The live camera objectively and faithfully recorded everything it "saw".

Just now, the Grim Reaper teleported silently to two meters behind the pretty boy, slowly took out a pale and cold bone giant sickle from his black robe, found a good angle, and swung it down neatly.

Such a brutal action made the Grim Reaper look elegant and indifferent, and inexplicably gave people an indescribable sense of posing...


It is rumored that there is an office, the living room upstairs.

Lucia swallowed the cold fungus in her mouth, looking like she had learned something: "It turns out that this Grim Reaper can attack physically..."

Miles took a sip of beer and said: "After the last 'Boatman Grim Reaper' incident, the Intelligence Department formed a special team to conduct a thorough investigation of the past traces of the 'Grim Reaper'. Guess what?"

"What?" Lucia asked curiously.

"In the earliest records, the rule of this 'Death God' is 'teleport to the person who sees it and kill him with a bone sickle'. 'Satisfy four conditions to trigger the instant death effect' was evolved later... Of course, it may also be obtained by swallowing other strange stories." Miles said.

"This is a very scary discovery. For this reason, many people in the Green Star Federation are almost bald with worry."

"..." Lucia was confused and shook her tail, and then stuck her head out to pick up a spicy dried fish.

Lenari took a bite of the crab leg of the fried crab and asked naturally: "Are there many such cases?"

"It's not clear yet." Miles sighed, "The Intelligence Department and the Field Affairs Department are stepping up their investigation... I hope it's just an isolated case."

Then you will probably be disappointed.

Lenari thought so.

- Not counting herself, the monsters that evolved themselves that she encountered include the Death God and Wang Bao...

These two are obviously quite old... Who knows how many monsters with their own selves are hidden in this era?

Having a self means knowing how to learn, and consciously pursuing evolution and transcendence.

"Didn't Team Seven remind that person that the God of Death has other rules?" Lucia asked vaguely, holding a dried fish in her mouth.

"I guess that guy has done a lot of things that are not allowed by law in private... For the 'volunteers' who come to the door, if they are found to be 'good citizens' during the review, the person in charge will normally inform them of the detailed rules in detail." Miles explained, "But if they have a bad record... Most of the time, they will only give a friendly reminder that 'the target may have other rules'."

"I see..." Lucia said vaguely.


Because the anchor died on the spot, the live broadcast ended anticlimactically with the apology of the staff.

Yes, that's right, this temporary live broadcast shooting team is all safe and sound...

I don't know whether the Death God is not interested in killing people today, or he thinks that letting the live broadcast team go is conducive to the spread of his story...

In short, after killing the summoner neatly, the Death God did not stay for long, teleported back to the boat, and quickly disappeared without a trace, as if the image of the time he came was rewound.


Soon after the live broadcast of "What Death God is just like this" ended, the battle between the old villa "Ghost Villa" on the lakeside and Wang Bao was decided.

Who won and who lost?

Looking at the lifelike Q version of the Husky's head, there is no need to say more about the outcome.

In short, this "Ghost Villa" was directly paid to Wang Bao by Team 7 as a reward, and he changed his surname from then on.

What's more wonderful is that the Ghost Villa is still "alive" and it can repair itself...

Wang Bao was very happy and happily moved into his new home, and sincerely invited Lenari and Lucia to visit.

Lenari decisively refused and fixed a small shadow door in the corner of the living room of the office for Wang Bao to enter and exit.

August 1, morning.

The eight rabbits are healthy and show no signs of erosion.

The first day of August, after breakfast.

Lenari took out a collar that looked like a ribbon and felt like jelly, showed it to Lucia, and said, "This is a space storage prop I made. Come and try it?"

"Space storage prop? Alchemy?" Lucia curiously stretched out her claws and poked the silky, elastic, and quite good collar.

"Well, it's just a practice. There is only 125 cubic meters of space inside, and there are no effects such as time stop and state retention." Lenari said unsatisfactorily.

Miles: "..."

Do you have any misunderstanding about the preciousness of space storage props?

"That's already very good! How long has Lenari been learning alchemy?" Lucia poked again and again with her claws, her emerald eyes full of joy, and then she was a little embarrassed, "But I'm already wearing an alchemical necklace... Will there be a conflict?"

"No." Lenari said, "The otherIt is a passive anti-divination. It has no other functions and will not conflict. "

"Then I will wear it!" Lucia raised her neck and wagged her tail happily.

Helping Lucia put on the customized transparent collar, Lenari rubbed the black cat's head, took out a few scrolls and said, "I also made some magic scrolls for the arena, which are all stored in the collar... Practice with these small blessing magics first?"

"Practice? Why practice?" Lucia checked the internal space of the collar, and her cat face was full of confusion, "Besides, what are the magic scrolls for the arena?"

"Just in case." Lenari stroked Lucia's head, "The magic scrolls for the arena are, except for the caster, indiscriminate carpet bombing, those in the red box are all."

Lucia's eyes widened: "What about the blue box and the green box? And the only black box with a lid? ”

“The blue box is for single-target protection magic, and the green box is for single-target healing, purification magic, and other auxiliary magic. The specific contents are written on the surface of the scroll.” Lenari explained.

“As for the black box…” Lenari paused and said, “Don’t open it unless you are in a desperate situation.”

“…” Lucia nodded, not quite understanding, and then she said puzzledly, “I’m just a cat without fighting power. Who would challenge me to a duel? The Scarlet Book of War is very precious, right?”

“Who knows?” Lenari said, “Have you forgotten the ‘unique’ dark web live broadcast a few days ago?”

“…” Lucia was speechless.

After thinking for a while, Lucia stretched out her claws and pulled over a scroll, “Then let me practice… How do I use this?”

Lenari picked up another scroll and said while demonstrating in slow motion, “Just tear open this seal like this.” "

"What I made for you doesn't need to be thrown out, nor does it require mental power to lock the target. You just need to tear the seal without thinking."

"Got it, meow!" Lucia began to practice with great interest.

Beside him, Miles drank breakfast milk silently.

——Magic scrolls are rare items... It's great to be pampered by a top-level psychic...

Wang Bao?

He was concentrating on weaving noodles with chopsticks.

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