"World Mission Chat Room".

【The Radiant Truth: It looks like I won.

The Lord of Nuclear Explosion: You are really good at grasping the direction of things.

Lady Cat: Did he survive?

The Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Yes, he survived. If nothing unexpected happens, the office may have one more employee.

Lady Cat: Uh...

The Lord of Everlasting Darkness: The snacks he made are very delicious.

Lady Cat: ...Okay, remember to keep an eye on him. I don't want the office to become a place that shelters bad guys.

The Lord of Everlasting Darkness: You can rest assured about this.

The Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Alas... I can help make his human identity truly "dead", but you have to deal with the troubles that may follow.

The Lord of Everlasting Darkness: [ok]

——Announcement: The Happy Wheel function has been turned on——

The Lord of Everlasting Darkness:?

The God of Ice:?

Lady of Pain:?

Lady Cat: Did the chat room have this function before?

Lord of Nuclear Explosion:?

Principle of Glory: I added it temporarily.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Wow! Let me see...

God of Ice: emmm...

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Are these the bets from before?

Principle of Glory: Yes, I haven't condensed my normal form, and these things are useless. Why not treat them as chat room benefits... Is it considered "benefits"?

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Of course it is.

Principle of Glory: The rule is that each item is randomly selected, and whoever's ID is randomly selected will get it.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: In other words, there may be a situation where the lucky ones take it all?

Principle of Glory: Yes.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: By the way, isn't "lucky one" a term in the gaming industry?

Principle of Glory: Yes.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: It's nothing. Glory occasionally helps children who are willing to study hard but are reluctant to give up the rewards of game activities to participate in activities on their behalf... On the contrary, you actually know about it, which is really surprising.

Atomic Explosion Lord: I'm not some stubborn old-fashioned person who refuses electronic products... By the way, it's almost 2057, are there really such people?

Frozen God: Of course there are, and there are quite a few! You just haven't seen them.

Atomic Explosion Lord: Well, human diversity is not too surprising.

Lady of Pain: The phenomenon of rejecting "modernization" is actually quite common among those immortal species and alien blood.

Lord of Darkness: I think I'm off topic?

Atomic Explosion Lord: Sorry, sorry, Mr. Glory, please continue.

Glory Principle: Okay.

Glory Principle: The turntable is ready, and I won't add my own ID.

Green Star: You don't need to add mine either.

Glory Principle: Okay.

(A simple black and white turntable appears in the corner of the chat room interface, engraved with the IDs of all members in the chat room except Radiance and Green Star.

Suddenly, the turntable starts to spin.)

——Mascot obtains [Divine Artifact·Winter Trident]——

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: As expected of a "mascot"!

Mascot: This...

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Just take it with ease. For us, it's just something like tea.

Mascot: OK, OK, thank you all!

——Goddess of the Forest Hunt obtains [Incense Night Light]——

——Lady of Pain obtains [Arrow of Certainty]——

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: We exchanged unexpectedly!

Lady of Pain: Yes! What a fate... Let's have afternoon tea together some other day?

Goddess of the Forest Hunt: Sure!

——Mascot obtains [Barrett with Infinite Bullets]——

Cat Lady: Great!

Mascot: Eh? ! I usually have average luck!

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Just accept it, don't worry about it.

Mascot: Thank you, Lord of Nuclear Explosion!

-- Lady Cat obtains the [Holy Grail] --

Lady Cat: Huh? What is this cup made of? It's pretty.

Radiant Truth: Do you see the water in the cup? It's similar to the healing potion and universal purification potion in the game.

Lady Cat: Wow! I'm going to put it in the most conspicuous place in the office lounge!

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: How about a more ceremonial feel and just build a special platform?

Lady Cat: Okay! Let's talk about it later.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Yes.

-- Lord of Everlasting Darkness obtains the [Planetary Weather Meter] --

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: This is... a global real-time weather monitor with forecasting function?

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: That sounds great...

——Frozen God gets [a bag of cat paw cookies]——

——Lord of Everlasting Darkness gets [a bag of heart chocolates]——

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: emmm...

Frozen God: emmm...

Lady of Pain: emmm...

Lady Cat: emmm...

Goddess of Forest Hunting: emmm...

Nuclear ExplosionLord of Darkness: That's enough! Isn't it just that I didn't win? ! From the perspective of probability, it's very, very normal!

Lord of Darkness: ...Anyway, @Ice God, let's exchange prizes?

Ice God: But I also really want to try the cookies baked by the kitten...

Lord of Darkness: Uh...

Lady Cat: There's no need to fight, right? They are all multiple snacks, can't we just exchange half of them?

Lord of Darkness: Uh, I thought you would say something like "I'll bake some more"...

Lady Cat: Forget it, I found that I don't have much talent for cooking, and I'm not interested in cooking itself. The cookies baked under Apophi's hands-on teaching are just "not bad".

Lady Cat: If you have that time, you might as well go fishing... As long as there are fish in the water, I never come up empty-handed!

Lord of Darkness: Yes and yes!

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: It just so happens that I found a great chef this time. That guy is very idle, so he should be just as good as a permanent one.

Lady Cat: [Thumbs up]

Lady Cat: Recently, Apophi has more and more work... When he is busy, I would rather order takeout.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: I won't have this kind of trouble in the future, probably.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Ahem! What? [Planetary Weather Instrument] Are you willing to transfer it?

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Ah? Does the Federation still lack weather forecasting technology?

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: Conventional weather forecasting technology is naturally not lacking, but if it requires more precision, it is always unsatisfactory for various reasons...

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: For example, the scope of the so-called "forbidden areas"?

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: About the same.

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: Okay, I'll give it to you.

Lord of Nuclear Explosion: How can I be so embarrassed?

Lord of Everlasting Darkness: It's okay. Anyway, I live in the Federation, and there will be many places in the future where I will have to trouble the Federation to clean up the mess.

The Lord of Nuclear Explosion: That's right... Then I'll accept it without hesitation.



In the gentle dream of the sea under the moon.

Night Crow, who had been forced to stay at home for a long time, finally began to drive people away impatiently: "How long do you plan to stay? Leave quickly when it's almost time!"

"I don't think I'm recovered yet... If I go out rashly, what if I suddenly have a brain attack and go to destroy the world?" Chaos, who was soaking in the water, put on an innocent face and said embarrassedly.

"You have your superpower to back you up. Since you don't want to destroy the world now, you won't do that if you go out." Night Crow directly pointed it out.

"The scenery here is so beautiful, I just..."

"Alright, alright! Changing to another place won't affect your recovery." Night Crow interrupted impatiently, "Do you know 'Rumor has a family agency'? It's a ghost story detective agency jointly owned by my master. As long as you don't take the initiative to cause trouble there, I guarantee that no one will cause trouble to you."

"Then I won't be polite~"

"? Where is your elegant manner?"

"Anyway, you have seen all the gaffes I have made in my life..."


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