Chaos, who has been with the supernatural power "Boundary of Truth" since childhood, is very accustomed to making records, including but not limited to diaries, experience notes, experimental records, audio and video rubbings, memory backups, etc.

Of course, all these records are quietly stored in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, and theoretically outsiders have no chance to see them.

The following fragment is excerpted from his diary:

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Sunny

There has been a breakthrough in the adaptation to the Lord of Strange Tales Godhead, and the efficiency of repairing "bugs" has been significantly improved. For this, "He" seems very happy.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Sunny

Fix bugs.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Sunny to cloudy

Fix bugs.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Light rain

Fix bugs.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Didn't pay attention

Fix bugs.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Didn't pay attention

Fix bugs.

(Omitted n diaries with highly similar content)

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, it seems to be snowing?

Still fixing the bugs that will never be fixed…

When will these days end!

Chaos, Chaos, you shouldn’t continue like this!

After dealing with this damn weird story at hand, go to the firm to find a few commissions to do. If you use the office work as an excuse, "He" will not have any objections.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, didn’t pay attention

Fix the bug.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, didn’t pay attention

Fix the bug.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, didn’t pay attention

Fix the bug.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, didn’t pay attention

Fix the bug.

Why is this damn bug so difficult? !


(Omitted n diaries with highly similar content)


Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, cloudy

Finally fixed this bunch of bugs…

How long has it been since I last saw the sun? I have to go out for some fresh air.

The agency actually has no extra commissions… None of the branches around the world have…

Is it really okay for a global chain detective agency to be so idle?

Well, rationally speaking, there is indeed no problem…


Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, sunny

No commission.


Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, sunny

No commission.


Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, sunny

The commission finally came, and the content is to help take care of the children…

Sure enough, there are such stupid and unworldly people everywhere, do they think the detective agency is a housekeeping company?

…Longyue actually accepted this commission, I don’t understand…He is a glutinous rice dumpling, isn’t he afraid of being eaten by the naughty children?

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Sunny

No commission.

I was urged to fix the bug again… It seems that the time for slacking off is over.

When can I get a serious commission?

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Didn’t Pay Attention

Fix the bug.

(N diaries with highly similar content omitted)

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Light Rain

Fix the bug.

I took some time out for a walk and suddenly felt a little sad.

Perhaps, from the beginning, “He” just wanted a tool to fix bugs.

All the preferential treatment and special treatment are based on cultivating a useful tool, and more of it is just my illusion.

I actually made the same mistake as those self-righteous mediocre people.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Heavy Rain

Fix the bug.

I reorganized the personality information and deleted the inexplicable sadness that grew inexplicably.

"He" just wants a tool, which was a fact that was determined when he took over the "Lord of Strange Tales" godhead.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Sunny

Fix bugs.

In the evening, the office team-building, Ms. Lucia came to invite me to participate.

Although it was just ordinary eating and drinking, as long as I could properly stay away from those damn bugs that could never be fixed, it was worth being happy.

I roughly understood why those "evil gods" in the mapping space who were hooked from time to time were all believers of the "Cat Cult" that was like a joke...

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, I didn't pay attention

Fix bugs.

Suddenly I had a strong desire to sublimate.

If I sublimate to the real concept level, can I throw this "Lord of Strange Tales" godhead to the next talented "lucky guy"?

Although I don’t think any mortal in the world can match my talent…


Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, I didn’t notice

Fixed the bug.


(Content height omittedn similar diaries)

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Sunny

Fixing bugs.

I am getting used to this routine life, just like those ordinary people.

If you think about it carefully, these bugs come from different universes. Through them, we can get a glimpse of the wonderfulness of a corner of the multiverse.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, Sunny

I only fixed the bugs for three hours.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Night Crow took the initiative to invite me to carry out the commission together.

Actually, I wanted to refuse, after all, there has never been any good thing going out with her so far, but I didn't dare...

Ms. Cat is actually not good at hiding her inner thoughts, but it is difficult for ordinary people to read too many details from the face of a furry black cat.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, not sure, it is said to be sunny

I was caught in a large-scale ghost story.

I just know that she... or "Him" is just bored and wants to watch me have fun to pass the time.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, not clear

Encountered strange talk.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, cloudy

Finally got rid of that strange talk.

I asked Lord Radiance and learned that the strange talk was not on the "pending list", which was a bit regretful.

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, didn't notice

Fixed the bug.

(Omitted n diaries with highly similar content)

Green Star Calendar × Year × Month × Day, didn't notice

Fixed the bug.

Unconsciously, I have become accustomed to this kind of life.

In the calm, there are surprises or shocks brought by accidents.

This is completely different from what I originally imagined, "struggling away from the only and absolute truth", but there is nothing wrong with it.

As long as I can still see the night crows playing and having fun everywhere, it means that I... and this wonderful multiverse are still far away from the destined end.

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