Inside the "Never-Stop Studio", a border town called "Graystone".

Night Raven No. 2, wrapped in a heavy cloak, walked on the busy cobblestone road in the afterglow of the evening sunset.

Interestingly, this cloak was "refreshed" in front of her eyes when she swept the study of the ancient castle after receiving the script...

Along with it, there is a set of "new clothes" that are very similar to "Carlo's" original clothes, but can effectively cover the female curves, and... a wallet full of modern currency.

So, there are so many complaints.

Obviously, the director of "Never-Stop Studio" does not care whether the things that happen in those insignificant settings outside the script are reasonable enough.

- Or, this broken script is full of bugs. If it really wants to be serious, the script will not be able to continue.

At the end of the old cobblestone road covered with moss in the town, there is an old tavern that has been passed down for who knows how many years.

The tavern is open 24 hours a day, and townspeople or vampire hunters disguised as townspeople drink endlessly day and night. ——Night Crow No. 2 is too lazy to complain about how unreasonable this scene is, anyway, it is almost all NPC scenery...

In short, this tavern, in the broken script setting, is the largest vampire hunter base in the border area between the two tribes.

After entering the door, Night Crow No. 2 swaggered to the bar and just ordered a low-alcohol sparkling cocktail. Suddenly, words that were directly printed on the retina appeared one by one in the air in front of him.

Text: "The bartender is an 'actor'. Using you and your mobile phone brick as a medium to find his identity in the world, it will conservatively take about four minutes. Please keep minimal contact with him during this period."

Seeing this text, Night Crow No. 2 had to give up her original plan to go to the basement after taking the wine. She pulled open an empty chair next to the bar and sat down, deliberately lowering her voice to ask the young-looking male bartender:

"What's the latest news?"

The bartender's eyes turned around Night Crow No. 2's exaggerated hooded cloak, and his expression was normal. "I heard that a strange big businessman passed by the town and brought a big order by the way."

Well, this is to say that a strange rich man placed an order for a large amount of commission.

——This unnecessary dialogue is actually marked in the script. Night Crow No. 2, who happened to want to delay time, simply copied it directly.

"Oh, this is rare." Night Crow No. 2 read the lines.

"Indeed." The bartender nodded, looking uninterested, and a trace of sadness could be discerned upon closer inspection.

Although this conversation was dispensable, since he had chosen to start it, Night Crow No. 2 had to carry it through to the end.

"You don't look very happy." Night Crow No. 2 continued to recite the lines.

The bartender sighed and said melancholy: "My father at home wants me to inherit his 'craft', but I'm not interested in that at all..."

Although Night Crow No. 2 knew very well what the other party was really worried about, he could only cooperate at present: "It's always good to have a craft."

"Maybe..." The young bartender said listlessly, placing a glass of colorful bubbling cocktail in front of Night Crow.

——The script did not say what kind of wine "Carlo" ordered, so Night Crow No. 2 naturally played freely according to his own preferences.

Night Crow No. 2 picked up the cocktail, drank it slowly, and did not speak again.

The young bartender didn't seem to have any intention of taking the initiative to talk. The area around the bar suddenly became quiet, as if separated from the lively atmosphere in the pub by a whole world.

In silence, four minutes passed, and a paragraph of text reappeared in front of Night Crow No. 2:

"The identity of the 'bartender' in the present world is an ordinary law-abiding person who likes to mix drinks and is a bartender in a certain bar, but his family hopes that he will find a more 'decent' and 'proper' white-collar job, and is putting pressure on him."

Night Crow No. 2 frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

But soon, she stood up, put down the empty wine glass, and walked towards the basement in the direction of the script, saying "The wine is good" as required by the script.

——It's time for her to proceed to the next part of the script.

Pulling the cloak wrapped tightly around her body, Night Crow No. 2 walked towards the basement of the pub with a steady and unhurried pace.

On the way, she seemed to have figured something out, and whispered in her heart: "Glorious?"

"I'm here."

"Can you make a 'filter' and force it on the 'Never-ending Studio'?"

"What kind of filter?"

"Filter and intercept innocent people, send them back to their original place, and generate a temporary AI to 'act' on their behalf."

"Human nature is too complicated, how to determine the boundaries of innocent people?"

"Throw it to Team 7, I believeThey are very happy to add such a 'trouble'. "

"Okay." Radiant Principle said, paused for a moment, and then said, "The time flow rate inside and outside the 'Never-ending Studio' is very different. A script can only last for two hours in the real world. After the 'screener' is made, the current script may not be screened by Team 7 in time."

"It doesn't matter. After explaining the situation to them, pick a Team 7 emergency team working in the 'Radiant Tribunal' and build a temporary 'time flow synchronization' space for them."

The so-called "Radiant Tribunal" is not a religious organization, but a formal department established by the Green Star Federation to deal with a series of cases triggered by the "Radiant Principle Hotline". On the surface, it is only responsible to the Federal Court, but in fact it is a department jointly governed by the Federal Court and Team 7.

"Okay." Radiant Principle said calmly, "Converted to the time in the current script, it is expected to be completed in two days."

"Then I'll leave it to you."

"You're welcome. "


After making such a decision, Night Crow No. 2's mood became cheerful again, and even the "steady" footsteps according to the script became slightly lighter.

After all, only a small part of the Radiant Truth has awakened so far, and the power that can be mobilized is limited. With multiple projects already running, it would be too time-consuming to directly correct the entire "Never-ending Studio" of such a scale.

Besides, we have to leave some relatively "easy to feed" reserve food for Green Star.

--In the eyes of Night Crow No. 2, the "Never-ending Studio" with the "filter" installed is a very perfect and typical reserve food.


The first basement floor of the tavern is just an ordinary food warehouse. Going down the stairs, it leads to the real vampire hunter base disguised as a tavern. Hall.

The hall was quite spacious, with several old-fashioned light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. The dim light made this semi-tavern-style hall quite mysterious.

According to the requirements of the script, Night Crow No. 2 continued to order a glass of wine at the bar - this time there was a rule, a "script original wine" with a long name that sounded awesome.

Silently waiting for the silent bartender to mix the wine and put it on the bar, Night Crow No. 2 picked up the goblet and took a sip.

The liquid mixed with inferior alcohol and various bitter flavors flowed over the root of the tongue and flowed into the esophagus. Before it reached the stomach, it was decisively sent to the "blood realm" by Night Crow No. 2.

——It's too {beep——} to drink!!!

If there wasn't an outrageous description of the wine entering the throat in the script, Night Crow No. 2 would not let this thing touch his taste buds!

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