"World Quest Chat Room".

[Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Come on, come on, the market is open!

Lady Cat:?

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Hey, you're here.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: This is what happened.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: I have an avatar who accidentally met a talent who has not yet obtained divinity. Now this talent is being led by my avatar to visit the mappings of all the conceptual levels there in the "mapping space".

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Every time a level is passed, this talent will grow visibly. In view of this, I am ready to use the "Lord of Strange Tales" divinity as the final reward for "clearing the level".

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: How about, do you guys make a bet for fun?

Lady of Pain: Count me in.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: What to bet on?

God of Ice: What options are there for betting? What is the current specific progress?

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: At present, the talent named "Chaos Devitt" has completely looked directly at the demigod "Cold Silence" and the demigod "Evil of All Living Things", and recovered with his own strength.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: In terms of concept level, he has successfully survived the "glimpse" of nuclear explosions, hunting, and pain, and is preparing for the next stop.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: In terms of options... let's bet on what he can do, how about it?

God of Ice: Are you going to "take a look" at all?

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Yes, there are three stops left, and the final stop is me.

God of Ice: Your courage is commendable!

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Wait! This person is a wanted criminal! And he has been confirmed dead...

God of Ice: Obviously, he is not dead.

God of Ice: @Lord of Everlasting Darkness, are you going to let him go?

Lord of Darkness: No, my normal state is what it looks like after layers of "nesting", there is no reason to let go.

Frozen God: Then I bet he will fall at the terminal. [Red Envelope: Artifact·Winter Trident]

Lord of Darkness:? Artifact?

Frozen God: A tool with divine power made by God himself, isn't it an artifact?

Lord of Darkness: That makes sense...

Lady of Pain: Then I bet he will fall at the "Radiant Principle Station". [Red Envelope: Incense Night Light]

Lord of Darkness: ...6

Lady of Pain: This night light is a genuine "artifact"! The function is permanent, and there are multiple flavors and effects of incense to choose from.

Lord of Darkness: It sounds good... Is it for sale?

Lady of Pain: Not for sale~

Lord of Darkness: [Disappointed]

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: I have read the information of Chaos Devitt. If he really "passes the level", do you really plan to give him the godhood of the Lord of Ghost Tales?

Lord of Darkness: Why not? He is a pure person and very sensible.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: The conclusion of the psychological profiler is not like this...

Lord of Darkness: You have overlooked his supernatural power. [Document·Boundary of Truth]

God of Ice: Wow... What a high starting point!

Goddess of Hunting in the Forest: For mortals, most of the time, a starting point that is too high is not conducive to crossing that threshold.

Lord of Darkness: Yes, so he is trying to pass the level.

Goddess of Hunting in the Forest: [Red Envelope: The Arrow That Will Hit], I bet that he can't cross the "Ice Station".

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Then I will also bet that he can't cross the "Ice Station". [Red envelope: Barrett with unlimited bullets]

Frozen God: This is an item-type weird story, right?

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: I'm not good at making other things... In a recreational game, don't let bombs and other things that are against the will of heaven appear, right?

Radiant Principle: [Red envelope: Holy Grail], bet on him to pass the level.

Lord of Darkness:!

Frozen God: Wow!

Lady of Pain: Oh!

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Ah!

Radiant Principle: Come on.

Green Star: [Red envelope: Planetary Weather Instrument], join in the fun.

Lord of Darkness: Wow~

Lady Cat: [Red envelope: A bag of cat claw cookies], join in the fun with the cookies I baked myself, so I won't bet specifically, just take the winner.

Mascot: [Red envelope: A bag of heart chocolates], I made this myself...

Lord of Darkness: @Lady Cat, you can actually bake cookies! [Shocked]

Lady Cat: It was because my physiological structure didn’t support it before… With the help of supernatural power, cooking is not difficult.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: I suddenly want to win…

Lady Cat: The dealer can’t leave!

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Okay… The mapping space itself has no established rules. Time in dreams is easy to manipulate, so the result should be obtained soon.

Lady Cat: So, what is the mapping space?

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: The place where the evil god I caught last time lives.

Lady Cat: …I understand.


The sea under the moon.

“Ah-chu——” Chaos suddenly sneezed.

After a few seconds of confusion, Chaos just thought it wasThe influence of the former Lady of Pain still remained, and she shook her head, and continued to concentrate on repairing herself.

Somewhere in the mapping space.

"Is he okay? It looks like he's 'game over'..." A piece of fine ice crystal floating in the chaotic void said softly.

Night Crow glanced at Chaos, who had been thrown into the dream by her, and his body was stiff and there were fine ice crystals growing on his body. He shrugged and said:

"Anyway, he's not dead yet... Let me make it clear first, even if he really 'dies' like this, I won't give it to you."

"Don't worry, I have no interest in those annoying subordinates like fanatics." Ice Crystal said in Fitz's voice.

Night Crow thought for a while and said, "Not all the subordinates who have been washed are fanatics... Apophi is very good."

"That's just because I didn't encounter the 'right' scene..." Ice Crystal retorted.

"...Maybe." Night Crow was silent for a moment and changed the subject, "Do you really think he can't make it to the last stop?"

"If you ask me...I don't know." Bingjing shook slightly left and right, as if shaking his head, "It's just for fun, don't take it seriously."

"Speaking of this, your trident..." Night Crow, who had just shared information with the main body, couldn't help asking.

"It's for cosplay." Bingjing, who carried a trace of Fitz's will, said happily, "It's just a little more realistic."

"It's more realistic than the original, right?" Night Crow complained.

"Anyway, the Stilness family is prosperous, and there will always be suitable reward objects." Bingjing said nonchalantly.

"...The elegant style of the descendants of the Gulun Kingdom has collapsed!"

"This thing is useless. It's a good thing to collapse it for fun."

"...I really want to see Monica's expression when she hears the old man's words."

"That kid, there's a chance."

"...I was just saying it casually."

"Yeah, I was just saying it casually."


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