miles led Lenari, who was holding Lucia, and ordered a table of dishes with familiarity, and then went straight to the stairs behind the cashier table.

Sitting in a spacious box with only a large round table and a few matching chairs, Lucia asked impatiently: "Is it okay to order so much? The food in the food stalls is quite large, will it be suspected?"

"It's okay, the boss here is an insider." Miles said easily.

"I see." Lucia nodded, and turned to urge Lenari to take out her special plate.

——This store has special pet bowls and plates, and she doesn't want to mix them with those dirty, unhygienic cats and dogs.


Lenari and others came early, and there were not many diners in the stall. The dishes were served one after another and quickly.

"Meow! The chef's skills are really good! Not inferior to Mrs. Martha in the No. 2 canteen." Lucia swallowed a piece of tender white fish and said intoxicatedly.

"The chef is the owner here, and his ability can just be used to assist in cooking... The crabs here are even better." Miles said, reaching out to the last plate of river crabs.

Miles' hand just grabbed a steamed river crab and was about to retract it. Suddenly, in the shadow under the plate, a series of slender black hands stretched out and circled his arms.

Miles was stunned and looked at Lenari, who was frowning on the side, inquiringly.

Lucia raised her head from the plate alertly and asked anxiously, "What's wrong?"

Lenari stared at the plate of plump steamed crabs. In his dark eyes, there was vigilance and more confusion: "The smell is not right..."

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